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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 834
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The demon clone then charges towards Despair Domain, Shadowslash looks at the lich, knowing his intention, the lich shouted, “Oh faithful servants of the great lord, stand up and destroy these blasphemous beings that dares to point their blades at our great lord.”

The three death knights appears, they raise their swords and charges towards the group of soldiers, unfortunately, their momentum isn’t that great without any mounts, faster than them, the blood demons and the vengeful yin souls flew towards their targets.

The soldiers unsheathes their weapons and let out loud battle cries before charging with their horse, Shadowslash waves his hand and the ground beneath the charging soldiers turned into a black swamp that causes the horses to stumble down.

He then smiles and multiple little flames appeared around him, he couldn’t help but feel nostalgic, he hadn’t used this move for a long time, he fires them and the Dark Flame Bullets flew towards the soldiers and they started to die one by one, only those that are considered elites or reacted quickly managed to survive.

The blood devils then absorbed the blood of the fallen and their strength increases, the cultivators knew that they cannot deal with undeads such as the vengeful yin souls and blood devils using normal methods, so all of them started using their cultivation technique to summon elemental attacks.

Fire, wind, water and earth, different types of elemental attacks were thrown towards the blood devils, unfortunately, only fire managed to harm them, Shadowslash decided to watch how things works out, he doesn’t care if the undeads were destroyed.

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“Kill these undeads, show them what we are made of!” Shouted the general, he waves his sword and destroyed the undeads around him, upon seeing this, the lich summoned his staff and started chanting, the gloomy aura around him started rising.


“Ten Bone Spears!” Ten small but sharp spears made up of bones appears and flew towards the general, this was a low level skill from Sans memories, this was the second level of the skill, first was bone spear, then ten bone spears and hundred bone spears.

The numbers would increase, other than numbers, the caster could also increase the speed and size of the bone spears, this was a basic skill that nearly all necromancers back on Gaia knew, the general who was targeted by this skill snorted in disdain.

He punches the bone spears and they were destroyed with ease but suddenly, below him, numerous skeleton arms appeared and grabs him, the lich started laughing, it then summoned ten heads that seems to be fusion of a number of souls.

They flew towards the general, sensing the incoming danger, the general let’s out a loud cry and his aura abruptly exploded, he then started spinning, golden sword Qi started flying everywhere, even the soldiers on his side were affected.

The heads that the lich have summoned were destroyed in the process, it became infuriated, it felt that it’s opponent was humiliating it in front of it’s lord, it started using all of the skills it knew, black fireballs, bone spears, soul devouring heads, soul blast, etc.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The general took the brunt of all attacks, he started to become tired, his other forces have also started falling one by one, because the old man was the only person that is able to keep the baleful yin Qi and corpse Qi away, the soldiers right now were helpless against these two energies.

Their strength continue to decrease, meanwhile, with each kill, the undeads got stronger, Shadowslash haven’t even made a move, sensing an incoming image, he looks at his Despair Domain and take it down, seeing the darkness receding, the soldiers became excited.

But their expression immediately fell when they saw the situation, their city lord was now being hold by the demon clone, meanwhile, the strongest elites in their army were already dead, Shadowslash then spoke, “Bring that old man to me, lich come here, I’ll give you a brand new body.”

The old man who have heard this instantly became pale, he knew that his enemy isn’t joking, he immediately shouted, “If you kill me, the Nether Sect would definitely hunt you down! Even if you possess my body, my sect would still discover this, our sect is the greatest in terms of using undeads and manipulating souls!”

Shadowslash wasn’t bothered, in this world, who would compare with Grim, Chaos or Harmony, these three are literally godlike in terms of controlling souls, he acted like be doesn’t hear the shout and threats of the old man.

Seeing now he disregards his threats, the old man felt a chill on his heart, he knew that threatening the person in front of him no longer works, he started begging for mercy, pleading to become his subordinates but Shadowslash still continue to break his soul down.

Lich was also experiencing incredible amount of pain but he also felt his strength rising, memories started flooding in, this process lasted for a couple of minutes before completing, the lich have taken over the old man’s body, because of the tainted soul of the old man.

It was much easier than expected, it seems that the old man have been dabbling some forbidden technique that is related to the soul, it seems that he is afraid of dying because of old age, Shadowslash then told the lich to turn the old man’s body into a walking corpse.

He then looks at the soldiers and commanded the lich to deal with them, this would also be a test for it’s newfound strength, Shadowslash and his demon clone returned back to the cave to continue their close door cultivation, the lich bows to them with outmost respect.

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The soldiers were already in despair, the general saw that the lich and the undeads’ attention weren’t focused to them, breaking the skeletal hands trapping him, he shouted, “Everyone retreat! Those monsters are now gone! Return to the city and inform the Nether Sect of what had happened!”

The soldiers recovers from their despair, now that Shadowslash is gone, the black swamp that were trapping their horses finally disappears, they rode them and started fleeing, the lich watched all of this with mockery seen on it’s expression.

After an hour, the general finally realised something, they were returning back to the same exact spot even though they have been riding for an hour, the lich saw all of this and started laughing hysterically, it then mocked, “Do you really think you could escape, this entire place is the domain of my master, escaping is impossible!”

The despair on the face of the soldiers were evident, their escape earlier only further increase the corruption of corpse Qi and baleful yin Qi into their body, their strength have actually depressed, couple with the fact that their morale is extremely low, none of the soldiers managed to survive.

Shadowslash is now busy, he had returned his true consciousness back to his original body, the nine abyssal dragon door have started to act up once again, dense fierce Qi continue to blow out of the passageway, the seal he had put there have started cracking.

He immediately flew there, just a couple of kilometers from the entrance of fierce beast world, the fortress that the Thousand Race Empire have painstakingly build have started to mobilize, the soldiers then gathers in front of the entrance, puppets, golems and summoned elemental creatures were in front.

Seeing him appear, the soldiers that were prepared to face off against powerful enemies have their morales boosted, they started shouting his name with great fervor, he entered the sub world without hesitation and saw that the insects that JL brought with him were acting strange.

He doesn’t care about them, he summoned his scarabs and they started to scatter everywhere, they would ambush the enemies once they arrived, Yshelia, JL and John Mark could be seen looking at the entrance with intense killing intent.

If anyone or anything came out, they are prepared to give them hell, sensing his aura, the trio look back, they heaved a sigh of relief when they saw him, Shadowslash looks at the nine abyssal dragon door and his expression became solemn, he then warned, “Prepare to engage elite Saints.”

The barrier that he had put continue to break, he could reinforce it but he decided not to, be wanted to decrease the strength of his opponent, he quickly summoned his domain, darkness envelops the entire passageway, JL also dug into the sand, John Mark started to scatter iron rust into the sand.

Yshelia started creating runes, the entire situation was extremely tense but they aren’t worried that much, their first onslaught would deal powerful blows to their unsuspecting enemies, the scarabs were also lying in ambush.

Toxic was now in the state that he cannot fight but the poison he had created could still be used, they don’t need to wake him up from his state to use his poison, Amethyst have secured them in a different part inside her storage.