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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1501
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He looked at Austin's baffled face. "What? This is different from what you imagined, right? All right, let's get inside. You'll know it soon," Mad Old Man said with a faint smile as if he had read Austin's mind.

He then started to walk towards the village.

Austin, Caroline, and Tyler followed him.

As soon as Mad Old Man reached the village, a group of kids who were playing caught sight of him. They instantly swarmed around him and called him grandpa, several of them were around two to three years old. They hugged his legs and asked him for candies. Mad Old Man took out a handful of items from his Space Ring. Austin's eyes narrowed as he saw the items on his hand. 'You can't be serious. Those are nine-grade, ten-grade pills, not sweets, ' Austin thought.

Austin easily recognized the pills. Being a pill refiner himself, he knew that those pills contained a great deal of spiritual energy. And they could also improve one's physique and enhance body strength.

Based on the pills' fragrant scent, Austin assumed that the pill refiner had added smaterials to enhance their taste.

The kids started to disperse after each of them were given one or two pills.

Austin's eyes widened in shock as he saw the kids popped the pills into their mouth and began to chew them like candy.

'Pills are good for cultivators, but you need to be careful before you take any of them.

We must only consthe pills that are suitable for our constitution and cultivation base.

Cultivators must not consany pills or elixirs that are beyond their cultivation base. The excessive spiritual energy inside those pills can lead to injuries, or even deaths.

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How could these little kids eat those ninth-grade, and tenth-grade pills like sweet treats?' Austin brooded worriedly.

"Sir, will these kids be okay after they consumed these high-grade pills?" Austin asked with concern.

"Don't worry. Every kid in this village has been bathed in the water mixed with the blood of rare diabolic beasts, beast cores, or high-grade elixirs since they were born. Their bodies are stronger compared to common diabolic beasts.

They can even conssuperior pills, let alone sspiritual pills," Mad Old Man replied as he smiled from ear to ear.

Austin was shocked by what he just heard.

'Seriously? The people in this village have been bathed in the blood of rare diabolic beasts, beast cores, or high-grade elixirs?' Austin thought in amazement.

As the four of them continued their journey, villagers appeared from tto time. They wore plain clothes and looked like simple people who knew nothing about martial arts. They greeted Mad Old Man enthusiastically while they gave Austin a curious glance. Judging by the look in their eyes, Austin could tell that they were hospitable and wouldn't do any harm.

There were about dozens of houses that occupied the small area of the village, and about two hundred people lived there.

The villagers left with their bows clasped on their backs. The bones of various beasts littered the road at the edge of the village.

'Looks like the people here live on hunting, ' Austin speculated.

"Master, don't underestimate these villagers. They are just concealing their real strength.

I can sense that they are incredibly powerful. They are much stronger compared to you." It was Violet's voice that echoed inside Austin's Soul Sea.

"Is that so?" Austin asked inquiringly.

"Yes. Although you're stronger than me, I'm more sensitive in figuring out people's real strength.

The skill that they used to conceal their cultivation base has something to do with illusion," Violet replied proudly.

"I see," Austin replied with a nod.

'Looks like this remote and hidden village is full of secrets.

hose kids can eat ninth-grade or even tenth-grade pills, and the adults cultivators who tried to hide ere are heir real strength,' Austin thought.

Mad Old Man headed east together with Austin, Caroline, and Tyler.

Austin's attention was caught by an old towering tree. It was over ten meters in diameter, and it seemed like it would take more than ten adults, with their arms stretched, to surround it. The tree looked like a dead wood from afar, as it stood alone without any leaves, and splits could be seen on its trunks. Mad Old Man led them towards the tree.

As they were facing the huge tree, Mad Old Man stopped in front of it.

He then waved his hand, and one spot of the tree began to tremble and ripple-like waves appeared.

"That's the spatial teleportation power! There is a teleportation passage in the tree," the gnexclaimed in surprise while Austin stared in amazement.

A wooden door soon appeared on the tree, and spatial power cout from it.

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"Follow me," Mad Old Man said.

He stepped into the door and disappeared.

Austin, Caroline, and Tyler hurriedly followed the old man. Austin reached for Caroline's hand after they entered the door.

They were then enveloped by the teleportation power Moments later, Austin's feet felt the ground.

He curiously looked around and surveyed his surroundings.

He found himself in the mountains surrounded by old, towering trees and gigantic rocks.

Plants and waterfalls were everywhere, and there was even a cobble-paved, winding path which led to quiet spots.

There were various buildings and pavilions built on the mountain. All of them were grand and imposing.

It was a secluded place that was surrounded with a much denser spiritual energy compared to the outside world.

"Just like the Mysterious Nether World, this seems to be an independent space too," the gnsaid.

"You have a point." Austin nodded his head in agreement. 'Perhaps the base of the FlHoly Land is an independent space like the Mysterious Nether World.' "Boy, this is our base.

All right. This is where you will stay and start your cultivation.

Tyler, show him around and find them a place to live.

Oh, by the way boy, always keep it in mind: competition is everywhere; Only tough opponents make you stronger," Mad Old Man saidas he smiled at Austin. ŚwHe then left and flew towards the palace on the top of a mountain. Austin was stunned. 'This old man is trying to tellsomething.'