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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2116: Reiki of Inner Alchemy
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Du Yu, who had obtained the inner alchemy, did not dare to waste time. They had to get the blood of the fire spirit beast as soon as possible to heal Bailinger.

At this time, there was a long cry from the valley not far away, and the sound was very similar to that of some kind of bird.

Du Yuren raised his head to look at the blue sky, this scene was very much like a paradise. At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

Back then, that turtle thing must have occupied a certain position in the Demon Race. After attacking the fox clan, after the new king was honored, perhaps it was because he was afraid of the power of the turtles that led him to guard this uninhabited island.

The reason why the Demon Clan listed the map of Fire Beast Island as a treasure of the town clan is to prevent someone from accidentally placing turtle things. No matter who has been deceived so much, I am afraid they will approach the right to seek revenge. Besides, he has been imprisoned here for a thousand years.

"What are you stunned for? Is your body incompatible with the inner alchemy? Would you like me to run the breath for you so that they can get used to it as soon as possible." Bei Liang looked at Du Yu worriedly, and he quickly regained his senses Come and shake your head.

Strange to say, that Neidan seems to have a fate with him. Not only did he not feel any discomfort, but Du Yu's body and mind were relieved like never before.


A loud thunder exploded, and in the clear sky just now, a black cloud gathered from all around to the center of the sky.

"The rainstorm is coming. Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first. We are unfamiliar, and it will be more likely to encounter danger when the weather is overcast." rainy place.

They walked for a long time, but the surrounding plants and scenery did not change in the slightest. Perhaps it was the gloomy weather that affected people's judgment.

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"Brother Du Yu, why do I feel that this place is gloomy, it doesn't look like there is any living thing. Also, have you noticed that we walk around as if we are in the same place." Du Qing handed Bailinger's arm After giving Bei Liang, she ran in front of Du Yu, and she stared suspiciously at the grass and trees around her.

Du Yu stopped.

Du Qing was right, they seemed to have encountered something like a ghost hitting a wall. However, there seems to be something different, but Du Yu can't tell.

"I think, let's find a place to shelter from the rain first. Everything in this place is a bit strange. Look, even the raindrops are red." Bei Liang raised his hand, and there was a little reddish liquid on the back of his hand.

Du Yu raised his head and looked at the sky. I don't know if it was the effect of the inner alchemy that made his perception of things much faster. At this time, the sky was densely covered with pea-sized raindrops, but they were only suspended in the air, as if they were about to move at a slow speed. ground-like.

"Is there a mountain over there?" Du Huan, who had not spoken for a long time, pointed in the direction not far away.

The temperature suddenly turned cold, and the small water droplets condensed in the air gathered together to form a natural mist barrier. Du Yu followed the direction of Du Huan's fingers, and he could vaguely see a place similar to the foot of a mountain.

"Don't worry about these, let's go and see, maybe there will be a cave for us to stay temporarily."

Du Yu turned around and took Bai Linger's arms, and put it on his back at once.

Bei Liang looked at it and couldn't help frowning. This Bailinger was relieved, and she was in a state of fainting all the way, and all the difficulties and dangers that dared to love were replaced by them.

"Yoyo, why, seeing brother Du Yu carrying Bailinger on his back makes me feel uncomfortable? If you have the ability, you are also poisoned. Maybe brother Du Yu will be distracted and carry you behind his back." Du Qing laughed, in the words Obviously there is jealousy.

A man leading four women, the so-called wolves have more meat and less meat, it will inevitably lead to jealousy.

Bei Liang was already accustomed to Du Qing's occasional teasing, she hummed and followed Du Yu.

They walked towards the foot of the mountain in sight, and the fog in front of them became thicker and thicker.

The fog here is really weird, and Du Yu was afraid that he would encounter the illusion on the bamboo raft again, so he asked everyone to close their hearing and smell.

Du Yu led them all the way to the foot of the mountain based on the impression just now.

At the foot of the mountain, they found a cave. Although from the outside, the inside is pitch-dark, but the opening is still very large, and the space inside should be able to accommodate a few people to spend the night.

"Wait a minute. Du Yu, you now have that old turtle's inner alchemy in your body, try to see if it can turn into a fluorescent light."

When Du Yu was about to enter, Bei Liang suddenly took Du Yu's hand.

"Okay. However, I haven't learned how to use the inner alchemy for my own use. I don't know how to manipulate him." He looked at Bei Liang in confusion.

Beiliang shook his head helplessly, but he calmed down and explained: "The so-called spiritual qi is collected in the inner alchemy. If you want to flexibly control the spiritual qi, you must first be completely integrated with the inner alchemy. Put your thoughts into it, Concentrate, and when your mind gets through, it will naturally know what you want."

Du Yu nodded, and then settled down according to Bei Liang's method. He sensed that there was an extremely hot area in his body, and I was afraid that was where the inner alchemy would return.

"Is this possible? If brother Du Yu can't control the inner alchemy, will it be counterattacked by its power?" Du Qing is very worried, not all things like inner alchemy are willing to be dissolved, if If they are not satisfied with the new host, it is easy to cause a lose-lose outcome.

Bei Liang threw a cold look at Du Qing for her to understand. Although it was an inner alchemy with thousands of years of practice, it was voluntarily given up by his predecessor's cultivation body. It must have a certain fate for it to enter Du Yu's body.

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In other words, Naidan had already recognized Du Yu.

"It's done!"

Suddenly, Du Yu looked at the cave that was lit up layer by layer in amazement, and the fluorescent light swam towards the end of the cave.


Bei Liang's eyes widened in shock, she never thought that the spiritual power hidden in the inner alchemy would be so behind.

In exchange for the unharmed Bailinger, it would take a little effort to drive so many fluorescent lights.Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

At this time, Du Yu did it easily.

"Look, what is that?"

Du Huan asked suspiciously, and everyone's eyes were shifted to the end of the cave.

There, side by side, some chubby things are listed. Looking from a distance, those things are all white, shaped like eggs but as big as grinding discs.

"Be careful."

Just as Du Yu took a step, Bei Liang reminded him.

Since entering the boundary marked on the map, they haven't encountered anything normal. *