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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Pamela, the most beautiful girl in the college

Olive looked at her in surprise.

“You have already mastered them?”

Divine responded shyly.

“I’ve been here for over a year. But I’ve only been able to master about eight hundred names.

She tugged at Olive’s sleeve and blinked playfully.

“I don’t think you can always stand up to your haters. But I’m rooting for you, i don’t know how possible it

is for you

to memorize all the names within three days, but I’ll try my best to help you.” Divine muttered.

Olive was very grateful. Apart from North, she was the only people willing to stand with her.

“Olive, come quickly. The Ivory pharmacy is so big. I’ll show you around.” She pulled Olive further into

the pharmacy.

Olive suddenly sighted someone who was sleeping on the table in the corner of the pharmacy. The man

was clothed in a white shirt and blank trousers. Olive couldn’t see his face.

Olive softly inquired,

“Divine, who is that?”

“I don’t know either. He came in three months ago, all he does is to sleep.”

“Isn’t the Ivory Council meant for only smart students?”

Olive looked at the man and then at Divine with a puzzled expression.

Divine let out a fake cough.

Olive, should I tell you the truth? I’m just in this institute to fulfill all righteousness. My niche is botany.”

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She pointed to the flower pots which was arranged by the wall.

“Those are mine, I planted them.”

Olive walked over to the flower pot on the wall. She couldn’t see the seeds, nor even did they sprout. It

was just a pot of soil. She really didn’t see what Divine had planted.

However, legitimate hobbies were worthy of respect.

“Olive, let’s hurry up and memorize those herbs. Time is precious.” She took Olive to the medicinal

substances cabinet. It was so large and beautiful.

Olive shivered.

“Did mum really create this place?” Olive questioned inwardly as she could only admire the place,

It was noon, Divine led Olive to the canteen for lunch.

“That’s Olive? I’m really curious on how she got in.” One of the researcher’s mumbled.

“I was so surprised on how she responded to director Hudson. And now I’m anticipating her response to

his task.” Another added.

“I bet she’ll not he able to pass it.”

Divine found a seat and passed the cutlery to Olive. She smiled cheerfully,

“Olive, don’t be intimated by them.”

There was some chattering amongst the students, and someone exclaimed.

“Look, Pamela is here!”

Pamela had really walked into the canteen. She wore a pink dress and a beautiful smile. When she

sighted some of her acquaintances, she waved at them.

Olive felt goosebumps when she saw this. Pamela was extremely famous. Pamela sat gorgeously with

her tray of food, and ate quietly.

Greg had arrived the canteen. When Divine spotted him, she excitedly said,

“Greg, come sit with us.” Olive glanced at Divine’s excited face, it was obvious that she liked Greg.

Someone yelled,

“Greg, your fiance is calling you. Divine’s pretty, but she’s a little fat.”

Greg glared at Divine and Olive with despise, then sat opposite Pamela with his lunch tray.

He placed the soda drink on the table, besides Pamela’s hand.

“Pamela, I got this for you. Do you like it?”

“Wow, thanks so much, Greg.” Pamela glanced at Olive and Divine, she smiled scornfully as she opened

the soda.

Olive ignored her. She focused her attention on Divine,

“Divine, is Greg your fiance?”

Divine replied shyly.

“Well, our families have a marriage contract, but Greg doesn’t seem to like me. But it’s normal though,

i’m so fat, no one likes a fat girl like me.”

Due to her weight, Divine had a very low self–esteem. She didn’t make any friends in the Ivory Council.

Olive took her lips into her mouth, then released it almost immediately.

Who said that? I think chubby girls are very beautiful. I like you Divine.”

Divine’s eyes had lit up.

“I like you too, Olive. From now onwards, we’ll be good friends.”

“Friends?” Olive stretched out her right hand to Divine.

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“Friends.” Divine responded with a smile and shook Olive’s hand.

The pair went on to finish their lunch and had exited the canteen.

Pamela took a sip of the soda dress and said softly,

“Greg, I think Olive is very hardworking. She must have headed back to the pharmacy to memorize the

medicines. She might be able to pass the test though.”

Greg who was chewing a potato, had suddenly halted.

How is that possible?”

Pamela looked at the windows.

“I think these window ain’t too clean. It’ll be great if someone could clean them.”

Greg had understood what Pamela implied, so he swiftly stood up and went to get someone to clean it.

Pamela went through her phone as she sipped her soda. She opened the Ivory Council’s page. The

pinned post was the news of Pamela being accepted into the school.

“Pamela is really beautiful.” Someone had muttered in the canteen.

Pamela put away her phone and smiled satisfactorily.

Olive and Divine returned to the pharmacy and were about to continue their recitations. Greg came over

to them.

“Olive, director Hudson has gone for a consultation. Before he left, he told me to find someone to clean

some places in the canteen. Take the tools and clean all of the windows and floor, I don’t want to see any


Divine instantly flared up.

“What? Greg, is there some sort of mistake? How many buildings are there in this institute that you want

only Olive to clean all of it. Is she a cleaner?”