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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge by Valerie Bach

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

Gavin’s words were laced with a deep sense of mockery.

It was as if he had slapped the faces of all the men from the Taylor family who were present.

This included Jackson Taylor, the eldest, and Caleb Taylor, the second son of the Taylor family.

“You!” yelled Jackson when he heard Gavin’s words.

Looking at his wife, who had been struck, Jackson stepped forward and glared at Gavin.

Then, he shouted at Gacin, “Gavin, you have a lot of nerve! How dare you?

“How dare a member from the family that has been destroyed dare to act arrogantly in the Taylor


“Do you think there’s no one left in the Taylor family?” said Jackson.

Gavin looked at Jackson, who had finally stepped forward and casually scratched his ear.

He dropped in and said, “Oh my, I thought there weren’t any men in the Taylor family. It appeared as

though there were men originally.”

Gavin seemed to have learned his mockery from someone, and he used it with full intent!

In the past, Layla might have felt sorry for her parents.

However, it had gotten to this point. She would not feel pity for them.

She knew she was adopted and that these people had never treated her like a real family and never

truly considered her as a member of them.

Thus, in Layla’s eyes, she no longer cared about her parents anymore.

At that moment, the voice of a disoriented and lost Ruby slowly. emerged.

“You… you… How dare you to hit me?” said Ruby as Gavin slapped her.

Since she had become the wife of the Taylor family’s eldest son, when had she ever suffered

humiliation and been slapped in the face like this? She couldn’t help it as tears of humiliation flowed

from her eyes.

She turned directly and sharply addressed Jackson.

“Jackson, please call and summon our patron, the venerable figure of the Taylor family, on our behalf.

“I want to kill him! I want to kill this bastard!” repeated Ruby in anger.

“Humph!” On the side, Jackson snorted and shouted earnestly toward the back of the hall.

“Mr. Sawyer, our patron, please extend your help and judge this lunatic. from the Clifford family!” said


A melodious sigh was heard after Jackson’s words fell.


A gentle breeze followed them.

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An older man with a white beard drifted lightly and slowly descended from the rear of the hall and

gracefully landed in the Taylor family’s hall. After the appearance of this older man, Ruby quickly got up

from the ground and, together with her husband and the couple, Caleb and his wife, bowed deeply to


“Mr. Sawyer, please lend us your assistance and make a decision for the Taylor family,” they implored.

This older man, Logan Sawyer, was a warrior!

Besides, his strength was not low. On the contrary, he was quite strong.

He squinted slightly as he looked at Gavin. He was standing confidently before him.

He said slowly, “Did you beat all these servants of the Taylor family all by yourself?”

Gavin didn’t answer the question that Logan asked. It was because he felt that there was no need to.

Then, Logan nodded slowly after seeing Gavin remain silent.

He said, “Indeed, having such strength at a young age, you are a promising talent!

“However, it’s a pity. It would then become a waste to leave such a talent behind!”

“If you hadn’t provoked the members of the Taylor family, I might have considered taking you as a

disciple, but now, it seems impossible!”

“Hmph!” Logan let out a cold snort.

After that, there was a terrifying aura enveloping Logan’s entire being.


With a loud “whoosh,” he instantly pushed away the people from the Taylor family surrounding him.

The force rushed directly toward Gavin, wrapping him up in seconds, enshrouding him within moments,

and leaving him unwavering in his demeanor.

As the pressure continued to infringe upon him, Gavin displayed no change and showed a faint


He stated gently and slowly, “If this is all you’ve got, you may not be fit to be my master.”

“Humph!” Logan coldly snorted in response when he was confronting Gavin’s carefree attitude.

He issued a resounding declaration, “You! Brat, you’re being arrogant!”

“You’re the one who’s arrogant!” Gavin immediately retorted after Logan finished his sentence.

With a slight voice, ripples appeared around Gavin.

In the next second, Logan grunted and took three steps back.

Logan clutched his chest and gazed at Gavin, who remained motionless with an expression of


“This… This can’t be possible! It shouldn’t be!” exclaimed Logan.

Logan stammered, his beard trembling in disbelief.

He hadn’t exerted his full strength when suppressing Gavin with his aura. However, how could a mere

shout from Gavin force him back three steps?

“It was inconceivable,” thought Logan inwardly.

“This guy, Gavin, was still so young. How could his power surpass my own?” he muttered.

He couldn’t fathom it.

“Hmm, it appears you possess some skill,” Logan remarked.

He continued, “But this is where it ends.”

Logan refused to give up. He took his deep breath, sank, and gathered the inner energy in his energy

point again, slightly bending his knees,

preparing for close combat with Gavin.

However, at that precise moment, an elderly voice resonated from the back of the hall.


He said, “Mr. Sawyer, please cease.

“You are not his match. You can’t beat him down.”

Logan was about to move when he froze, turning his head with a hint of defiance.

At that moment, a rhythmic sound slowly echoed.

The sound gradually emerged.

An older man who appeared to be in his late eighties or nineties leaned.

on a cane and was assisted by a middle-aged man in his fifties as he slowly walked out.

Upon seeing the older man, the people from the Taylor family, Jackson and Caleb were instantly


The two of them approached and spoke with concern.

They said, “Dad, how could you leave your bed? Please return to your room and rest; leave the matters

ahead to us!”

This older man who had appeared was none other than Jackson and Caleb’s father, the highest-

ranking figure in the Taylor family, Brooke Taylor!

Brooke was only in his sixties, but his health had deteriorated to such an


Indeed, this was suggesting that there were some hidden secrets.

Brooke gave his two sons a faint look,

After that, he said, “I have Harris Myers accompanying me, don’t I?”

Surprisingly, the middle-aged man supporting Brooke was the most renowned physician in Riverrun.

After a slight nod from Harris, Brooke looked at his sons.

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He asked, “Are you leaving the matters ahead to you?”

Then he repeated, “Are you leaving the matters ahead to you or Ruby?”

Brooke’s voice carried a touch of anger as he emphasized his question.

“This…” Both Jackson and Caleb momentarily paused at his question. They suddenly looked

embarrassed and lowered their heads.

Ruby, behind them, also shrunk her neck slightly, bowing her head and not daring to speak.

At that moment, Brooke took two slow steps forward, gazing at Gavin



from afar. His expression moved.

There was a hint of moisture in his dim pupils, and his voice quivered as he spoke with a trembling and

aged tone.

He asked, “Is it you, Gav? Have you returned?”

From Brooke’s address to Gavin, it was evident that he once had a deep affection for Gavin.

The marriage between Layla and Gavin had been decided after negotiations between Brooke and

Gavin’s grandfather.

Back then, it was decided that the Taylor family’s eldest daughter would be the wife Gavin would marry.

However, due to the inability of Jackson and Ruby to have children, Brooke had them adopt a child and

fulfill the agreement with the Clifford family.

However, no one had anticipated the current situation.

Of course, Gavin remembered Brooke’s kindness as a child.

So, he nodded toward Brooke and said, “Mr. Taylor, it’s been a long time since we met.”

“Good, it’s good, it’s good that you’re back,” Brooke excitedly repeated himself three times.

At that moment, Caleb jumped in.

He said, “Dad, what’s good about Gavin returning? He injured your grandson, Elliott, and even harmed

many of the Taylor family’s servants. He’s here to cause trouble for the Taylor family!”

Brooke seemed utterly unaware of what had transpired, and his eyes displayed a sense of

astonishment and confusion as he looked at Gavin. Gavin was holding Layla’s hand and remained


He calmly stated, “Today, I came to the Taylor family for two purposes. “First, I want to bring Layla back

with me. Second, I want to know the clues about the destruction of my family, the Clifford family, back in

the day.”
