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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 Do you like other girls?

In the past few days, Elvis had been thinking about her injuries. He couldn’t summon up courage to ask


The floral chiffon shirt was lifted to reveal her skin. Her wound had healed, and there was no scars left.

Her skin was as white as milk.

“It okay. Don’t look no further.”

Olive pushed down his hand, which was wearing an expensive watch. Elvis raised his eyes and looked

at her.

“It’s really healed.”

“Yeah, the injury wasn’t that serious. I did apply an ointment on it. But it still hurts a little.” Olive lifted his

hand and placed it on her neck.

Elvis looked closely at her neck, he had bitten deeply Into her skin. Although the injury was healed, there

was still a visible shallow mark.

Elvis buried his face in her neck and sucked it greedily. His lips fell on the scar and he repeatedly kissed


“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. Olive.”

To him, an apology was the cheapest thing to offer. But at this moment, he could only say it over and

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over again.

“Well, I forgive you this time, but don’t bite me next time.” Olive smiled.

Elvis raised his face and kissed her lips.

“I won’t next time. Even if I will, it’ll be so gentle like this…” He bit her ear softly.

Olive swiftly pushed him away. Elvis looked at her.

“You needed to see how seductive you looked that night.”

The elevator arrived and the door opened. Elvis pulled her closer and lifted her up into his arms again.

“If you’re curious, I can show you all the pleasure that there is in this world.”

Olive didn’t want to discuss such topic with him. She quickly changed the topic.

Mr. Augustine, I know that you like younger girls. When I get older, will you have some sugar babies?”

Although Olive was still very young and sexy, she was bound to grow old and wrinkle.

Elvis chuckled sweetly.

“It was until I met you that I realized that I liked younger girls. It’s you I like, understood?”

Olive felt really sweet. She could only blush.

Elvis arrived at his office. It was the first time of Olive being to his office.

She stood at the window and looked at the beautiful city before her. The phone in her hand beeped,

indicating a message on her social media.

She clicked on the message, it was from Divine.

“What the hell is going on, Olive?” The message was accompanied by a picture of Olive in Elvis’s arms.

Olive’s eyes narrowed, and she quickly replied,

“Where did this photo come from?”

Divine was outside of the Augustine’s corporation. When she was passing, she sighted a little crowd

inside the building, so she went closer to take a look. She had managed to take a picture, thanks to the

glass wall.

“Olive, I’m out here. I saw you with the CEO, Elvis. What’s going on? Are you cheating on your

husband?” Olive instantly had an headache. She took in a deep breathe, then replied,

“Divine. I really can’t explain this matter to you right now. But don’t worry, when we meet at the Ivory

Council, I’ll tell you all that you need to know.”

Although Divine really wanted to know what was happening, she could only contend her curiousity till

later. She put the phone back into her bag and headed home.

A classic car which drove past her, suddenly reversed. Greg was seated on the driver’s seat.

“Divine, what are you doing here?”

Greg was from a really wealthy family. The car he drove was extremely costly.

Divine wasn’t interested in answering his question. She knew she had to protect Olive, since Greg was

now friends. with Pamela.

“I was only heading home. And please, don’t talk to me. You wouldn’t want people making fun of you

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because of


Greg quickly said.

“Divine, we have to inform our parents about the dissolution of the engagement. Get into the car, I’ll take

you home. I’ll inform your parents about it at once.”

Divine ruminated on his offer for some seconds. She finally opened the door and got into it.

Greg who had been driving, slowly took a different route.

Divine suddenly realized that something wasn’t right.

“Greg, where are you taking me? This is not the way to my home. Stop the car!”

Greg stopped the car in a deserted street. He got out of the car and turned to the passenger’s seat, he

dragged Divine out of the car.

He suddenly snatched Divine’s handbag. He opened the bag and took out her phone. He went through

Divine and Olive’s chat which was on the front screen.

Greg scoffed evilly and forwarded the picture to Pamela.

“Greg, what are you doing? Hurry up and give me back my phone.”

Greg reached out and pushed Divine to the ground. His face was clouded with disgust.

“Divine, this a highway, I’ll leave you here. Go home by yourself. It’ll only take you a few hours to arrive

home, at least the exercise will make you some lose weight. You make me sick!”