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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87 It doesn’t matter if I find a woman or not

Raven raised his eyes. North was standing at the carved railing at the entrance of the stairs. She had

just taken a shower. Her brown curly hair was wet on her shiny shoulders. She was wearing his white


Raven’s white shirt looked big on her body, but it even showed her curvaceous curves. The shirt was

placed above. her knees, revealing her beautiful white legs. It’s like she’s in a seductive photo shoot for a

men’s shirt line

Raven loured.

“Take off my shirt and go back into the room. I’ll call the secretary to bring you some clothes.”

North looked down at him and rolled her eyes.

“It’s just a nightdress, and you like to mess around, and I don’t have time for you.”

Raven pursed his lips, and then strode upstairs with his long legs. He grabbed North’s wrist and led her

directly into

the room.

Opening the closet, he took out a pair of home made black trousers and threw it on the bed.

“You don’t have to change, just put your pants on.”

North stared at him unreasonably.


Are you crazy? You want me to wear a man’s pants? They’re so long. It’ll be so ugly on me. I don’t want

to wear them.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Raven looked at girl before him. She was only twenty, but loved beauty so much.

Raven grabbed her arm and pushed her directly onto the big soft bed. North felt a little dizzy and


She was in his room and on his bed. She had slept on it once.

Raven pressed one knee on the soft bed and carried the black trouser which he had chosen. He made to

wear it on her.

North didn’t want to wear it, so she clasped her legs and struggled.

Raven, what are you doing? Are you mentally ill? Quickly let me go. I don’t want to wear them.

North kept struggling but he was unwilling to let her go, she stood up and bite his forearm.

Raven felt the pain. North’s struggle could easily arouse any man’s desire for consummation.

Raven propped his hands on the bed, lowered his body and covered her in his embrace. North let out a

sigh of relief, her seductive eyes hooked up and looked at him provocatively.

“Do you think I’ll fall for you? And I won’t give you any reason to sleep with me, I won’t sleep with you.”

Raven slowly let go of the sheet.

North was convinced that he wasn’t crazy anymore. She straightened up to look at him. She sighted his

eyes which were on her thighs. While struggling a while ago, the white shirt on her body had pulled up,

and was halfway up. She thought that she must look like a slutty girl now.

North raised her foot and kicked Raven hard. Raven rolled over, his back was leaning against the edge

of the bed, his long legs were half bent.

North quickly got out of the bed and wore the trousers by herself.

“You’re not young anymore. Even if you wish to spend your whole life on Pamela, that’s on you. But you

should know that there are many beautiful young girls out there.” North said.

Raven raised his eyes and looked at her bright face. He sneered,

“Of course there are lots of beautiful woman, and I’ll definitely find someone more beautiful than you.”

North pursed her lips,

“You can never get another woman who is as beautiful as I am. And I will be the girl that you won’t get


Raven got out of the bed. He walked to the bathroom.

“I’ll find a woman whenever I want. Whether she’s more beautiful than you or not, that’s none of your


After taking a shower, Raven came out of the bathroom, but he could no longer find North in the room.

He quickly put on a pyjamas and went out to look for her. He found her standing in the kitchen.

North was preparing a noodle, while trying to open the pot, she accidentally brushed her hands on the

hot pot, causing her finger to burn.

“Ouch?” North let out a painful cry.

“Why are you so careless?” Raven strode over. He grabbed her slender white finger and caressed it

soothingly. North didn’t struggle for she was really in pains.

She glanced at Raven who had just taken a shower. He was also wearing a white shirt. He looked even

more handsome.

“You solved it so fast?” North asked.

Raven let

go of her finger. He pulled her wrist and placed her hand under the tap in the sink and turned on the tap.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The cold water flowed across North’s bruised finger. “Am I fast or not you don’t know that?”

“What are you doing in the kitchen?” He asked as the water still flowed.

“Cooking some noodles, I’m hungry.”

“Why didn’t you call me to do it?”

“Oh, today I did not fulfill my professional obligations, a little wayward, also don’t know you are not naive

to spoil me, just like the playboy said let me become other men’s plaything, so dare not call you again.”

Raven glanced at her tired expression, then led her to the sofa in the living room.

“Sit, I’ll cook some noodles for your first, and then get you some medications afterwards.” Raven headed

back to the kitchen.

While he was cooking, North was entertaining herself with the TV.

The doorbell of the Villa suddenly rang. Someone was outside the door.

Raven who was in the kitchen also heard the doorbell. He turned around and saw North at the kitchen

door. North’s face was a little pale.

“What’s wrong? Who’s outside?” Raven asked in a low voice.

North pointed at the door,

“Your mother is here.”

Raven’s eyes immediately sank, but his face remained indifferent.

“Go upstairs and close the door.”

“Oh, okay.” North muttered and headed upstairs.

Raven walked to the door and opened the door. The bodyguard pushed Mrs. Domino in. Raven’s mother

had dislocated her legs for more than ten years and was always in a wheelchair.

“Raven, I heard that North, that little slut has returned to LA.”