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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire

Chapter 1118
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The Substitute Wife: My Poor Husband Is A Billionaire
Chapter 1118 The Lilies
“Did Derek send them?” Elizabeth quickly surmised that it must be Derek. He was always one to flaunt his wealth and make a
“Derek is out of his mind! He isn’t even in Barnes anymore,” Jexclaimed, shocked and at a loss for words. She picked up
the bouquet, ready to toss it away. “I’ll have to give him a piece of my mind someday.”
Elizabeth then noticed a card nestled in the flowers and had a sudden thought. She reminded Janet, “Hold on, don’t throw them
away just yet. You should read the card first.”
Jdismissed the idea of reading the card, believing Derek had given up after their previous encounter. Despite Janet’s
dismissive words, she couldn’t help but grab the card and flip it over in frustration. She abruptly stopped speaking.
The card was written in Brandon’s handwriting. Elizabeth noticed that Janet’s face was reddening and approached her and
asked, “These don’t appear to be from Derek, do they? Did Brandon send them? What did he say? Please showwhat’s

written on the card.”
Jhastily concealed the card, licked her lips, and grinned. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a few words of apology.”
Brandon’s card contained a heartfelt apology, expressing regret for their sexual encounter the night before and how it might have
clouded Janet’s judgment. He wrote that he wanted to make things right and win her back.
“It would be a shto throw away these flowers. Maybe you can share them with everyone here if you don’t want to keep
them.” Elizabeth looked around and suggested.
The flowers caught the attention of Janet’s colleagues, who were all surprised and gathered around to admire them. “Lilies are
so rare this season. These must have cost a fortune! How generous of your admirer!”
“Could it be from Derek, the model? 1 heard he’s a big movie star now.”
“Don’t jump to conclusions. It s actually from Janet’s husband,” Elizabeth interjected. She knew Brandon’s intentions to make
amends with Janet, so she let out a small chuckle.
“Yesterday, I spotted a sports car parked outside. Perhaps it belonged to Janet’s spouse, 1 suppose.”

“They’ve been together for years, yet their love still burns bright. The flowers... how sweet and romantic.”
Upon entering the studio, Draco was greeted by a crowd surrounding Janet, chatting and giggling. The sight was so

overwhelming that if he hadn’t been familiar with his own studio, he would have assumed he had walked into the wrong place.
“What’s going on here during working hours?” The happy chatter immediately subsided, and Draco turned to Jand said,
“Cto my office, please.”
The collective sigh of relief from the designers was almost audible as they dispersed back to their workstations.
Jbit her lips and followed Draco into his office. “Janet, it appears you’ve lately gained popularity around here.” Draco leaned
back against his chair as he put the design sketches on the table.
“1 apologize, Mr. Wesley I was engaging in a conversation with my colleagues. 1 am willing to face the consequences of my
actions.” Jspoke with remorse, showing her bravery by taking responsibility for her mistake.
Draco’s face scrunched slightly before a smile crept onto his lips as he said, “No need to be concerned. I’m not a stick-in-the-
mud. Il’s great to see everyone gelling along. Actually, 1 wanted to tell you that dress you designed for Estella has caused quite a
stir in the industry. W Marks has received an influx of orders, and with those already scheduled, we’re booked through next year.”
Janet’s eyes widened with delight. “That’s great news, Mr. Wesley. Did you bringhere to discuss new orders?” After
pondering, Jraised her head to look at Draco and furrowed her brows. “However, I still have three designs that are not yet
completed. I assthey won’t be finished until the end of the year. Shall I call Elizabeth in to assist you with those?”
Draco stopped her before she could leave.
“That’s not it,” Draco clarified, his fists clenched tightly. Jturned around, looking puzzled.
Draco’s face becgrave as he asked Jif she had plans to leave W Marks and becan independent designer.