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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1192
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Chapter 1192 Brandon Took Charge Of The Situation
At that moment, Leo and Vera made their entrance, their expressions a blend of anxiety and concern.
Upon observing the unfolding scene, Leo inquired, “What in heavens is transpiring? Why are you restraining Lola?”
Jscoffed derisively, her disdain for Leo and Vera palpable, “Perhaps you ought to direct your question to Lola, the ‘stellar’
assistant you so thoughtfully employed for Laney.”
Though Jharbored a strong aversion to Leo and Vera, she had consistently maintained an air of cordiality. However,
witnessing Leo’s disregard for Laney and the baby, and his unfounded accusations, her anger boiled over, and she abandoned
all pretense of politeness.
Vera, taken aback by Janet’s audacity, chastised her, “This is a hospital, not a place for theatrics! Release Lola at once. Our
family’s affairs are none of your concern.”
Leo concurred, adding, “Indeed, I brought Lola here. Surely, she could never harm Laney. Let her go.”

“Absolutely not!” Jretorted, undeterred. She glared at Leo and declared, “It is not for you to determine whether Lola has
wronged Laney or not.”
“You insolent...” Taken aback by Janet’s audacity, Leo found himself seething with rage, his chest heaving as he struggled to
catch his breath.
“You dare to overstep your bounds and hire a male assistant for Laney without permission, and now you wish to meddle in the
private affairs of the Harding family! Your arrogance knows no bounds, Janet!”
Weary of bickering with Leo, Jturned to Mesue, commanding, “Remove Lola from the premises. If anything befalls Laney,
the responsibility lies with her. Do not allow her to escape.”
Feeling utterly disregarded, Leo’s visage paled, his fury palpable.
“Preposterous! Absolutely preposterous! How could the esteemed White family produce such an uncouth, feral creature as
yourself?” Roaring, he lunged forward, intent on striking Jacross the face as retribution.
As his hand neared its target, a larger hand suddenly grasped Leo’s wrist, forcefully pushing him back.

Stumbling, Leo nearly fell, saved only by Vera’s timely intervention.

A towering figure then positioned itself protectively before Janet. Gazing upon his back, Jfinally allowed herself a sigh of
It was Brandon.
“Mr. Harding, I implore you to exercise srestraint,” Brandon admonished, his frosty tone silencing all those present.
Even Lola, who had been struggling throughout the ordeal, ceased her movements, biting her lip as she trembled.
“Thank God you’re here, Brandon,” Jwhispered, abandoning her fagade of defiance. Grasping Brandon’s hand, she sobbed,
“Laney... she ...”
“Don’t worry.”
Brandon reassured her, patting her head as he requested the physician recommended by Frank to assess the situation in the
delivery room. He then instructed the bodyguards to escort Leo and Vera to the VIP room.
With the scene now under control, Leo softened his stance, conceding, “We must see the child first.”
“Yes, indeed. Let us lay eyes on our granddaughter,” Vera chimed in, her eagerness palpable.
In their haste, they failed to acknowledge that their daughter-in-law was still battling for her life in the delivery room.
With a cold glare, Brandon interjected, “Laney’s well-being hangs in the balance. Shouldn’t you be more concerned for her,
rather than the child?”
Chagrined, Leo and Vera stammered, “But...” Brandon scoffed, cutting them off, “It would be prudent to await until Laney is out
of harm’s way. We should also wait till your son is here to see the baby.”