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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2062: Hundred Flowers Teaching
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After reading the entire letter, Du Yu instantly felt that he missed his master very much, thinking that he and his master had parted in a hurry, but he did not expect the master to miss him so much and paved the way for him.

"Fellow Daoist Du, the road ahead is more difficult and dangerous, so your master asked me to follow you, especially since there is a Hundred Flowers Sect and Canglang Pavilion in the next place."

"The head of the Hundred Flowers Sect is called Ren Keke. He is very good at playing silver needles in one hand, and the pavilion master of the other Canglang Pavilion is Luo Qianhan. It is rumored that this Luo Qianhan's life experience is very pitiful, which has also led to him now. Very indifferent character."

Bei Liang introduced Du Yu step by step, and Du Yu listened very carefully, after all, this was related to his next path.

Du Qing also wanted to go in and listen, but for some reason, she only saw the mouths of the two moving, but couldn't hear a single sound.Follow current s on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet

Bai Linger, who could hear clearly next to him, saw this scene, just sneered, and then turned his head.

From the beginning, she had secretly explained to Bei Liang that she must beware of Du Qing, so Bei Liang also secretly performed magic.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that this Ren Ke is not an ordinary person. I heard that he looks very beautiful, but this is a man, and there are countless women around, and there are even women who are trying to marry him. ."

"On the contrary, this Luo Qianhan has never seen his true face, but the person who has seen it is said to be dead."

Bei Liang's words did not diminish Bai Ling'er's words, which also made Du Yu feel the long-lost concern.

The more this is the case, the more seriously Du Yu will listen, and the more upset Lu Pei, who can't hear anything, will be.

Yuan Clover has been looking at the surrounding environment, and only thinks that this place is very suitable for cultivation.

Bai Linger didn't care about this at all, but went directly into the cave.

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"Okay, don't talk about it outside. If you have something, let's talk about it slowly. Come and see the fragments inside first."

Although Bai Linger is a nine-tailed fox, she has never seen such a fragment of the Heaven-shattering swordsmanship.

Originally, Bei Liang had never seen it, but now that he was entrusted to wait, of course, he had seen it once.

"Don't worry, fellow Daoist Du, your master has set up a barrier outside, and only you can get this shard."

Bei Liang was already a middle-aged man, so his speech had a hint of old age stereotypes.

Du Yu doesn't think it's anything, as long as the other party is good to him, no matter what the other party looks like, he thinks it's okay.

"Thank you for the reminder, Senior Bei."

There is a light source in the depths of the cave, and this light source is from the fragments of the Heaven-shattering Sword Art.

The faint red light is surrounded by a golden light, which is even more strange, but it can evoke people's desire more.

Because only the best treasures will have this kind of light.

Du Yu was also attracted by this, and gradually moved towards the barrier.

Bei Liang, Bai Linger and the others were waiting there. Du Qing wanted to come forward, but Bei Liang stopped her.

Originally, Bei Liang had a serious face, but now with Bei Liang's aura, he was like a ghost.

"That girl has something that doesn't belong to you, it's best not to get close."

This sentence carries a full warning, and of course it also frightened Du Qing, a fledgling little girl.

Looking at the other party's cold face, Du Qing couldn't help but take a few steps back.

But after stepping back, Bai Linger began to regret herself, how could she be so easily frightened.

With her head lowered, Du Qing gritted her teeth, her hands hanging down on both sides were clenched tightly, and her short nails were embedded in her flesh, and she didn't feel the slightest bit.

Looking at Du Qing's appearance, Bai Linger only felt at ease. He didn't want to deal with this Du Qing at first, but now that Bei Liang exists, why should he do it himself.

You must know that Bei Liang Shiba snake and their nine-tailed fox are almost on an equal footing, but the two people are of different types.

Besides, looking at Bei Liang's situation, it seems that he has already surrendered to Du Yu. How could he tolerate a monster like Du Qing to exist beside Du Yu.

Du Yu didn't know the situation here, just blindly walked towards the light source.

Sure enough, I saw a small golden fragment lying inside, and there was a layer of red obstacles around it.

Du Yu was a little hesitant at first, he wasn't sure whether he would be hurt or not.

But Du Yu felt that Bei Liang and the others would not lie to him, so he was ruthless in his heart, and he put his hand in directly.

Du Yu only felt that his hand was caught in a warm, very comfortable, and then he encountered a scorching golden light.

And this scorching golden light is the shard.

Bei Liang and Bai Ling'er at the back looked like they were watching the show. It was difficult to tame the fragments of the legendary Heaven-shattering swordsmanship.

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If someone appeared within 100 meters, they would be burned by the golden light of the Heaven-shattering Sword Art Fragment, let alone someone touching it like that.

And depending on the situation, it seems that this fragment really wants to fit Du Yu.

Du Yu also noticed this, and felt very comfortable in his heart.

After getting the fragments, Du Yu was as happy as a fool, but soon Bailinger's words broke Du Yu's happiness.

"Don't think that the first shard is so easy to take, and the remaining pieces will be so good. Your master won't spare you easily, and the next road will be even more difficult to walk."

"And it is said that there are dozens of fragments of this Heaven-shattering swordsmanship. I don't know what year and month you want to find."

Bai Linger said with a smile on her face, of course she was joking.

How could she know how many pieces the Heaven-shattering Sword Art was broken into, just so that Du Yu could get out of his joy and calm down.

Sure enough, as soon as Du Yu heard this sentence, the whole person's face collapsed again, and it seemed that he was too happy too early, but he did not expect that this heaven-shattering swordsmanship would be broken into dozens of pieces.

"Senior, can't you please make me happy? It's not easy to get the first shard. Besides, I don't think my master will hurt me."

Du Yuqiang held the smile on his face and said with a wry smile.

Bei Liang laughed heartily when he saw this scene, it seems that the next journey will experience a lot.

Du Qing watched this scene very jealously, she knew that they were isolating herself.

Immediately, Du Qing took a vicious look at Yuan Clover, and always felt that the other party was too useless, always excluded, and looked indifferent.

But Du Qing didn't know that it wasn't that Yuan Hao was excluded, but that Yuan Hao didn't want to care about these things, so he didn't care, just like Du Qing was the only one who couldn't hear the conversation.

Now only Du Qing is left immersed in her own thoughts, while everyone is looking at it with a mocking attitude. *