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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 He’s Sick Again

Olive felt very ashamed, she felt as though she should disappear. Elvis bent his head and kissed her


“No!” Olive quickly covered her lips with her hands, preventing him from kissing her.

Elvis stopped. His eyes looked lazy, as he yearned for her.

“You know what, you really are unreasonable. And it’s you who’s ruthless. Now you’re sane, and you’re

kicking me away.”

“I was drunk, you shouldn’t take advantage of vulnerable people.” Olive muttered defendantly.

Elvis scoffed. If he had indeed taken advantage of her, she would have been on his bed, beneath him.

“I’ll give this back to you.”

Olive looked down and saw that there was a coin in his hand. Olive’s head was buzzing as she felt even

more chagrined.

Elvis slid the coin into her hands.

“This is too little, save the money.”

With that, he walked away. Olive covered her face. She really didn’t know how she was able to do such a

shameful thing.

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The coin in her hand seemed hot. Olive wasn’t aware of where she got the courage from, but she raised

her hand and threw the coin at him.

The coin fell on Elvis’s stiff back and fell to the ground. Elvis turned and fastened the black belt around

his waist.

“Huh? Don’t come close.” Olive’s eyes widened in fright, as she hid in the corner of the bathroom.

Looking at her frightened expression, Elvis let out a low hoarse laugh. He looked down at her slender

waist that was outlined by the wet clothes, and quickly turned around and walked out.

He couldn’t tease her further, for he himself was aching for her body.

Olive saw that his shirt and trousers were also wet. The wet shirt made visible his massive chest. She

glanced at hist waist which was hugged sexily by his trousers.

Olive quickly splashed her face with water and shook off the unhealthy thoughts which were forming in

her mind. Olive took a shower and waited until the heat on her body had completely subsided before

opening the door and heading to the room.

In the room, Elvis had already taken a shower. He was wearing a black silk pyjamas. His neat short hair

was wet. with mist.

Now sitting on the sofa, his two legs elegantly stacked together, as he focused his attention on the

documents in his hands.

It was the first time Olive had seen him work. Elvis raised his eyes and fixed his gaze on her.

“Are you hungry? Come over and eat something.”

Olive saw that there was already a bowl of potato porridge on the table, as well as some snacks and

refreshing side dishes. It was obvious that they had just been prepared.

She had been studying in the Ivory Council, and only had two glasses of drink at the bar. She was really

hungry. Unexpectedly, he had already thought about her welfare and had someone prepare a delicious

dinner for her.

Olive walked over and sat beside him,

“Mr. Augustine, don’t you want to eat?”

“I’ve already eaten.”

“Oh ” Olive muttered, she knew better than disturbing his work, so she stood up and sat on the table and

begun eating her dinner.

She turned to look at the ashtray which was filled with multiple smoked cigarettes.

Elvis was feeling a little unwell. Since she was away for the past days, he hadn’t been able to sleep.

The dangerous demon which lived inside him, was slowly being awakened.

He made to take another pull from his cigarette, but a hand reached out and took the cigarette away from

his fingertips. His mouth was stuffed with something.

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Elvis chewed on it. It was a dry milk cube. The milk cube was dry, and the sweet taste spread across his


Elvis looked at Olive who stood beside him. Her eyes also met his.

Her skin was bright and clear as suet.

“Mr. Augustine, stop smoking. Smoking is harmful to your health. Isn’t the milk cube delicious?”

Elvis swallowed hard and wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her.

Olive’s fragrance was his most favorite thing about her, it kept him infatuated.

His sleep disorder showed no signs of improving. He could only fall asleep beside her.

He still couldn’t decipher what magic she had, but when she left the Villa, he was already desperate to

have her back.

Elvis kissed her passionately. Her lips were soft and he bit them tenderly.

Olive felt the pains. Her two small hands held the pyjamas on his chest. If she guessed correctly, he had

fallen ill again.

It had been a long time since the last time he had fallen ill, so long that she forgot that he had a


Once the sickness was allowed to manifest, the ferocious and violent character in his body would pop


Olive didn’t dare to push him away. She raised her hands and took the initiative to hug his neck.

Elvis could only feel her softness. He held her tighter and his hands trailed under her pyjamas.