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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2091: hostility
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After some enthusiasm, the men and women also calmed down and looked at Du Yu and the others.

"I don't know who these are?"

A middle-aged man asked.

The middle-aged man is simple and looks like a thrifty person, but he is very clean and does not look sloppy. Instead, he does not have the majesty of the owner of Tianjian Villa, and it is more approachable.

"Father just picked up the younger brother, and then brought them back when they met us, but the younger brother would like to invite these few to our villa to rest and rest as a token of gratitude."

The man knows very well that now is not the time to talk about the real situation.

After listening to this sentence, the others looked at each other a few times and then looked at Du Yu and the others.

"That is to say, you rescued our little brother. I really thank you. Just say what you want and don't worry. The most important thing in our family is money!"

The one who said this was the eldest lady of Tianjian Villa, Li Qianqiu.

The eldest has always doted on her own younger brother, but now that she heard that someone saved her own younger brother, she must also be generous, and she will give him whatever the other party wants.

The business of Tianjian Villa was very early in the freshman year, just training some secret guards, and then selling them to some noble families.

Later, I don't know where I got a book, and then I started a business of selling weapons.

The weapons of Tianjian Villa can be said to be first-class and good. Many people said that after buying it, it was natural, and more people came to buy it.

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In addition, there are many children in this area, each with different aspirations, which naturally further developed their own industries.

But Li's parents and Li's mother are also very happy to see such a situation.

"We only live for a few days and we will leave, don't worry, we will have it all when you don't need to eat."

Du Yuguang had already determined the family's temperament based on the man's situation, and he didn't want to eat a grain of rice from them and use some of their things.

Seeing Du Yu's appearance, the man knew why, and felt a little ashamed for a while, but it was soon covered up.

After all, it was at the door, so it was not easy to talk more, so the middle-aged man invited Du Yu and the others in first.

After Du Yu and the others entered, the middle-aged man looked at the other children again, said a word with a serious face, and left.

"Come to my study later, let's talk about something."

They don't know about Du Yu's affairs on the men's side, because Bailinger has already called Du Yu over to talk about it.

"Senior, I have some doubts, why did you suddenly let us live here?"

"I just feel that there is an extraordinary aura on that person's body, but they don't seem to notice this aura, so I suspect they have something here."

Bai Linger poured a cup of tea and said while resting her head.

"If I wasn't sure at first, now that I'm here, I'm even more sure that there are definitely some good things here."

"When the time comes, you can inquire about it, and let me carefully distinguish what this thing is."

This breath is very vague, Bailinger can be sure that the family is deliberately concealing it, and it seems that they don't know the situation from their appearance, but that's okay.New chapters are publɪshed on ɴoᴠel ꜰɪre.nᴇt

"I know senior."

When it was time for dinner in the evening, the little son's family also specially sent someone to invite Du Yu and the others to have dinner together, in order to thank them for picking up the little son.

At first, Du Yu refused. He felt that this kind of thing was unnecessary, but the servant immediately knelt down and cried when he heard Du Yu and the others refused.

"Young Master, just follow us. You don't know that although they seem harmonious, they are actually very strange." The servant wiped away tears and continued, "So, Master, I beg you to follow us. Bar."

Looking at the appearance of the servant, Du Yu was indifferent, because the other party's acting skills were too clumsy, but he knew that if they didn't go, even if the other party was acting, they would continue to act like this.

It was unbearable for a person to cry and make trouble in front of him, and Du Yu finally agreed to this matter with a frown.

However, the hands hanging down on both sides were squeezed tightly.

After Du Yu and the others arrived, they always felt that the current scene was completely different from what they had seen before, and several hostile rays of light kept shooting at him.

I am afraid that the man has already explained the situation to them, and it is not an exaggeration for them to look at themselves with this kind of eyes.

Du Yu lowered his eyes and didn't take this kind of thing into his eyes, his face was indifferent.

Although the owner, the owner's wife, and the young master were very enthusiastic about this meal, the other brothers and sisters were not like this.

This meal was extremely strange, and the young master hadn't realized what was going on.

"It is said that you have important things to do. I don't know what the little friend's business is? It is inconvenient to tell us, maybe we can help you."

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The meal was about to end, and the owner finally spoke up.

Du Yu looked at Bailinger, and Bailinger nodded before starting to speak.

"We're going to a place called Yunwaijing."

After hearing this name, the owner of the village was surprised, his pupils shrank, and he even froze when he took the chopsticks.

Not to mention other people, all of them looked surprised, except for the little boy who knew from the beginning.

"Who are you and why are you going to such a dangerous place?"

Du Yu didn't speak, obviously he wouldn't answer this question, and the village owner was a little helpless.

"There are more than one strange legends in this place, but every legend is not a good legend."

"Some people say that there is a sea at the junction of black and white, and there is a whirlpool in the sea. The whirlpool is very dangerous, but in the whirlpool, if you pass it, you will get the treasure."

Next, the owner said a lot about Yunwaijing.

But the most dazzling thing is probably the hostile eyes of the younger brothers and sisters.

Du Yu felt that he didn't threaten them, and they didn't need to look at him with this first look.

What Du Yu didn't know was that the hostile glances of the little son's brothers and sisters were only because Du Yu was admired by the little son and made the little son want to go with them.

This is the kind of treatment they have never received before. Now an outsider has just gotten it casually, which makes them not hostile to this person.

So this hostility is inexplicable.

A meal also ended with a story about the cloud outside the mirror and the eerie atmosphere.

Du Yu could be said to be sitting on a needle, being stabbed all the time.

However, he also got some unexpected things. *