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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 905
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She was hit in the stomach making her spat out blood, the other marine beasts were too shocked, they then watched as he grabs her by the head.

All of them froze, none of them dares to make any rash move, they look at him angrily, Shadowslash snorted at them, he threw the girl towards a beast that looks like a whale.

He release his domineering aura and spoke in a cold manner, “This place is too shallow for you, let’s take our fight in your home turf.”

The marine beasts were shocked, all of them looks at him as if he was a fool, he didn’t say anything to them and continue to look at them calmly.

They didn’t know why but his look made them irritated, since he was the one who asked for it, the marine beasts didn’t hesitate and brought him deeper into the ocean.

Meanwhile, this news spreads throughout the continent, quickly, all the cultivators became interested on watching the battle, unfortunately, they don’t have the capability to do so.

The ocean is known to be off limits since the rule of the beast race, even after humans started building boats, they still haven’t explored that much of the ocean, no sects dares to spread their influence in the ocean.


The marine beasts might left them be but it’s only because they don’t have any reason to come ashore, there was an event that a certain sect dares to capture a descendant of one of the ruler of the ocean.

That sect was flooded by countless marine beasts and even after hiding in land, he was still killed, their sect was exterminated in the face of this world.

Since then, no sect dares to go into the ocean and explore it, they only focuses on their continent, after all, it was a large piece of land and is actually the center of this world.

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Deep in the ocean, Shadowslash was now facing the one hundred rulers of the ocean, those that are weaker weren’t included as the female in the white clothes felt that they wouldn’t be of use.

Shadowslash face them without fear, he asks, “Are you sure that you’ll only take me with just this number? I think that I should tell you this but I am comparable to a True Saint.”

The female in the white clothes snorted, she spoke in a confident manner, “That may be but your mistake is fighting on our home ground, you have no chance of winning.”

Shadowslash just smiles and didn’t comment on that, he swore that he’ll definitely show her what he is truly capable of.

She was on guard, that earlier attack he had done have made her a little bit afraid, she pointed at him and shouted, “Attack!”

Instantly, all the marine beasts charges towards Shadowslash, all of their size were extremely large, his eyes started burning with battle will.

He use his tails that are now looks like a dragon tail with fish fins, his speed was actually not inferior to any of the marine beasts.

His first target was the sea dragon, it let’s out a dragon breath that was destroyed by his chaos energy, he the grabs it’s head and pulls it towards him.

Using it’s body as a whip, he started spinning, it’s comrade disregards it and continue to approach their target.

Shadowslash let’s go of the sea dragon and kicks the head of the sword fish looking marine beast, his kick delivers his full strength.

The head of the sword fish broke, it’s forte was speed and offense, unfortunately, it’s defense is lacking compared to the other marine beasts.

The eyes of three sharks with different appearance turned red, they swarms towards him, he smirks and punches the nearest one before grabbing the other and smashing it to the last shark.

It made them dizzy, the ocean became turbulent, it seems that the marine beasts were using their compatibility and control over the water element to crush him through pure pressure.

He lets out a loud roar and his internal Qi blasted the pressure, he jets through the water, the expression of the two turtles changes, they quickly hide on their shells, a protective barrier surrounds them.

“Do you think that this flimsy barrier would be able to stop me?!” He shouted as he punch the barrier of the first turtle, his arms were coated with chaos energy and his internal Qi.

Boom! The barrier cracks, the shell also cracks, it seems that the barrier and the shell is connected with one another, the powerful impact cause the turtle to vomit blood.

Shadowslash wasn’t finished yet, he continue punching the turtle, turning it into a bloody pulp, the other turtle became furious, it seems that they were romantic partners.

Seeing that it’s spouse was killed, it went mad but unfortunately, it’s strength isn’t enough to avenge it’s lovers, Shadowslash use his tails to actually drill through its body.

He was then zapped by electricity, even though it doesn’t harm him that much, it still hurts because the water amplifies it, he looks at the giant jellyfish.

“You will not harm her?” Seeing this, the expression of the spirit beast drastically changed, it seems that she and the jellyfish have a close relationship.

Unfortunately, her underwater tornado isn’t able to stop her enemy, Shadowslash frowns and stops, a whip nearly hits him, the whip was actually the tail of a sting ray.

Countless tentacles then charges towards him, he uses his tails to stop them and use his illusionary arms to grab the sting ray’s tail before slamming it to the incoming seal.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Ten marine beasts that looks like clams stadted spitting pearls to him, he had to admit, the power is great, if it was any other Saint, they would definitely deal a great blow.

Boom! Boom! Boom! All the pearls exploded, Shadowslash became furious, he grabs one if the tentacles and pulls it hard, without hesitation, the octopus cuts it’s off and regenerates another one.

Shadowslash then activates his domain, seeing this, all the marine beasts also activate theirs, the domains suppresses each other, canceling one another.

When the darkness finally receded, they saw a shocking scene, the octopus was now being eaten by Shadowslash like it was a noodle.

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His size didn’t even changed eating a mountain sized octopus, a hum sounded out as the largest beast decided to strike, Shadowslash started laughing and said, “With your speed, do you really think you could hit me?”

He was actually just teasing the whale, he stood there waiting for it’s attack, the spirit beast heaved a sigh of relief seeing this, just like she had expected, he dares to take the attack head on.

A squid appears and spat out large amount of ink to cloud Shadowslash’s view, it didn’t knew that he had already intended to take the full brunt of the whale’s attack.

Bang! Shadowslash was actually forced to retreat after taking the blow, he stops after being thrown a couple of meters from his spot, he looks at the whale and felt excited.

He swam towards it but before he could get near it, a couple of eels coils around him, there were actually seven of them, they released a powerful shock of electricity.

He got angry and he release his overbearing yang Qi, all the eels felt like they were being boiled alive, they quickly escapes but one of them was grabbed by Shadowslash.

Opening his mouth, he bit the eel and cooks it inside his mouth, he ate it in just a matter of seconds before charging towards the whale once again.

A colorful fish stops him, it tries to mesmerized him with it’s glowing body, unfortunately for it, Shadowslash is immune to this type of attacks, as long as it is the same level as him, mental attacks doesn’t work.

He opens his mouth and created a hole on the body of the glowing fish, the squid then once again spat ink towards him, seeing this, he snorted and use his spiritual sense to extinguish it’s consciousness.

He then ate it, the spirit beast narrows her eyes and made a gesture to a giant fish, it nodded and threw one of the rulers towards Shadowslash, it looks like a snake, it was stunned.

What they didn’t know is that he knew what they were thinking and was laughing inwardly, no poison in the lower realm would be able to harm him, Toxic have been helping him build an impunity towards all kinds of poison.

The snake was eaten before it could register what had happened to it, the eyes of the spirit beast lits up, she leads the charge thinking that the poison would definitely slows down Shadowslash.

Unfortunately, this expectations of her was the downfall of their group.

......A couple of hours later, Shadowslash returns to the continent, his expression was extremely satisfied.

Meanwhile, the spirit beast was standing in daze, around her were 37 marine beasts, all of them are heavily injured, they are the only ones left after the battle.