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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chatper 591
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Chapter 591

“Me too I felt like I was suffocating at that moment. This is too terrifying!”

“That’s right This Gavin Clifford is not an ordinary person!”

After Gavin Clifford snorted coldly, he did not even bother to look at these people. He strode over with

Milano Potter.

After all, he did not have time to kill these unimportant people, and there was no need to waste time on


No matter what these people said behind his back, Gavin Clifford was not interested.

He only wanted to see this Snake Emperor who wanted to kill him as soon as possible. He wanted to

see why this person was so obsessed with killing him.

At this moment, the woman at the front widened her eyes when she saw Gavin Clifford.

She never expected Gavin Clifford to be so powerful!

Moreover, she was very glad that she did not have any disagreements with this person on the way.

Otherwise, she might not have been able to come back alive.

At this moment, Gavin Clifford looked directly at the woman. Looking at the woman’s dull eyes, he said


“Are we still going forward?”

“Or should we wait here?”

When the woman heard Gavin Clifford’s words, she quickly said,

“Yes, we still need to go forward. Please follow me.”

Gavin Clifford and Milano Potter followed the woman all the way forward. The furnishings inside were

very much like a palace. Everything looked extremely luxurious.

Gavin Clifford muttered in his heart.

Snake Emperor looked like someone who didn’t lack anything. What he didn’t need to worry about the

most was money.

What else did he want to live in such a place?!

Until he followed the woman into the deepest room.

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There were also dim lights on both sides of the wall. For a moment, it was filled with mystery.

The woman stopped outside the deepest room and looked at Gavin Clifford and Milano Potter.

“One moment, please.”

Then, the woman knocked on the door and went in.

Not long after, the woman walked out and said,

“Sir, ma’am, you can go in now.

Then the woman opened the door for Gavin Clifford and Milano Potter. Gavin Clifford saw that the

entire room locked like a movie plot.

Chapter 391

This was a room filled with books, like a study.”

Directly opposite the door was an ancient dark-patterned desk. There was a person in the chair.

Because the chair was facing away from Gavin Clifford and Milano Potter, the person could not be

seen at all.

At this moment, the door was slammed shut and the woman left the room.

Chirp!” The sound of something spinning could be heard.

The inan sitting on the chair was wearing a red robe and a ghost mask. It was impossible to see his


However, Gavin Clifford could sense a powerful and dangerous aura coming from this person.

This was definitely not a good premonition.

At this moment, the person on the chair spoke.

“Gavin Clifford, we finally meet!”

When Gavin Clifford heard this person’s voice, he frowned.

This voice was so similar to Voldemort’s voice in the movie that it was impossible to tell if it was male or


What was going on? Did Snake Emperor use some kind of voice changer?!

What kind of strange things were these?

Gavin Clifford also asked directly,

“You’re Snake Emperor?”

Then, he heard the person say directly,

“That’s what I’ve been called.”

Then, Gavin Clifford directly asked the man again,

“You’ve never seen me?”

The man sat and drummed his fingers on the table. He said:


“I’ve never seen it, but I’ve heard of it.”

“There’s a lot going on about the word Gavin Clifford.”

“It’s hard not to know!”

When Gavin Clifford heard the person in front of him, he spoke again.

“Why are you picking on me?”

When that person heard Gavin Clifford’s words, he suddenly laughed and said,

No reason. It’s just fun.”

“I’m interested in everything interesting.

Gavin (fford did not hear anything useful from this


However, what puzzled Gavin Clifford was that the person actually spoke Blearus language, and it was

very standard.

Gavin Clifford wanted to see this person clearly, but because his face was covered, he could not tell if it

was Drenner people er Blearus people.

Milano Potter was a typical Drenner people, but if you didn’t look at her, you wouldn’t be able to tell.

That was because Milano Potter’s Blearus was very accurate.

Gavin Clifford pondered for a moment before saying again,

“Interesting. Is that why you did what you did in Blearus?”

When that person heard Gavin Clifford’s words, he also laughed.


Then, with a bang, he placed his hands on the table and said angrily,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“It’s not just that. The main reason is that I want you to die!”

At this moment, a swooshing sound suddenly came from under the table. More than ten knives shot out

from under the table.

It flew straight towards Gavin Clifford. Gavin Clifford’s ears twitched a few times, and the corners of his

mouth curled up. He directly jumped up and easily dodged the knife.

Then, Gavin Clifford used his strength to control the knives and turned them in a different direction. The

knives flew straight towards the masked man.

However, the masked man seemed to have known that this would happen. He also jumped easily and

turned around to dodge.

Gavin Clifford had no intention of killing him. If he really wanted to kill him, the speed at which this

happened would not be so slow. It might have already stabbed into his chest.

The reason why he did not hurt him was actually very simple. It was because Gavin Clifford still had

some questions for him.

At this moment, the masked man changed directions and threw a punch at Gavin Clifford.

How could Gavin Clifford not know? Hence, he also looked at him. “Bang!” Their fists collided, and the

two of them instantly took a few steps back.

Then, the masked man looked at Gavin Clifford and said,

“I didn’t expect you to be as powerful as the rumors say!”

However, you still have to die today!”

Then, the masked man’s aura directly rose to another level. His entire body emitted a red light, as if he

was accumulating strength.

Gavin Clifford looked at the person in front of him. Not to mention anything else, this person was

indeed quite capable.

This was because Gavin Clifford also took a few steps back when he was exchanging punches with

him. It was a little

strenuous for him.

At this moment Gavin Clifford looked at the masked man in front of him and said,

You can’t believe all the rumors.”