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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2109: Jungle Rift
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In order to ensure that the people of the Demon Race would not cause trouble, Jun Baiyi was thrown into the space-time gate where the little fox fairies transformed.

The only difference this time is that without the help of the fox clan, Jun Baiyi would probably wander forever in the loopholes in time and space.

"I have all the map in my mind. It's not too late. Let's go to the Fire Beast Island now. I'm afraid she won't be able to last long." After speaking, Du Yu turned his head to look and was still in a coma. the lark.

The little fox fairies nodded one after another. Since they didn't know the exact location of the Fire Beast Island, they couldn't use the space-time gate to send them in, so they had to hurry as soon as possible.

As soon as you say it, the group hurried on the road.

According to the guide of the map, Du Yu and the others did not find the jungle shown on the map until it was completely dark.

Where is the jungle, it is clearly an ancient virgin forest. The sky is already dark, making people feel yellow in their hearts, and looking at the barrier-like intersection in front of them is even more awe-inspiring.

"Brother Du Yu, I think, let's wait until dawn tomorrow before going in. I always feel that there is something waiting for us there." Du Qing, who has always been timid, hid behind Du Yu again.

However, Bei Liang was still unfazed.

"Du Yu, I think it's better to wait for the dawn, so that we can at least see things around us clearly."

Du Yu thought for a moment, and finally decided to set up camp in place, and then enter the jungle until dawn.New chapters are publɪshed on N(o)vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.nᴇt

The group slept on the ground. It didn't take long for Du Yu to hear an orderly snoring coming from beside him. It was Du Huan's.

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During this period of time, they have indeed suffered a lot with themselves. No one ever thought that Jun Baiyi was actually from the Demon Race.

Du Yu tossed and turned unable to sleep, and from time to time he looked at the entrance to the jungle. A gust of cold wind suddenly blew over, causing Du Yu to get goosebumps all over.

Moreover, with the cool wind, she seemed to smell a trace of blood.

"Don't think about it, go to sleep. I set up nodules around, if there is an intrusion, we will know in advance."

Bei Liang, who closed his eyes, said softly, then turned his back to face Du Yu. This action made Du Yu, who had something to say, suddenly swallow all the words that reached his throat.

He originally thought, let Bei Liang take Du Qing to wait for them here, and he and Du Huan go in.

This way, at least some people can be kept safe. However, Bei Liang seemed to have guessed his own mind, and did not give him a chance to speak.

Du Yu raised his arms and put them under his head. Apart from the pale and yellow moonlight, there was no light on the top of his head.

His brain was blank, and he gradually fell asleep in a daze.

"Boom!" After some time, a sudden voice woke Du Yu from his dream.

Accompanied by the sound, the ground trembled for a few seconds.

"Who!" Du Yu shouted and jumped into the air, looking around defensively. Suddenly, he realized that the sky was getting brighter.

"It seems to come from that forest!" Bei Liang, who was also sober, raised his hand and pointed to the depths of the dense forest, and then countless birds flew up.

"What is that, it can shake the earth." Du Yu exclaimed, and began to feel uneasy in his heart.

It seems that they are probably dying today.

"Go in and see." Bei Liang said lightly, then raised his hand and removed the surrounding barrier.

Du Yu and Beiliang walked in a row, Du Qing and Du Huan supported Bai Linger and followed closely behind.

As soon as he stepped into the jungle, Du Yu felt the cold air spread from the soles of his feet to all over his body.

In the jungle, the precision is terrifying. The surrounding plants are also several times larger than usual. Du Yu felt more and more that danger was slowly approaching them.

"Ah! What is this!"

After a few people walked for a while, Du Qing suddenly screamed, and Bei Liang hurriedly turned around and covered her mouth with his hand and said dissatisfiedly: "Shut up! Are you trying to kill us!"

Du Qing waited for her big eyes and looked at Du Yu aggrievedly. Du Yu raised his hand to signal Bei Liang to let go.

I saw that Du Qing pointed to her left side tremblingly, and Du Yu followed her gesture to look over, and his heart suddenly froze.

A huge spider web was on their side. Where did the insects come from? If they were glued to it, it would be about the size of an insect.

"When I just walked through here, why didn't I see such a big net." Du Yu whispered, his eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

Unless, the net was completed within seconds after he walked over.

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"Be careful!" Just as Du Yu was immersed in surprise, Bei Liang grabbed Du Yu and dragged him behind him.

A huge spider suddenly fell from the sky. If it wasn't for Bei Liang's timely actions, Du Yu would probably have been in the spider's stomach at this time.

"Hiss--" The harsh silk thread sounded, and the white silk thread thick as an arm was spit out from the mouth of the behemoth, and flew over after a few people.

Du Yu immediately summoned the black sword in his body, and between the sword, light, sword and shadow, the silk thread instantly turned into pieces.

"Dangdangdang--" Seeing that the spider hadn't hit it, it raised its claws and ran.

Bei Liang jumped up, stepping on the spider's head, and at the same time condensing the water vapor in the air, the slender ice cone gradually took shape in the air.

The big spider raised its head and looked at Bei Liang above his head. In its eyes, Bei Liang seemed to be his prey. The spider spit out a coil of silk toward the air again, Bei Liang snorted loudly, and the ice pick dived down at a very fast speed, and then passed through the spider's mouth and out of the back of its head.

The huge spider fell to the ground with a bang, with no sign of surviving.

"I think there's more than this one here, let's go!" Du Yu said hastily.

Then the black sword was thrown and flew forward, replacing them to explore the road ahead.

Sure enough, just two steps after they ran out, several spiders of the same size suddenly appeared behind them, chasing after them in their direction.

"Beiliang, you go ahead with them first, and I'll take care of the rest." Du Yu finished speaking, and before he could hear Bei Liang's words, he jumped behind Du Qing and the others.

The three black swords flew out at the same time, and quickly eliminated the three who were chasing after them. However, just after the three spiders fell, three more appeared out of nowhere.

Du Yu kept running the black sword, solving them one by one. But it won't last long, and they have to find a way to get rid of them soon.

"This way, hurry up! There should be a beehive ahead!"

Bei Liang on the front side shouted loudly, suddenly changed direction, and ran quickly to the left.

Du Yu immediately took back the black sword and followed closely. *