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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77

When Chad listened to the words of the man in the Southland Army’s commander uniform, a nervous

look appeared in Chad’s eyes.

Of course, he knew what kind of existence the Southland Army was.

Why did Dark Lord and Frostpeak Dark Warriors even provoke the Southland Army?

Chad said, “Are you the commander of the Southland Army? What’s your…”

On the other side, this commander-like person seemed to know what Chad was going to ask. He

placed his hands on his hips. and raised his voice,

“The person standing in front of you is the deputy commander of the Southland Army in Brookspring

Battlefield, Christopher Dawson!”

Christopher Dawson?

When Gavin heard this person’s name, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Firstly, this man’s surname was Dawson

Secondly, this man’s face reminded Gavin of the person he had killed in Ian’s shop. That man was

called Rickey Dawson!

These two men shared the same surname. And judging from their looks, the two of them seemed to

look a little similar.

Gavin said to Christopher, “You’re from the Dawson family?”

When Christopher heard Gavin’s question, his gaze turned to him. The corners of Christopher’s mouth

curled into a sinister and cruel smile.

“That’s right!

“Gavin Clifford, I’m from the Dawson family! My father is Caius Dawson!”

“By the way, Gavin Clifford, there’s something you don’t know yet.”

Christopher looked at Gavin, and a mocking smile appeared in his eyes.

“Back then, we, the Dawson family, were also involved in destroying the Clifford family!


Christopher laughed out loud.

Gavin looked at Christopher with a strange expression on his face.

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Even the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D behind Gavin had puzzled expressions on their


They knew that the corpse of Christopher’s father, Caius, had been sent back to the Dawson family.

How could Christopher laugh out loud now?

Thinking of this, Gavin said to Christopher, “You haven’t been home for a long time, have you?”

Hearing Gavin’s words, Christopher was slightly stunned. Then, he subconsciously asked, “How do you


But soon, Christopher shook his head and berated loudly, “Why should I answer your stupid question?”

Then, Christopher had a reminiscent expression on his face. He smiled cruelly and said, “Gavin

Clifford, it’s a pity that you weren’t there when we were hunting down the Clifford family!

“You should really listen to the pleas and cries of the Clifford family before they died. How pleasant it



As Christopher spoke, he licked the corner of his mouth as if he liked the bloodthirsty taste back then.

Gavin’s pupils instantly darkened.

A faint murderous intent had already appeared in his eyes.

Christopher could not feel this murderous aura of his, and neither could the warriors of the Southland


However, the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D had already cast a sympathetic gaze at


Christopher did not notice the change in Gavin’s expression. He raised his voice as he pointed at

Gavin, shouting “Gavin, you idiot. You didn’t get killed, yet you don’t know how to find a place to hude

and live a peaceful life. How dare you assasinate General Dunlap from the Southland Army in

Brookspring Battlebeld

If you dare to oppose the Southland Army, you will diet

Chapter 77

“I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy now. Let me bring you to the Southland Mansion to see

Southland Overlord. Perhaps, Southland Overlord will be merciful and leave your corpse intact!”

Christopher looked at Gavin with a sinister smile as if he was waiting for Gavin to kneel and beg for


Seeing this scene, the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D exploded with rage.

This man called Christopher actually dared to make Dark Lord kneel down and beg for mercy?

He was really courting death!

Harry stepped forward and looked at Gavin.

“Dark Lord, do you want me to kill him or not?”

Gavin said to Harry indifferently, “Leave Christopher to me.”

Of course, Christopher heard Harry’s voice, but Christopher had a mocking smile on his face as he said

loudly, “Oh, come on! There are only ten of you, and you’re still planning to go against us?

“Have you guys lost your goddamn mind? Hahaha…

“As expected, Gavin Clifford, you’re an idiot surrounded by a bunch of idiots! Hahaha… Cough!


Christopher laughed so hard that he choked on his saliva and started coughing violently.

However, after coughing twice, Christopher hugged his shoulders and spread his legs.

“Gavin Clifford, you are the first one to boast in front of the Southland Army!

“Well, I’ve changed my mind. It’s useless to kneel down and beg for mercy. You’d better come over and

crawl under my crotch. Let’s see if I’ll leave your corpse intact when I’m happy!”

At this moment, in Chad’s opinion, Christopher had already become a corpse.

On the other side, Christopher did not hear Gavin’s terrified begging voice.

Instead, there were a few violent air-piercing sounds.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of a series of explosions rang out.

The 10 Frostpeak Dark Warriors behind Gavin instantly disappeared from the spot. Under their feet, a

deep pit appeared because of their great strength!

Christopher, who had crossed his arms and spread his legs with an arrogant smile on his face, was still

waiting for Gavin to beg for mercy.

Then, he heard painful screams from behind him.

Christopher’s expression stiffened, and he subconsciously turned his head.

Coincidentally, he saw a strange scene of people flying in the sky. The people sent flying were none

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other than the warriors of the Southland Army!

At this moment, Chad instantly came to his senses and immediately shouted, “Quick! Attack together

and help the Southland Army!”

Chad was even more anxious than the people from the Southland Army.

After all, Frostpeak Dark Warriors had already taken action, and Chad knew that none of the warriors

from the Southland Army would survive.

If these hired warriors did not take action, they might run away after witnessing how powerful Frostpeak

Dark Warriors


After receiving Chad’s instructions, the lared warriors behind hum turned into flashes of afterimages

and charged forward.

Their target was Gavin, who did not have any guards around him.

However, they did not know that the Grim Reaper had already targeted them.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! A few sounds were heard

The fured i rriors who were at the front, suddenly felt their heads fly up into the air, saying goodbye to

their bodies

Harry, who was holding a sharp knife in his hand, stood quietly in front of the group of lured warriors

The battle was completely one-uded!

Christopher still maintained his pervious actions, but his pupils had already differed, and lus tace had

already turned pale

He had brought thousands of hared

the Southland Army in Brookspring battlefield


Chapter 77

However, these hired warriors were unable to fight back under the “encirclement” of nine people!

He could only hear screams, cries of pain, and the sounds of these Southland Army warriors dying.

At this moment, Christopher, who was in a daze and trembling slightly, heard the voice that almost

made him wet his pants.

“What did you want me to do just now?”

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