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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183 Hug him from behind

Olive was stunned for a moment. The dean quickly asked from the other end,

“Olive, are you listening?”

“Yes, dean, I’m listening. Uhm, I’m to turn up at the hotel to discuss the surgery plan, right?” Olive

asked in a bid to steal more time to think.

“Yeah, we usually carry out major surgical procedures in the hotel’s buisness suite. Olive, please come

over quickly, we’ll be awaiting you at Starzeal hotel.” Dean Sebastian informed Olive of the address,

and suddenly hung up.

Olive put her phone away and looked at Elvis who was behind her.

you want me to go?” She asked like a little child who was seeking her parent’s consent.

Elvis’s eyes were emotionless, making it difficult for people to decipher what he was thinking. He

nodded and said,

“The surgery is very important to you, and you’re a doctor, your responsibility is to save people, so you

can go ahead.”

It was quite common for people in the medical world, to hold their meetings in hotel’s buisness suite.

Dean Sebastian and Marvin were already awaiting Olive. Olive was a doctor, and Mrs. Robert needed

her more than Elvis did.

Olive tiptoed and kissed Elvis’s handsome cheek.

“Then I’ll go ahead.”

“Yea, you should. Medicine is your career, and I won’t let you choose between me and your career.”

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Elvis added.

Olive’s heart was warmed by his words. She pressed her face against his atrium and listened to his

powerful heartbeat. It was probably the most touching words that she had ever heard from him. “But

Olive, you must exhibit the consciousness of a married woman, you need to keep your distance. from

any man that isn’t me. The previous time, you had grabbed Marvin on the shirt, I didn’t confront you

about it. I’m trying so hard to keep on trusting you, don’t make a fool out of me…” of nie… Elvis was

interrupted by Olive, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. Elvis halted for a

moment, he quickly hugged her tighter and kissed her passionately.

He still hadn’t told her that Marvin was in LA for her. Marvin liked her. Elvis had concluded that it was

best if she didn’t know.

Olive pushed him away, and smiled sweetly.

“Mr. Augustine, I really have to go.”

Olive picked up her handbag which laid on the table and exited the lounge.

Elvis touched his lips with his right hand, and a faint smile surfaced on his face.

What was she doing? Trying to bid him farewell with a kiss?

Once Olive had left, Elvis returned to the CEO’s office. He sat on the chair and began reviewing the



Chapter 183 Hug bum from behind

A knock landed on the door. Andrew walked in and reported in a low voice,

“CEO, I’ve already have someone monitor Bounty’s movements.”

Elvis scribbled his signature under the document. His handsome face was expressionless. Bounty’s

repeated provocations were all carried out in his territory.

In fact, it was quite easy for Elvis to send Bounty out of L.A. Elvis was just respecting the fact that she

was his aunt, and also didn’t want to make his grandma worry.

“Understood.” Else muttered.

“CEO, I got another news. Bounty has arrived at Starzeal hotel. Today, dean Sebastian is holding a

press conference at the hotel.

Elvis suddenly stopped writing. Olive had also left for Starzeal hotel.

Currently, Olive was a mysterious girl on the internet. Although she was quite talented, her academic

qualifications had not been disclosed. Dean Sebastian had held an official press conference in the

hotel to reveal all that there was to be known about Olive’s education to the public.

Dean Sebastian’s love for Olive was quite visible. Elvis was a little annoyed, he dropped the pen in his

hands on the table.

Andrew could see that his CEO was in a bad mood. He swallowed hard and said.

“CEO, why don’t you go to Starzeal? How can Marvin, Bounty, and some other people be there to

witness your wife’s academic qualification revelation. If you ask me, I think that you should be there. as


Elvis knew that after the press conference, Olive would be like a pearl attracting everyone’s


He suddenly remembered the first time he had met Olive on the train. He knew that she was no

ordinary girl, but he just didn’t think that she would he so amazing.

Elvis raised his hand and tugged at the button of his shirt. His phone which was in his pocket rang out.

Elvis dipped his hand into his pocket and took out his phone, it was Olive calling.

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Elvis quickly swiped the phone, and placed it beside it right car.

“Did you leave already? Why are you calling?”

“Mr. Augustine, I was about leaving, but when I got outside the building, I couldn’t get a taxi. Why isn’t

any cab passing here?” Olive let out a sigh.

Elvis’s face instantly softened, and a light smile appeared. It was the most luxurious area that the

Augustine corporation was situated, it was roughly impossible to get a cab out there.

Elvis licked his lower lips and asked,

“So what does Mrs. Augustine want me to do?”

“Mr. Augustine, can I ask you for a favor? Can you drive me to Starzeal?”

Elvis raised his eyebrows, and his heart was throbbing, but his calm voice sounded as usual, “Hang on,

I’ll be there in a moment.”

Elvis stood, he picked up his car key on the table and heading towards the door of the office. Andrew

stood quitely. He could conclude that his CEO was really in love.

Elvis walked out of the Augustine corporation’s gate. He stood beside his Rolls–Royce phantom,

searching for Olive with his eyes.


The Substitute Bride: Bored by My Boonstra Husband

Chapter 183 Hug him from behind

Two hands swiftly hugged him from behind.



Chapter 184 Clive, You’re Making Me Want You Moret.