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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 921
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Boom! The beetle was thrown backwards but he got back easily, he then took out a large sword, upon seeing this, the expression of one of the soldiers change, he couldn’t help but cry in alarm, “Master Rhino!”

Russel have a realization, these insects devours the beings of this universe and they would pick those that they are compatible with and give birth to an offspring that is capable of mastering all the arts and cultivation of their prey.

This ability seems to have some limit because he could see that there is only one unique being, with a blade on it’s hand, the aura of the beetle changes, it became more domineering and carries a sharp aura that Russel is extremely familiar with.

Sword Intent!

It actually managed to incorporate a weapon intent from their universe into a being that belongs to their universe, this spells bad news for them, Russel is now hell bent on killing this enemy.

The beetle didn’t react, it was still processing the sensation of actually being able to use a sword, Russel took this opportunity and attacks, he raises his two curved sharp tasks and stabs them.

The beetle used his giant sword and blocked the attack but the force made it take a couple of steps.


‘Just as expected!’ Russel’s eyes lits up, the rhinoceros beetle might know sword intent from the remnant memories of its former self but it was still in the process of fully mastering it.

“Take my stomp!” His foot enlarged, he stomps the beetle who was still unstable from his earlier attack, it curls and took the attack head on, the entire area trembles as a foot like depression appears on the ground.

The beetle was reeling in shock, it hadn’t expected that the stomp would be this strong, unfortunately for it, it’s opponent wouldn’t let this opportunity go.

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Russel transformed into his elephant body and started stomping repeatedly, each stomp would cause a rumbling sound that could be heard from afar, the world around them seems to be trembling.

The swarm of berries didn’t expect that their trump card would lose so miserably, they instantly erupted in fury, just as the soldiers throught that the humanoid beetle is finished, a sudden change occurs.

Flame started erupting from underneath them, then with a violent explosion, a volcano appears, Fire Demon’s expression changes, he shouted at the soldiers to retreat, France and his group help by stalling the swarm.

Then came out of the mouth of the volcano was the humanoid beetle, it’s body is now glowing, it looks like the personification of lava, it looks at Russel, it raised it’s sword and started swinging it.

It’s swings got faster and faster, sword Qi coated with the energy of an outer world creature and fire element flew at Russel.

Russel’s body started glowing in golden light, he charges towards his target, all the sword Qi hits him, he was startled by how powerful they are but he doesn’t take a step back even once.

His golden glow would increased his defense against physical and elemental attack, this was his strongest ability, this had accompanied before he had even reached

Saint Realm, it was the bloodline ability he has since a long time ago.

The only drawback is that, it’s usage of Saint Qi is also extremely high.

Currently, the appearance of the humanoid beetle can no longer be seen, everyone could just see a bright red light, it was swinging too fast that those that are weaker could no longer see it’s figure.

Russel tanked all the attack, then, before he slams himself into the beetle, he transformed back to his battle form and sent a flying kick ti it with an enlarged foot.

Boom! The volcano was eradicated, the beetle was hit directly, it was thrown back to the swarm, it’s body cracks but after turning into lave, it restored to it’s original appearance.

With the swarm protecting it, Russel is no longer able to kill him, the beetles might not be as fierce as the other insects but their defense are extremely tough, just as everyone thought that their expedition have become a failure, a dragon roar could be heard.

After the roar sounded out, a energy blade flew towards the swarm, everywhere the blade passes through, the space in it’s surrounding constricted, Russel and the others expression turned to shock.

Russel then looks towards the direction where the blade came from, his expression turned to glee when he saw Banjo together with some of his subordinates.

He started laughing out loud, their group relaxed after seeing this, France let’s out a loud cry and shouted, “Everyone! Reinforcement have arrived, let’s bring this swarm hell!”

“Urah!” All the soldiers shouted, they felt reinvigorated after, they could see the large amount of beasts running/flying towards them, they felt excited.

“It seems that big brother have decided to help this world.” Said Karl.

“Well, it’s not surprising, after all, this world no longer have any individual or power that could contend to our rule.” Hearing this, everyone agrees on JM’s words.

Russel went to attack the humanoid beetle once again, with Banjo’s space blade, those in front of the swarm were heavily injured, they won’t be able to move for a couple of minutes.

France welcomed Banjo, he asks, “Did big brother sent you to help fix the hole in this world’s barrier?”

Banjo nodded, Fire Demon was near them so heard their words, he was shocked, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “You could fix this world’s barrier?!”

The soldiers heard his exclamation and couldn’t help but also become dumbfounded, they then look at Banjo in anticipation.

Banjo nodded making all the soldiers celebrate, even though they still haven’t won, just the fact that they could save this world made them ecstatic.

Fire Demon looks solemn, he quickly said, “I suggest that you immediately seal the hole, defeating the insects that have already infested this world would definitely be a long time effort but as long as that hole continue to exist, we wouldn’t be able to make a dent on their numbers.”

Banjo nodded, he had also thought of this, “That is why, I propose that we will move in a small team and try to seal the barrier all by ourselves.”

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One of the soldiers shouted, “Commander Fire Demon, we are willing to die for this world, we will buy some time for all of you.”

JM spoke, “Go, us and the beast army of Gaia will hold the swarm, we will protect those on United Beast Kingdom.”

France, Banjo and Fire Demon looks at each other and nodded, the soldiers knew that they have to go deep into the insect infested area of their world but they are willing to do it.

They knew that they are the only ones that would do this suicide mission, after all, the reinforcement didn’t came from their world but from an another world.

It would be rude to ask them to come with them into a suicide mission that should be their responsibility since this is their world.

Then with one hundred thousand soldiers, France, Fire Demon and Banjo enlarged themselves and carries them.

Banjo opted to travel on space, this would certainly make it much more easier to hide from the insects.

Knowing that with large amount of their elites going to go on a suicide mission, the remaining soldiers knew that if they fail this mission, it would spell the end of this world, even with the help of Gaia, it wouldn’t be the same.

The swarm of beetles have met their match, their Saints being preoccupied by JM, Karl, Russel, Junnel, Fredrick and Charla.

Meanwhile, the rest of their comrades were being attacked by the beasts and soldiers working together, it became a stalemate but this was enough for Russel.

They don’t need to fight till death, they just need to arrive at their destination and start building their new base, as long as the hole of the berrier got fixed, they could slowly annihilate this insects while at the same time, consolidating their rule.

Back on United City, Mary have received the news about Banjo’s arrival, she instantly knew that Gaia is now trying to fix this world as quickly as possible.

She knew that their empire is planning on conquering this world, she felt proud of her son, she can’t believe that she a low ranking beast have managed to give birth to such an outstanding son.

They now have an empire to call their own and not to mention, they actually rule two worlds already, with the addition of this world, they would be comparable to the royal powers of higher plane of existence.

Back on the battlefield, Russel is now fighting the humanoid beetle in a location that is far from the rest, he doesn’t want the same thing to happen once again.

The beetle got better at using his sword, he was now equal to Russel, their fight have made the space unstable.