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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 931
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Grim, Chaos and Harmony were forced out of the spiritual world, then Amethyst who was inside the Nascent Soul was affected by the event, the Nascent Soul grow bigger before assimilating itself with the spiritual world.

Grim looks above and started trembling, the two fish were also reacting radically, everyone thought that the end of the world was happening but all of this passes by after Shadowslash managed to hold himself.

The pain traumatized him, he became silent as he still felt his soul being ripped into shreds, fortunately, this sensation only lasted for an hour or two, he closes his eyes and saw an illusionary figure that doesn’t have any face.

[Greetings master]

Hearing the familiar voice, he was a bit startled, he couldn’t help but ask, “Are you Amethyst?”

[Yes, this is my true form fused with your soul, I don’t have any information regarding human emotion, I could only be considered a living being because of you.]

“What do you mean?”


[I am nothing but a program, only because you willingly share your feelings and emotion did I manage to continue surviving on this universe, your very existence is the reason I am active.]

Shadowslash felt startled but after thinking about it, he realised that Amethyst wouldn’t be able to survive with his unique soul, he nodded at her.

He then started looking around and was surprised to see that he is currently inside his Dantian World which confuses him.

[Master, do not be confused, your spiritual world have become a world consciousness, so your Dantian World is basically your spiritual world.]

He was taken aback, his expression then changes, “What about Grim, Chaos and Harmony?”

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[Because of your sudden change, they were all thrown outside of you, they won’t be able to last long, especially Grim, Gaia and the Divine Realm is currently connected, his existence is being pulled.]

“How do I save him?!” He was very anxious, Grim have already grown quite close to him.

[Master just have to grab them using your Nascent Soul, actually, this is the new function of your current realm, the usage of Nascent Soul battle, you can now both attack in physical and spiritual form.]

[To activate this, you need to concentrate.]

He immediately follows her instructions, when he opens his eyes, he was already out of his body and looks at his meditating real body, his eyes lits up but before he could test out more of this new ability, he looks around and saw the trio.

He quickly flew towards them and grabs them, the trio were drawn towards the gigantic entrance above them, just as they were

mesmerized, they were pulled inside Shadowslash’s Dantian World.

Heaving a sigh of relief, he lets go of the trio, they started looking around and were startled, Shadowslash saw that they are confused so he quickly starts explaining, “You three are now inside my Dantian World, do not worry, you still have my imprint, you wouldn’t be rejected.”

The trio looks at the surrounding and chose a place perfect form, Grim went into the hell’s island or the world where the undeads are currently in, Chaos and Harmony on the other hand went into the center of this world and dove into the ground, creating a lake.

The lake then took an appearance that looks like a yin and yang pond, Shadowslash felt gratified to see this cause he sensed that the energy of this world have become more harmonious.

Hev closes his eyes and took control of his body, who would have thought that when he stood up, all of his source stars reacted and they started absorbing large amount of energy from the entrance of the Divine Realm.

This made his heart wench because he knew that the Divine Realm would definitely react to this and not in a nice manner but after a while, he became confused as he felt nothing.

[Judging from the current state of the portal, it seems that the war that is happening on the Divine Realm have caused it to become extremely busy and a bit negligent.]

Shadowslash heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this and slumps down, he continue look at the giant portal and felt that he should have his clones enter.

[I suggest for Master to not do that.]

“Why not?”

[The portal is extremely unstable, it is also the reason why the Divine Realm didn’t react to your sour stars blatant plundering.]

He nodded, he understood that it would become dangerous for both him and Gaia if they do something to the portal.

“Since it’s like this, I’ll just check my current status, Amethyst if you please.”

[Currently unavailable, please wait for your source stars to finish their evolution.]

He was confused as to why he have to wait but he decided to refrain on asking, right now, he is feeling powerful, he use his divine sense which is the higher version of spiritual sense to scan the entire Safehaven Paradise.

He saw that all inhabitants were looking quite worried about the portal, he enlarged himself, using his Qi, he increases the volume of his voice.

“Everyone, this is your emperor speaking, do not be worried, the portal wouldn’t be activated as long as no one dares to access it.”

The people relaxed, they might not believe just about anyone but they blindly believes Shadowslash’s words, they return to what they were doing before, they practically ignores the giant portal just above them.

Shadowslash went out and assured everyone that everything is okay, he then told them that the portal wouldn’t disappear so he will use Gaia’s might to put restriction on the flight altitude of all beings currently inside.

Now that Gaia have become much stronger, it could increase its vitality, making every being inside stronger, Shadowslash also use this opportunity to increase the gravitational pull stronger but he does it slowly.

Gaia is now becoming bigger and bigger, now that it had access to the Divine Realm, it would usher an entirely new era that would last for thousands of years to come.

Shadowslash spent a whole on making the world accustomed to all the changes that is happening, he then looks at the entrance to Saint Monster World and thought that it is time to go to the higher plane of existence.

He had also have to tell Banjo to not come home for a while, they have isolate the Divine Realm portal first before he could return.

Void Beasts are beings that isn’t tolerated in the lower realm, he doesn’t want to lose his brother even though it’s just a chance.

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Yshelia started preparing, Sans is busy guarding Blue World so he couldn’t come, Leafinia have to protect Gaia and at the same time monitoring the progress of her own kingdom.

Shadowslash and Yshelia didn’t have to travel for months, the two of them are on Saint Realm or above, they could manipulate the spatial law.

They arrived at Saint Monster World, when they arrived there, they were shocked by a giant statue that is modeled after Shadowslash.

Yshelia chuckles, “It seems that you are quite popular here.”

Shadowslash could only shake his head, he then flew towards the direction of the United Beast Kingdom.

Everyone was now living a much more hopeful lives, with Banjo staying on this world, the insects efforts to open new holes have become futile, the entire world was now doing their best to eradicate every remaining insects on their world.

France and the rest were helping while at the same time, using this opportunity to increase their influence of this world, this part have already become secured, now they are making sure that their rule on this world last.

No one noticed this, with Fire Demon and Emerald using their popularity, Phina and her group were also brainwashing those that weren’t born in their kingdom into becoming believers of The Great Summoning Religion.

When Shadowslash and Yshelia entered the city, their presence immediately attracted everyone, upon seeing their god flying on top of them, their expression became blank, they then reacted crazily.

Many started kneeling while there are also those that started singing, Shadowslash was already used to this and didn’t react, he is waiting for Phina to come.

Just after a couple of minutes, he could finally see Phina, besides her were actually the Elk mother and daughter, they are now in a state of extreme excitement.

Shadowslash smiles, it seems that the situation of both mother and daughter have become better compared to when they first met.

Phina and the original members of the Red Fox Village bows and greeted, “Welcome back lord Shadowslash!”

He nodded, he then looks around and was confused, he asks, “Why don’t I see any members of the Demon Cat Clan?”

Phina and her group hesitated but after pondering, they decided to answer, “Our lord, the Demon Cat Clan were forced to evacuate this world.”

Shadowslash sighed as he knew that he couldn’t blame them, he then asks, “What about Mortal City?”