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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 853
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Chapter 853 W Marks' Show Was Cancelled
The security guard seemed to have recognized Derek.
He complained to him helplessly, "If anything goes wrong, you're the one who's taking the blame!"
Then he let the three of them in.
Jfollowed them into the venue.
The interior was luxuriously decorated in a spring theme.
The thof this year's Iridescent Show was spring and summer, and the scene before them conjured up the image of a
beautiful lakeside spot in the late spring.
The organizers had woven in artificial grass and reeds to bolster the theme.
The Iridescent Show's themed perfhung in the air, enhancing the illusion for people that they were outdoors in nature.
Derek's eyes were fixed upon Janet.He was intrigued by this beautiful designer who had suddenly appeared before him.He
privately began to guess her age.
Was she 20? That should be close.
"What are you looking for? The place is huge.It's easy to get lost in here.Lethelp you."
Derek offered his assistance when he noticed Jlooking around, as if she was searching for something.But Jignored
Derek and instead ran towards the backstage.She had gone over the layout of the venue with Draco many times before and was
very familiar with the whole venue.
Derek clicked his tongue and felt a bit lame.
What was going on? She seemed more familiar with this place than he did! As soon as Jreached the backstage, she began
to look for Zuri, even though she hadn't met her before.

Fortunately, everyone wore a ntag pinned to the front of their clothes.
But after searching for a long time, she still couldn't find Zuri.

"Excuse me...Do you know where Zuri is?"
Jhad no choice but to check their ntags one by one carefully and ask them about Zuri's whereabouts.But people
started to take offense at her behavior.
"What is she doing? Who is this woman?"
"Everyone is very busy.Can you please stop making trouble?"
"Call security! Get this crazy woman out of here!"
This entire time, Derek had been following Janet.He kept apologizing to everyone on her behalf.
"Sorry, sorry."
But Jdidn't stop.She was getting more and more anxious.
But all the people backstage were very busy and had no tto talk to her.One with a particularly bad temper even physically
pushed her back, hard.Derek caught her arm to steady her.
"Be careful..."
"What should I do?! Mr.Wesley's years of hard work are all going to go to waste because of me."
Tears welled up in her eyes.
Guilt pierced Janet's heart.She didn't know what she could possibly tell Draco.
Derek couldn't stand the sight of a woman crying.He took out his phone and asked, "If I help you find Zuri, will you please stop
He decided to take pity on Jand offer his help.
Jnodded, her eyes still red and watery.
She wasn't sure if he could really find Zuri, but as long as there was a chance, she didn't want to pass up the opportunity to try.

A few minutes later, an irritable woman's voice rang out.

"Derek, what do you want? You refuse to walk in the show.Now what? If you try to cause any trouble here, I'll have no choice but
to contact your parents."
The impatient voice sounded familiar to Janet.
Jlooked up and saw a short-haired woman walking over to them, a walkie-talkie in her hand.She was dressed in a crisp
white power suit and looked very fierce.
Jnoticed an ID card hung around her neck which read "Zuri Salazar."
She was Zuri! Jinstantly cheered up and introduced herself.
"I was worried you'd decided not to cat the last minute."
Zuri looked at Jand sneered.She was a little angry.
"You people from W Marks are very capricious.Do you think the Iridescent Show is a place you can cand go as you like?"
"Sorry, I must have missed your call.I was in a helicopter," Jexplained.
She bitterly regretted that she hadn't notice it.
Zuri said expressionlessly, I couldn't get through to you or Draco, so l called W Marks Studio.
A female designer on the other end of the line toldthat W Marks wouldn't take part in the show this tand hung up.
When I tried to call again, no one picked up! W Marks seems to enjoy breaking their contract, right? I've made up my mind.As
long as I'm still in charge of the Iridescent Show, I will not have W Marks in it!"
"Miss Salazar, there must have been skind of misunderstanding.I missed your call, and I take full blfor that.As for why
someone from W Marks Sturejected you over the phone, neither Mr.Wesley nor I have any knowledge of that.Mr.Wesley has
spent five years preparing for the show.How would he suddenly give up on it now?"
Jbowed deeply before Zuri and said pleadingly, "Miss Salazar, please give W Marks another chance."
Zuri frowned.She could sense the sincerity in Janet's voice.

"So you and Draco had no idea about the call? To tell you the truth, I thought you were going to standup, so I've already
removed you from the show."
Jfelt her heart sink in her chest.She took a breath and asked carefully, "Miss Salazar, is there any way we can work this