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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1748
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Austin started to go down at a very high speed.

He instantly reached the bottom and was now only a few meters away from the magma sea.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Through his spiritual sense, Austin summoned three huge golden light balls from his elixir field. They instantly rushed out and

surrounded him. These balls were as huge as a house and dazzled with golden light.

Three different kinds of Unearthly Fires were also summoned. They appeared in different colors and burned furiously to protect

Austin's body.

Although he felt that there was a difference in the Fire Stela in his elixir field, he was still worried.

To make sure that he was well protected, he summoned the three golden light balls and the three kinds of Unearthly Fires


It was much safer to be protected like this.

Austin immediately felt the huge threat of the magma sea in front of him.


His body finally dived into the hot crimson magma.

Bang! Bang! Bang

A massive fire magma instantly rushed towards Austin, and a terrible golden fire sea hit him like a tsunami.

The magma sea was very powerful.

Even a powerful master like Yannick wouldn't dare to rush directly into the magma sea.

Austin was wrapped into the raging energy as if he would be burned into ashes.

The location of his demonic avatar was just right next to him.

Through his spiritual sense, he integrated himself with the demonic avatar's body.

"Will the Fire Stela react to all this?"

Austin thought anxiously.


The Fire Stela did not disappoint Austin. It shook intensely and instantly rushed out.

Countless strands of golden light flowed like a torrent from the Fire Stela.

Its suppressing power swept out in all directions.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

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The Fire Stela gave off a great pressing force under the molten lava around Austin's body as it flew in all directions.

After a while, a vacuum space without magma or golden flames covered Austin's body.

‘Damn, it finally worked." He heaved a sigh of relief.

Austin was overjoyed as he was finally out of trouble.

‘Let's go down there and have a look."

Austin made his move and started to dive deeper into the magma sea.

As he went deeper into the magma sea, Austin felt the pure masculine energy becdenser around his body.

The blazing temperature was getting higher, and the burning energy was terrible as if it could turn everything into ashes.

The Fire Stela was very powerful. The suppressing force it emitted shielded Austin from the scorching temperature.

After he went deeper for about dozens of miles, he finally reached the bottom of the magma sea.

"What is this? I"

Austin saw a liquid layer that was quite similar to human blood, and the color was different from the magma. The bloody red liquid

was quietly set out at the bottom of the magma sea.

Its thickness was about ten meters.

The bottom of the magma sea was covered by a layer of bloody liquid.

The pure masculine energy that Austin sensed before emanated from this layer of bloody red liquid.

"It smells nice!

Austin felt an astonishing amount of pure masculine energy as it rushed towards him.

Bang! Bang! Bang

Suddenly the small golden light ball of the Golden Sun Scripture in Austin's body started to run and automatically absorbed the rich

pure masculine energy in its surroundings.


The small golden light ball instantly went out of Austin's elixir field.

It represented Austin's cultivation of the fourth stage of Golden Sun Scripture.

The bloody red liquid turned the small golden light ball into a frenzy. As soon as it was out, it rushed towards the bloody liquid and

absorbed it crazily.


The Fire Stela above Austin's head also becout of control. It rushed towards the ten-meter thick bloody liquid and started to

absorb it continuously.

‘Damn it! Now | have to go in too.

Austin gritted his teeth. He forcibly followed the Fire Stela and soaked himself into the bloody liquid.

"It is really nice and comfortable!"

Unknowingly, Austin enjoyed the bloody liquid so much that he couldn't help but scream.

As he absorbed the pure masculine energy, he was able to relax and practice the Golden Sun Scripture more quickly. And his

physical body becpurer and stronger along with his energy meridians.

Austin felt like he was soaked in a hot spring.

The golden ball, the Fire Stela, and the meridians in Austin's body continuously absorbed the bloody liquid.

A huge vortex appeared around Austin's body, and the bloody liquid spun crazily around him. The bottom of the magma sea that

was drenched in blood was in complete chaos.

An endless bloody fluid flowed towards Austin's direction.

The small golden light ball that represented the fourth stage of Golden Sun Scripture was expanding very quickly.

Austin's body energy meridians expanded rapidly as the pure masculine energy was flowing through it like an endless river.

The bloody liquid had so much masculine energy, and Austin found it quite scary.

The thick and pure masculine energy was very useful for Austin in cultivating his Golden Sun Scripture.

It was like a customized spiritual pill for Austin.

He could feel that there were tremendous changes in his body.

His cultivation of the Golden Sun Scripture was a dozen times faster than usual because of the endless supply of pure masculine

energy. The meridians inside Austin's body were changing at a tremendous speed.

The golden light ball that represented the fourth stage of Golden Sun Scripture grew dozens of times bigger in such a short time.


Two hours later, a sudden wave of violent energy exploded from Austin's body.

Austin made a breakthrough to the medium stage of Divine Bridge Realm!

Twelve hours had passed.


Another wave of violent energy rushed out from Austin's body.

Austin was now at the premium stage of Divine Bridge Realm.

On the other hand, the golden light ball that represented the fourth stage of Golden Sun Scripture had grown so big that it was now

two meters in diameter.

The bloody liquid layer of the vast magma sea was about ten meters thick.

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It had so much pure masculine energy.

Austin would need quite stbefore he could finish absorbing all the pure masculine energy.

Sixteen hours passed.

The golden light ball was now five meters in diameter.

A day later.

The golden ball was getting bigger. It now grew with a diameter of ten meters.


Another day had passed. All of a sudden, Austin's whole body quivered violently. In a split second, a tremendous force exploded

from his body.

It was another breakthrough for Austin. He had now reached the preliminary stage of Minor-perfection Realm!

Austin was quite surprised. He was very pleased with the result of his cultivation. He didn't expect that he would be able to reach

the preliminary stage of Minor-perfection Realm in just one day.

The cultivator that was at the preliminary stage of Minor-perfection Realm was as powerful as those stewards in the holy lands.

Austin was busily absorbing the energy in the bloody liquid.

Unknowingly to Austin, there was a small sealed space on the other side of the magma ocean.

Something was happening inside the small sealed world at the bottom of the magma sea.

There was something special about this small world, and that was its shockingly high temperature. Its ground was full of cracks,

and blazing flames could be found everywhere. Traces of burning could be seen for thousands of miles.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

Lots of crows flew around the small world.

They were not ordinary crows as they were all surrounded by flames.

They were the legendary fire crows, a kind of diabolic beasts.

A magnificent palace stood in the small world.

The palace was surrounded by blazing golden flames.

In one of the rooms inside the palace, there was an elderly Taoist with a skin that was crumpled like an old bark that made him

looked very old.

He was sitting peacefully with his legs crossed, and his eyes were closed as if he was in a trance.

Suddenly, the body of the old Taoist shook. He instantly opened his eyes, and two beams of shocking light burst out from them.

"The force sealing this small space is rapidly weakening!

What the hell is going on?"

the old Taoist shouted in an ecstatic tone with an unbelievable expression on his face.