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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chatper 661
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Chapter 661

Secular World, Blearus, Galaxy Hotel.

This hotel was also one of the top hotels in Blearus. It was also very popular with Blearus. This time, the head of

Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family, Kingsley Rathbone, had invested a lot. If he wanted to attract attention,

he had to go to this kind of hotel

Moreover, before he left, his master had reminded him repeatedly that ancient warrior family would definitely lose

face. Since he had made up his mind to hold this cocktail party, he had to do it to the extreme.

We can’t let these Secular World people look down on our Arcane World people. That’s why we can suppress them.

Now, we can suppress them too.

“No matter what happens to Secular World, Secular World, we Arcane World will always be a head taller than them

and will. never fall behind them.

Therefore, for this cocktail party, Kingsley Rathbone consulted many industry insiders on how to organize these

things in Secular World. Then, they also got many media outlets. The only way to become famous was to spread

the news.

At this moment, they heard the sound of a horn honking. A row of black luxury cars stopped at the entrance of

Galaxy Hotel

Immediately after, a man in a velvet royal blue suit got out of the car. It was the head of the the Rathbone family

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family. Kingsley Rathbone.

Behind Kingsley Rathbone was also a row of people from the Rathbone family. Because the people who came this

time were all men, it didn’t look like they would participate. It was more like a demonstration and a gang fight.

At this moment, the media and camera reporters were on both sides, staring intently at the people from Ancient

Martial Arts the Rathbone family. To be honest, it was as if they had seen a new continent. The camera kept taking


Kingsley Rathbone, who had been isolated from the world all year round and was hiding in the valley, could not

cope with the scene in front of him. He was even a little embarrassed. Other people would be smiling when they

held cocktail parties, but when it was Kingsley Rathbone’s turn, his face was solemn, as if he was here to seek


The reporters below also reported directly

“This cocktail party is a breakthrough for the Genesis. It was organized by Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family

in Secular World.”

“It’s said that many legendary big shots from Secular World have been invited to this cocktail party”

“The scene looks very lively. I wonder what kind of surprise will be at the cocktail party today!”

At this moment, more and more people passed by. Among them were businessmen, office workers, and some

vendors. Of course, these people were not qualified to enter because they had to have an invitation.

Looking at the lively scene inside, a businessman looked at the door of Galaxy Hotel and said,

“It’s strange Why would someone from Arcane World come to Secular World for a cocktail party?”

“Moreover, the people invited are all rich and powerful people in society

“All of us can only stand outside. It’s not fair to think about it,”

A white-collar female at the side sized up the man and smiled.

Those people inside are all fighting for their fathers. People like us should stop daydreaming.”

“I won’t have another chance in this life. I also want to deal with this legendary ancient warrior family2.

Unfortunately, no


one knows who I am!”

“Therefore, I think everyone should continue to work hard. It’s already not bad to be able to stand outside the door


With that, the white-collar lady left the venue. After all, there was no point in continuing to bring her here. Why did

she have to make things difficult for herself?

The ordinary staff of the company standing at the side did not say anything because they might not even have the

right to discuss. They were so realistic.

However, at this moment, the passersby by the roadside were filled with curiosity when they saw this scene. All of

them had unknown smiles on their faces. Then, they said,

“Could this be another celebrity?”

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“Galaxy Hotel really lives up to his reputation!”

“If I had a star, I could take a picture with him.”

At this moment, a man passed by and unintentionally heard this woman’s words. He rolled his eyes and wanted to

leave. In the end, he stopped and said,

“Sister, look carefully. This is not a celebrity.”

“Such a big red banner with the words ‘Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family’ written on it. It’s so obvious.”

This is a cocktail party held by Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family.”

“Why don’t we ask someone if we can’t read?’

“If you really went up to take photos, you would probably be lying in the hospital now.”

When the woman heard this man’s words, she was instantly shocked and exclaimed,


“Is this a cocktail party held by Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family?”

“Oh my God!’

What did she just hear? Ancient Martial Arts the Rathbone family?

Could it be someone from ancient warrior family?

Then, the woman looked at the man who was about to leave and said.

“Are you talking about ancient warrior family?”