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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2111: black sword degree
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Seeing that the poisonous bee's tail thorn was about to pierce into the center of Du Yu's head and heart, in desperation, Du Yu pulled away the last black sword, and the poisonous bee immediately took off the black sword and took off several feet high. .

Du Yu looked at it suspiciously, and the black sword with the forehead that was originally pitch-black was now golden and bright, just like the color of honey in the hive.

He looked around again, and the poisonous bees that had been besieging had faded away. The sword seemed to be endowed with a human mind and flew forward on its own. Du Yu quickly took back the remaining seven, and followed after him.

It didn't take long for him to catch up with Bei Liang and the others. At this time, Bei Liang was not having a good time. When Du Yu passed by, he was fighting with a gray brown bear.

The spiders and poisonous wasps in the front were dozens of times larger than the actual size. From this, you can imagine how huge the brown brown bear is. Every time the huge claws hit the ground, a huge pit will be left.

Du Qing and Du Huan took Bai Linger's original body to hide in the bushes beside them. Du Yu watched Bai Linger flip and jump between the bear's paws. If one is not careful, he will be crushed into flesh by the other party.

"Be careful behind!" Du Yu shouted, and then jumped up and blocked in front of Bei Liang, the bear's paw that flew over was like a mountain, and at the same time a powerful force rushed towards him.

The golden sword under the two of them immediately accelerated after sensing the danger of its master, and the force of the sprint penetrated the palm of the brown bear.

"Roar..." Roaring in a low voice, Du Yu only felt the pain of a needle in his eardrum, he quickly grabbed Bei Liang and dodged to the side.

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"Beiliang, what the **** is going on? Why did my black sword change its appearance? It seems that its attack power has also increased a lot."

The two were hiding under a large leaf, and Du Yu asked while looking at the golden trajectory above his head. The speed of the black sword was definitely much faster than before, and even Du Yu couldn't tell where its body was.

Bei Liang pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, coughed a few times and then panted and explained: "I once read in an ancient book that there is a legend that there is a poisonous bee with a body as big as an ox. The nature is vicious, but he loves his son very much. In addition, the book said that if the poisonous bee is eaten into the body when it is a tender bud, not only will the skill and cultivation level be greatly increased, but people who have no spiritual energy will also gain spiritual energy, and The weapons that people carry with them will also increase, which is equivalent to advancing to the next level. When the poisonous bee smells the smell that belongs to the bud, it will not continue to attack, and then it will become its own child."

Listening to Bei Liang's explanation, Du Yu remembered the reaction of those poisonous bees when they saw the transformation of the black sword, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Then why didn't you eat it just now." He asked in surprise, such a rare good thing could not allow him to benefit by himself.

Bei Liang smiled embarrassedly and said, "That thing is only useful for men..."

Du Yu suddenly felt his cheeks get hot, could it be...

"Look, those poisonous bees sensed your danger and came to help." Bei Liang raised his finger and pointed upwards in surprise.

It was the first time she had seen such a spectacular scene.

Originally, the creatures on this island all had their own territories and would never violate each other. That poisonous bee must have felt that the larvae were hurt, so they broke this rule.

At this time, the originally blue sky turned gloomy with the arrival of the poisonous bees. The whole jungle felt like a huge coffin with no boundaries. The changing weather was like a black wooden board. as above.

"They will shine." Du Yu found that the abdomens of those poisonous bees would actually emit light, especially the poisonous needles. The light emitted at this time was extremely cold.

The poisonous bees stabbed the grizzly bear with poisonous needles like soldiers who saw death at home.

It didn't take long for the poisonous bee, who lost its poisonous needle, to reach the end of its life and fall to the ground.

For some reason, looking at such a picture, Du Yu's heart was blocked by a big stone, which made him a little breathless.

Soon, under the attack of the poisonous wasp, the brown bear couldn't bear it any longer, and the toxins accumulated in the body finally exploded at a certain point.

"Boom!" With a huge muffled sound, the brown bear fell to the ground, and the ground trembled.

Du Yu's black sword returned to Du Yu's side after completing the mission and summoning the other "brothers".

"It seems to be endowed with human thoughts." Du Yu said indifferently, the black sword that turned into golden yellow circled twice in front of his eyes, as if waiting for something.

"Actually, your black sword can also evolve. Now, it is also thoughtful. If you don't believe it, try it and comfort it."

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Bei Liang's words were like a joke, but Du Yu really believed it. He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the hilt of the sword a few times.The source of this content ɪs novelenglish.net . Fire(.)nᴇt

After receiving the reward from the master, the black sword jumped with satisfaction and then returned to the team.

Du Yu couldn't help laughing out loud. He never thought that the black sword would have different levels of experience. The master had never told him about these things before.

"Hey, why are you back in human form again? Aren't you a drag on us!" Du Qing cried out with grievances.

Du Yu looked over, and Bai Linger not only regained her human form, but her face became a little more rosy. It seems that the honey bee is effective.

"How long is it to come? If we pass this one test at a time, I'm afraid we will be here for half our lives." Bei Liang's expression became cold again, and she sighed as she looked at the headless jungle.

Du Yu closed his eyes, the map left and appeared in front of him, after observing it, he happily told everyone: "Come on, according to the map, after passing the open space ahead, we can ferry to Fire Beast Island. ."

"Really? Thank goodness, it's almost here, she is about to die." Du Qing pouted and lifted Bailinger.

After Du Yu finished speaking, he continued to walk forward, but Bei Liang stood there thinking about something.

"What? Is there any problem?" Du Yu took a few steps back and came to her side, his head leaning over.

Not to mention, Bei Liang's thinking is still somewhat feminine.

"What are you doing!" Beiliang took a big step when she noticed the eyes staring at her, and quickly distanced herself from Du Yu. She lowered her head and coughed a few times to demonstrate her embarrassment.

"Are you blushing?" Du Yu asked inexplicably, and Bei Liang quickly changed the subject: "What a mess. I just think it's a little strange."

"Strange?" Du Yu followed Bei Liang's direction and looked at the corpse of the brown bear on the ground, vaguely feeling that something was ignored by him. *