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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1342
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While all this was happening on one side of the world, two troops of the demon race were secretly flanking the Mysterious Sky City

from different directions, completely outnumbering and outwitting their enemy. The battle was yet to start!

Each of these armies was comprised of s300, 000 soldiers. They were moving silently and without any battle cries or signs so

that their enemies’ scouts would not see them. It was a surgical strike.

They weren't the only one. There was a third army of demons too, also about to attack the Mysterious Sky City from a third


In total, they had assembled 900, 000 soldiers just to attack the city.

Such was the evil and dangerous nature of the demon race; ever they tried to undermine their enemies. So had it always been,

and so would it always be, maybe!

Unfortunately, the humans inside the city knew nothing of such a massive plot. They weren't completely unaware though.

They were expecting about 300, 000 soldiers to attack them soon, but the scouts hadn't seen any of the rest and therefore, things

were calm rather right now.

There were preparations going on, but not with too much tension. About a dozen human semi-emperors were lining up outside the

city, fully prepared for battle.

Waves of vital energy force were emanating from each of their bodies and these waves were strong enough to be felt between the

earth and the heaven.

Those human warriors looked rather formidable, since sof them were floating in midair, while swere standing firmly on

the ground, looking energized and determined. They were all brave, strong-witted personalities who had survived several battles in

their lifetime.

Ever since the demon race had invaded the South Continent for the first tever about half a year ago, the Southern Alliances

Army had been preparing a massive force to strike back. They had faced them several times since then.

The Southern Alliances Army had often tried to defeat the demon race's troops or defend their own cities.

Therefore, these human warriors didn't fear the demon race any more. In fact, fear was as far away from them as possible, and

they hated those demons more than anything in the whole wide world. They wanted to kill as many of their enemy as possible to

avenge their brothers and families' deaths.

At this very moment, each and every human warrior was determined to wage a life-and-death battle against the demon race. It

was going to be a cold day in hell when they let the demons win!

Half an hour later.


A large rumbling sound was heard from the horizon.

Then the very core of the ground beneath their feet seemed to shake.

An intense evil aura emerged from sunknown corners and blotted out the whole sky, flowing violently towards the Mysterious

Sky City.

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It reeked of death and destruction. Wherever it went, it left nothing but corpses and death. This was pure evil! Unmatched,

undiluted, and fearsevil!

Night had already fallen earlier on.

And those blasts of evil aura continued to shoot towards every direction, aiming to crush the whole city in front of it.


Those human fools in the Mysterious Sky City will all die today,"

a cold and arrogant voice echoed.

The demon race's troops had finally arrived at the city. It was tfor war!

"Ha, you wish!

Don't try to boast so shamelessly.

We both know you're too weak to do that.

You're the one who's going to die tonight, and right here,"

said a human semi-emperor who had cforward at the first sign of trouble and was now confronting the demon race's troops


Amplified by his vital energy force, his voice rumbled and sent chill waves inside the demons' hearts.

"Well, there's no need to brag. But still, yeah!

We'll send you all straight to hell and you will surely burn there."

Another tall and glowing elder human with eyes red from fury stood out from the crowd and challenged the demon race in front of


Being a human semi-emperor, he had been born with a naturally loud voice. So loud that there was no need for him to borrow

strength from his vital energy force to make it echo between the heaven and the earth.

"Kill the demons!

Kill the demons!"

The soldiers of the Southern Alliances Army shouted out spontaneously. Such was the ferocity in their voices that it shook the

heavens without any vital energy force in the picture.

Looking at the formation of the Southern Alliances Army would yield a polychromic sight. Colorful banners had been raised and

were fluttering in the wind. Tens of thousands of soldiers were wielding their weapons in high fighting spirits, with shiny, metallic

glows. They were boiling with anger and murderous will, and would fight to death as soon as the order was given.


A terrible, evil, dark, and fearsshriek suddenly rang out from somewhere within the demon race's troops.

The unscrupulous laughter was so dangerous that it immediately depressed and discouraged the soldiers of the Southern Alliances


Even the semi-emperors were slightly afraid of whoever had made that sound.

The origin of this horrific laughter was a demon semi-emperor who was roaring. His evil aura was extremely overwhelming and

even if he were silent, he would have been scary.


You dirty and foolish humans. You still talk nonsense even though death has cknocking at your doors!

Idiots! You have no idea that you have walked right into our traps.

So funny!

So funny! Haha!

How can someone be so foolish, | wonder! But never mind!


Sir, please show these fools who we really are.

| just can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find out they have been tricked so bad and fooled beyond reach.

It's gonna be helluva amazing!"

said a demon semi-emperor named Shere.

He was as mischievous as a kid.

"Hump, twat!"

Though he was less powerful, the leader of the demon race's troops couldn't help but laugh out loud with him too.

At the stime, the human semi-emperors could also clearly hear what Shere was saying. Trap? What trap?

The demon had mentioned straps!

Questions were rising in their minds. They all had a sense of foreboding and could sense that they might have a bloody war ahead

of them.

Was it possible that these demons had planned something and they were really being fooled at the moment?

'Bad, bad. A disaster is imminent,"

Godwin suddenly blurted out. He looked extremely pale and worried.

"The Southern Alliances Army is in great danger. We need to do something!"

He roared loudly to warn his companions.

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"Godwin, whatever the hell do you mean? Are you trying to disrupt the troops' morale now?

You have always been a very wise person. But right now, you look like an idiot to me."

The grey-haired human semi-emperor frowned and scolded Godwin. Their followers were going to need as much motivation as

possible if they were to last the night. He didn't want Godwin disrupting that.

However, before they could discuss further, something happened.

"Play no games now.

Show yourselves and prepare to storm the city,"

the leader of the demon race's troops suddenly shouted out loud and ordered. 'Why is he talking about games and hiding?’ The

humans wondered.

The next moment!


Several more blasts of intense evil aura erupted from the western horizon of the Mysterious Sky City. Amid those mists, countless

demon soldiers shouted war cries, screamed death notes, and rushed towards the city.

Meanwhile, demon troops also appeared on the eastern side of the city. They had been lying in wait for the original troop to distract

the human army. Surgical Strike!

"Hahah, dirty humans. We're coming to eat your flesh and drink your blood."

Hordes of demon soldiers were gathering all over the mountains and plains.

There were more than 300, 000 demon soldiers in the west, and at the stime, another 300, 000 demon soldiers were

preparing to attack the city from the east.

And there was the original army as well, which put the total number of soldiers at 900, 000.

On the contrary, no more than 400, 000 human soldiers of the Southern Alliances Army were defending the city. Needless to say,

the humans were hopelessly outnumbered.

To make matters worse, there were three different armies of the demons, which meant they had to divide their resources.

Also, the demon race's army in the west was led by a dozen demon semi-emperors.

At the stime, another dozen demon semi-emperors were standing in front of the troops on the east of the city.

In totality, there were 30 demon semi-emperors present tonight.

That way, the demon army was superior to the humans not only in terms of strength but also in terms of number.

"How is this even possible? This is crazy. We're doomed!"

Even the human semi-emperors were stunned when they finally saw what was going on.

Now, they knew that they were on the losing side and could not hope to win today.