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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chatper 710
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Chapter 710

The next day, early in the morning, the television news reported about Arcane World.

The streets and alleys were already in an uproar. The direction of the public opinion was not big. Even the higher-

ups of Secular World knew about it. Even the farmers who sold socks knew about it.

In Secular World, there was a huge digital screen embedded in a tall office building. Moreover, it was in 3D. The

scene was simply too realistic.

The passersby below were discussing:

“Oh my god, I’ve always heard that Gavin Clifford’s strength is huge. This is the first time I’ve seen a battle with my

own eyes.”

“This is too strong, and the other party is from Arcane World!”

“Our Secular World has always been suppressed by Arcane World. Now, we can finally vent our anger.”

At this moment, a vendor raised his head and looked at the scene. He was almost in tears. Then, he pointed at the

screen and said,

“Gavin Clifford is my idol, my idol for life!”

“This smooth and natural move makes one’s blood boil.”

“Look at that person from Arcane World. He was beaten up by Gavin Clifford. He didn’t even have the chance to

fight back.”

At this moment, an old man walked over from not far away. He was holding a pot of wine in his hand and was about

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to drink when he saw the number Gavin Clifford on the screen.

With a crack, the pot fell to the ground and shattered!

The old man ignored the debris under his feet and took a few steps. forward. Then, he pointed at the person on the

screen and muttered to



“This… Is this still the Simeon Cooper of Ancient Martial Arts Cooper family?”

“And that man can’t be Jarvis Bore, who’s been locked up by Arcane World all year round, right?”

“They… They actually died at the hands of Gavin Clifford?”

The middle-aged man who was watching the commotion saw that the old man beside him seemed to know the two

people who were killed by Gavin Clifford, so he walked over and asked,

“Who are Simeon Cooper and Jarvis Bore?”

The old man slowly took a few steps back and smiled.

“This Arcane World matter is an unavoidable abyss. It looks like an equality and superiority, but in my opinion, it’s

not as human-like as Secular World!”

“Simeon Cooper is the head of Ancient Martial Arts Cooper family, and Jarvis Bore is the first person in the entire

Arcane World to start practicing martial arts.”

“In the end, Jarvis Bore committed a huge taboo. He was imprisoned in the hands of various ancient warrior family

all year round and could not see the light of day.”

“He’s been missing for a long time.”

“I didn’t expect that I would have already ascended to heaven when I saw you again!”

The man looked at the white-haired old man and felt that he was not an ordinary person. He could hear the

vicissitudes of life. Then, he looked at the old man and asked,

“You know so much. If I may ask, do you know them?”

When the old man heard this man’s words, he smiled and said casually,

“It’s all in the past. It’s all in the past!”

“I just didn’t expect Gavin Clifford to be so powerful. Secular World’s people have been suppressed by Arcane

World’s people all year round. Now, someone has avenged Secular World.”

“Gavin Clifford, this kid’s future is limitless. I’m afraid that one day, Arcane World will have to listen to him

obediently like Secular World.”

After the old man finished speaking, he glanced at the big screen that had been replaying. Then, he looked down at

the wine he had dropped and

shook his head.

“Everything is fate, fate!”

Then, the old man disappeared into the alley.

On the other side, in the the Clifford family mansion.

Gavin Clifford got up. Then, everyone in the Conor family stared at Gavin Clifford. Then, Layla Taylor and Milano

Potter threw themselves into

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Gavin Clifford’s arms.

Then, Layla Taylor said in a childish voice,

“Brother Gavin Clifford, you’re so handsome. I love you so much.”

After saying that, a fragrant kiss landed on Gavin Clifford’s mouth. Then, Layla Taylor ran away shyly. Gavin

Clifford’s face was filled with disbelief.

Then, Milano Potter looked at Gavin Clifford and said shyly,

“Brother Gavin Clifford, you’re really awesome. I admire you so much. Teach me more in the future!”

Then, she saw Milano Potter run away with a red face after saying that. He

said that he wanted to teach her?

Gavin Clifford did not understand. What did Milano Potter mean by teaching her? What did he need to teach her?

Just as Gavin Clifford was about to chase after Layla Taylor and Milano

Potter, Kris Conor walked over. He was dressed in gown. With his figure and red lips early in the morning, he was

simply too tempting.

Who was this Kris Conor going to meet so early in the morning? He must have dressed up to attend!

Just as Gavin Clifford was about to ask, Kris Conor smiled and said to Gavin Clifford,

“Gav, you’re too handsome!”

“Kris Conor is impressed with you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kris Conor hugged Gavin Clifford and covered Gavin Clifford’s face with his red lips.

Instantly, Gavin Clifford felt a warmth on his face. Then, Kris Conor left