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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1258
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"What are you waiting for? Do | have to take the Magic Sea Water from you myself?"

The white-clad man pressed on despite the protest of the green-robed old man, and his gazed pierced Austin like a sword.

Austin felt that he was surrounded by numerous sword aura which was slowly inflicting pain physically and mentally. It was as if he

was slowly being pierced from all directions by sharp edged blades.

It felt like the white-clad man could easily cut him into pieces with a flick of his finger.

The crowd stood there and ogled Austin as if they were watching an interesting show which was slowly unfolding. They were quite

curious and intrigued as to what Austin's next move would be.

That white-clad man was a cultivator of the Holy Realm, and his nhad been well-known for hundreds of years all over the

South Continent.

He was considered as one of the best and the strongest cultivators of the entire South Continent.

Normally most warriors would definitely cave in and simply give up under such circumstances. Swould even opt to suck up to

him just to survive.

Yet Austin not only showed indifference, there was no sign of fear in his eyes. His confidence gave him courage and strength.

"Sir, | found the Magic Sea Water all by myself with my own skills.

| didn't robbed or stole it from anyone. Is it really appropriate for someone of your status and power to demand it fromjust like


Austin said slowly and humbly, which was the complete opposite of the manner and tone of which the white-clad man used earlier.

His voice was filled with honesty.

Everyone was stunned by Austin's reaction and words.

He was a mere cultivator at the preliminary stage of Heaven Realm, yet he was bold enough to question a cultivator of the Holy


"Have you lost your mind, boy?"

The white-clad man was suddenly infuriated with what Austin had said.


The space was instantly filled with the sword aura which gradually turned into actual swords and cstraight for Austin.

Austin was completely surrounded by sword aura both visible and invisible, and every inch of his body was targeted. There was no

room for escape.

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"That's enough Baldwin! Where are your manners! He is just a young man!"

The green-robed old man waved his sleeves and a powerful vital energy force blew pass Austin, and broke up all the sword aura in

a flash.

"Julius what the hell are you doing?

He is not related to you in any way, is he? Why are you defending him?"

The white-clad man roared in anger. His eyes turned into slits and were filled with contempt.

"Knock it off already guys! Let's just head over there quickly

before the demon race beats us to it."

Wallace shook his head with disapproval and finally stepped in to break up the brewing fight. They were like ignorant kids fighting

over something so insignificant.

He then took off and flew towards the biggest island in the center.

Although a couple of other cultivators also coveted Austin's Magic Sea Water, they refrained themselves from taking it by force as

they were all well-established cultivators of the PrMartial World. Doing something so barbaric could tarnish their well-built


So they grudgingly followed Wallace and flew away from this island.


The white-clad man gave Austin a cold and piercing stare before he transformed into a magnificent sword-light in a blink of an eye.

"You two should leave here as well if you want to live. Right this instant!"

The green-robed old man looked at Austin and was about to leave with the use his bodily movement skill when a voice stopped


"Sir, please hold on for a second!"

Austin stepped forward and fetched twenty jade bottles from his Space Ring, which were all filled to the brim with the Magic Sea


"Please take these with you. They may be of use to you someday. You may just never know,"

Austin kindly said and then handed all twenty bottles of Magic Sea Water to the green-robed old man. It was a sign of thanks from

Austin for defending them earlier.

"These? Are you quite sure?"

The old man was quite surprised for a second. This boy kept it from the other cultivators just a while ago, but now he generously

gave it to him without even thinking twice.

"Thank you for your kindness, young man. With the Magic Sea Water, we now stand a better chance."

He smiled and then tucked away the jade bottles. It was as if the old man suddenly received a very precious gift from a boy he

hardly knew.

He nodded at Austin with gratitude and then took off towards the island in the center.

The white-clad man twitched for a second as soon as he left from the island

because he detected with his spiritual sense that Austin just gave Magic Sea Water to the green-robed old man.

"Little bastard!"

A killing intent instantly flashed through his eyes. He was burning up with rage.

Austin refused to give up the Magic Sea Water to him despite his threats, yet he gave it willingly to the green-robed man. It was as

if Austin had slapped him right on the cheek. It was so humiliating and annoying.

"You little prick. | knew you are more than what meets the eye. As long as you are still in the South Continent, your head is mine!

Just wait and see."

The white-clad man stopped for a second as he fumed with anger, and then he kept riding the sword-light towards the largest

island in the center.

He knew there was nothing he could do with Austin right now, given the protection from that green-robed old man. This fact

infuriated him the most. How could that green-robed old man protect snobody?!

But he was also from the South Continent and he would definitely turn on Austin after all of this had been settled. He vowed to kill

Austin. No one who dared humiliate him could survive.

After a few minutes, Austin and the queen were the only ones left on the island.

"Could the Battle Emperor and Annihilator the Demon Emperor still be alive?

If this were true, then they must have been fighting against each other for seven or eight hundred years now. How could such a

battle last that long?

And why did they chose to stay instead of leave the Nonuple Isles?

Are they truly trapped on the island in the center?"

Austin's curiosity peaked when he saw the two energies fighting against each other fiercely above the center island.

"But that seemed unlikely, as there is no force strong enough to contain two great masters of the Emperor Realm at the stime

and isolate them in this area."

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The queen shook her head.

"Do you want to go over there and check it out for yourself?"

Austin pointed at the island in the center and asked the queen.

"Forget it. That island is where the infinite aura is at its densest, so it is very dangerous for the likes of us. Also have you forgotten

what just happened to us?

If that guy from earlier is still mad at you, we would not stand a chance against him. | think we should just follow the green-clad old

man's advice and leave this place while we still have the chance."

The queen disagreed with Austin. Her sound argument woke Austin up.

"All right then. Let's leave the Nonuple Isles from another direction just to be safe."

Austin also gave it a thought and found it unwise to enter the island in the center.

Given the look of that white-clad man earlier as he left, he clearly held a grudge against him. And he might kill Austin on the spot if

their paths cross once more.

If they met again, he would probably find another excuse to cause trouble and kill him. Austin was well aware that he was not

strong enough at the moment to face the likes of that old man. It would just be suicide.

Austin and the queen prepared to use their bodily movement skill to fly away from the Nonuple Isles from a different path.

Both of them just drank their fill of the Magic Sea Water. The magic liquid of life ran through their veins like a raging river, which

made it easier for them to deal with and resist the strong infinite aura. This helped them fly away using their vital energy force with


"Ha-ha, you are absolutely right. It is high tfor the both of you to leave.

But you will have to leave something in exchange for your safe departure.”

A voice suddenly rang out which cout of blue, and then a figure emerged slowly from the void. It was a fat and short man with

a bald head, raging fires surrounded his body.

"Sir, what exactly are you talking about?"

The second Austin and the queen laid their eyes on this man, they recognized him immediately as a cultivator of the Holy Realm

from the West Continent. He left earlier with everyone else but he actually returned secretly.

"Get ready to run."

Austin got an ominous feeling the moment the bald old man showed up. It was obvious that he was up to no good. And Austin soon

realized what the man was after.

Austin knew they would not stand a chance against a cultivator of the Holy Realm, and that left them with only one choice.