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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132 He’s looking for a girl

Amongst the junior students, professor Ruger liked Marvin the most.

In the past few years, principal Bounty had wanted Marvin to give a speech at the Holy Nile academy.

But Marvin had just undergone a surgery and couldn’t make it.

Therefore, seeing Marvin at the Ivory Council really made Professor Ruger confused.

Marvin was clothed in a ***shirt. The buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned.

“I know about aunt’s arrival. I’ll go ahead now.” Marvin said coldly, then walked away from Professor


Greg was delighted. Pamela seemed to have reassured him that it would not be long before she would

become his girlfriend.

With Pamela, Greg knew that he could defeat Olive and Divine. And this made him very happy.

Olive was still searching for the book in the library. Greg stood afar as he watched Olive. He felt really

proud of his actions. Suddenly, a black sack fell on his head.

“What’s going on?”

“Who the **is it?”

Before Greg could complete his statement, a fist smashed into his face, accompanied by another fist.

Marvin stood lazily before Greg. He entertained himself with Greg’s muffling shouts. Phil, his subordinate

walked over and handed the book to Marvin,

“Second young master, here it is.”

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In the library.

Olive was still searching for the ‘Greater doctor’. Olive still couldn’t find the book after an intensive

search. The library was very big, and she was sweating profusely.

A handsome figure suddenly walked towards her, she was now familiar with the individual. It was the

man who liked to sleep.

He has helped her twice, but she still didn’t know his name.

“Why is he here?” Olive questioned inwardly.

He was standing by the bookshelf at the corner, his right hand was stuck in his trousers pocket. And his

other hand held a book.

Two girls peeked at him and blushed.

“Wow, he’s really handsome.”

“Yea, he is. He’s so alluring, I feel like taking a bite.”

Olive was not fascinated by him. But her eyes fell on his hand. The book in his hand was ‘Greater

doctor’, the book she was searching for!

Olive concluded that the reason she didn’t find the book was because he had taken it to read.

Olive quickly stepped forward and moved closer to him. She coughed lightly and muttered,

“Excuse me, can you please lend me the book in your hand?”

Marvin stood straight. There were in the library, and loud noises weren’t allowed. The girl before him was

slender and had a beautiful voice.

Marvin was speechless.

Olive felt a little embarrassed. She knew that it was a bad idea to request the book from him. Olive

turned to leave. “Hey, there you go!” However, Marvin reached out and threw the book directly to her.

Olive didn’t expect that he would throw the book over. She quickly stretched out her hands and caught

the book.

Once the book was in her grip, she looked up and the handsome, yet cold man had disappeared

Marvin returned to the pharmacy and sat on his chair. His phone which was on the table rang out. He

checked the caller ID, and it was Bounty, the president of the Holy Nile academy.

His aunt finally called.

Marvin swiped the screen and placed the phone beside his right ear.

“**, aunt?”

Bounty’s soothing voice quickly passed over,

“Marvin, I just got off the plane. I’m in LA now. Where are you? I’ll pick you up, so we can go to the Red

Villa to see grandma.”

“You don’t have to pick me up. Go ahead. I’ll be there later.”

“You must come tonight. Are you being serious right now? You’ve been in Los Angeles for so long, yet

you visited grandma. Come on, we’ll be having dinner at her place tonight.” Marvin was expressionless,

and he didn’t also say another word.


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“Marvin, I spoke to your mother on the phone. Everyone is worried about your marriage. So, I’m throwing

a dinner party in two days. I’ve invited a talented girl, the girl is also in Los Angeles, I’ll introduce you two

to each other at the party.”

Marvin pursed his lips,

“I don’t have time.”

“Marvin.” Bounty interrupted with a serious tone.

“Although you are a descendant of the Augustine family, you can’t decide on the time that you’ll get

married. You. once claimed to have met a girl in the imperial city. You’ve spent over a year looking for

this girl. The time that was given to you has already elapsed. Have you found the girl yet?”

Phil who stood respectfully beside Marvin was eavesdropping on his conversation with his aunt. He knew

that his master was ***and cold. It was difficult for him to be attracted to girls.

But a few years ago, he had met a girl in the imperial city. It was on the street of the Imperial city. A badly

injured. patient had collapsed to the ground, and his abdomen was bleeding. The girl used a needle,

while Marvin had used a knife to perform a surgery on the street.

The operation caused an uproar in the entire city. But the girl had left after saving the man. Marvin had

chased after the girl but she had already boarded a bus. The bus headed for Los Angeles.

Marvin had come to Los Angeles in search of the girl. He was yet to find the girl.

“Marvin, the time given to you has already elasped. You’re a great academician, and you’re extremely

noble. But you left

your school and career and ran to LA just to search for a girl. Now a year is almost over. If you haven’t

found the girl yet, then we have to proceed with our own plans. We can’t wait for you anymore!” Marvin

clenched to his phone, after a moment a silence, he said quietly,

“I’ve found her.”