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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Late Night Kiss

Elvis pulled Olive into his arms and hugged her passionately. He knew in his heart that he was bound to

always remember this night. Although Olive was still very young, she had just promised to always protect


Elvis smiled tenderly and whispered in her left ear. “Okay.”

Olive felt that he was hugging her too hard. She pulled her self backwards and stood on tiptoe, then she

kissed his handsome check.

Elvis’s reciprocated the gesture and kissed her hair.

Olive’s stomach growled and she remembered the noodles that she had borrowed.

Elvis left her and open the passenger’s door and took out a bag. “The chef made you some tacos, cobb

salad and pastrami sandwich. Eat it now.”

Olive was delighted as she perceive the delicious aroma.

This is for you.” Elvis handed her about plastic bag.

Olive collected the bag and stared at it content. There were all types of dessert, chocolates, cake, juice,

and candy.

Olive took out the orange juice and opened it, she took a sip and shut her eyes as she devoured the

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delicious taste.

As she drank, there was a little stain on her lips. “Mr. Augustine, do you want some? It’s delicious.”

“Wipe your lips.” Elvis pointed to the corner of her lips where the stain was.

Olive stretched out her tongue and kicked the stain. She turned to him and asked, “Is it gone?”

Elvis chuckled. He reached out and grabbed the back of her neck. He lowered his head and kissed her


He took his lips away from her lips and whispered seductively into her ear, “I feel like kissing you over

and over again, the juice in your mouth is really sweet.”

His hands trailed her ass, he grabbed it firmly, as he kissed her fiercely.

The next two days were still hectic for Olive, as Greg had still made her clean the institute.

Today was the day for director Hudson’s evaluation. Hudson showed his seriousness by turning up very

early to the pharmacy.

Hudson had searched around with his eyes but couldn’t find Olive. His expression changed drastically to

a very serious one.

“Divine, where’s Olive? Doesn’t she know what day it is? I’m here but she isn’t. Does she really value her

stay here?”

Divine was so frightened that her palm had began sweating. “I haven’t seen Olive today.”

Greg glared at Divine. He sneered angrily, “Divine, why are you lying? Why not tell where Olive had


“Director Hudson, i think that Olive was afraid so she had ran away.” One of the researcher’s mumbled.

“True, Olive realized that she can not pass the test, so she took the noble way out.” Another researcher

added, and the entire crowd had bursted into a loud laughter.

Pamela was also present. As the Ivory Council’s new treasure, she stood in front of the crowd.

Pamela walked over to Hudson’s side and said with a frown. “Director Hudson, I think Olive is just

nervous. But if she doesn’t turn up, it’s still fine. We don’t need to make things difficult for her.”

Greg quickly chipped in, ” Pamela, you’re always so kind to others, but Olive doesn’t appreciate your

kindness one bit. The Ivory Council is a reputable institute, if Olive ran away, she’ll be sanctioned. She’ll

be blacklisted here.” The consequences of Olive running away was bound to be severe, so Pamela

prayed in her heart that Olive had really left the institute..

With an adorable reputation to protect, Pamela quickly faked a panicking expression. “Director Hudson,

is it really that serious? I think Olive is just being naughty for a little while…”

Before Pamela could complete her words, a clear and sullen voice sounded, “Who’s arguing early this

morning? Don’t disturb my sleep.”

Everyone was shocked. The voice was without a doubt identified as Olive’s.

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Divine hurriedly moved forward, as she trail the direction of the sound. She reached out and opened the

curtains. At slender figure was lying on the bench. It was Olive.

“Gosh, so she didn’t run?” A rustling voice muttered.

“What the hell is she doing?” Another added.

Olive was really asleep. She turned comfortably and continued sleeping.

“Olive, wake up.” Divine tapped her tenderly on the shoulder.

After some seconds of her still not waking, two researchers moved forward and tapped Olive vigorously.

“Olive! Wake up! Director Hudson is here!”

Olive fluttered open her eyes, she heard Hudson’s unbearable reprimanding voice. “Olive, you’re still

sleeping at this time? Have you forgotten what today is?”

The drowsiness in Olive’s eyes had disappeared. She stood up quickly and stared at Hudson like a little

child who had committed an offence.

“Director Hudson, I’m so sorry. I hadn’t had enough time to sleep…”

“Enough!” Hudson interrupted her, “Olive, i don’t want to waste another time on you anymore. I’ll start the

evaluation now.”

“Okay sir.” Olive nodded as her eyes were glued to him.

Divine turned and glanced at Olive, her heart pounded faster as she prayed for her.

Hudson sat on a seat close to Olive. He began, “Olive Hart, which cabinet is echinacea in?”