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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2056: Old woman
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I thought it would be a smooth journey along the way, but it was clear that it was all overthinking.

Looking at the surrounding trees, Du Yu only felt more and more uneasy in his heart. He didn't know why no one appeared, but he felt that there were many people around him looking at him.

Du Yu looked around anxiously, and this uneasy mood also affected Bailinger beside him.

"What? Looking at your uneasy look, could it be that you feel something?"

Although Bai Linger was speaking to Du Yu, she did not turn her head to Du Yu, her eyes kept looking straight ahead.

I don't know why seeing Bailinger like this, Du Yu's mood began to stabilize, not as excited as at the beginning.

"Senior, don't you think something is wrong?"

"Something's wrong? It seems that you found it too. I thought you couldn't find it anymore. You have to be alert at any time in this kind of forest."

Bai Linger said as usual, as if this forest was not as dangerous as she said.

Du Yu quietly glanced at Bai Linger's expression, and finally decided to listen to Bai Linger's words and raise the alarm.

While walking, Bai Linger suddenly stopped, causing the three people behind her to look at her inexplicably.

Du Yu opened his mouth and was about to say something, but Bai Linger's next words interrupted him.

"Come out, you are not too tired to follow us all the way, tell me, what are you doing here?"

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Bai Linger has maintained her previous posture, without a trace of panic.

Surrounded by trees, the silence was terrifying, and no one responded to Bailinger.

Just when Du Qing was about to speak sarcastically, a hoarse voice suddenly came out.

The voice was very ugly, and the person who came out was also an old woman who looked in her 70s or 80s.

The old woman's face is full of wrinkles, the skin of the whole face is very loose, and the eyes are so small that they are almost invisible.

The old woman was wearing a black cloak, covering the whole person tightly, and her gray hair was exposed from under the hat.

He was holding a cane in his dry hand, and he looked like he was going to lose his way.Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by Noᴠelꜰire.nᴇt

Ordinary people will definitely go up to help when they see such a poor old woman, but Du Yu always feels that there is a black aura around him.

This black aura was so familiar that Du Yu suddenly felt that the old woman in front of him was definitely not simple.

"What? You didn't absorb the essence, which made you look so ugly?"

Bai Linger put her slender index finger to her mouth with a mocking expression.

Yanhong's mouth is always unable to spit out a word of comfort, and it can be said that as long as this mouth opens, some maddening words can be said.

I thought that the old woman would be angry, but the other party was not angry, but had an unidentified smile.

"Since I can face you here alone, it means that I am well prepared, and I will not fight a battle without victory."

The old woman's voice had a hint of hoarseness and vicissitudes, but more of it made people feel a little harsh, like the whispers of evil spirits.

The old woman walked towards Bailinger step by step with a cane, with a hint of pride in her eyes.

"Do you really think that I will come here without any preparation? How is it possible, I'm afraid you won't be able to hang that complacent smile on your face this time."

The old woman laughed as she spoke, putting her hand in front of her mouth, with a special flavor, except for her face of course.

Du Yu summed up Bai Linger's words, it seems that the old man in front of him is not simple, and I am afraid that the original appearance is not the appearance of this old woman.

Du Yu's face gradually became serious, which also attracted the attention of the old woman beside him.

"What? Are you already guessing my identity? It's impossible to guess. If you really want to know, you can ask your senior."

The old woman thinks this Du Yu is very interesting. On the surface, it doesn't seem to matter. If you spend more time exploring, you will find the powerful spiritual power in the other party's body.

And this spiritual power does not belong to him, but at the same time this spiritual power is slowly integrating into Du Yu.

The old woman is very interested in this. If she takes this spiritual power as her own, then she will never return to this disgusting appearance.

Seeing the greed in the old woman's eyes, Bai Linger couldn't help but remind her coldly.

"I advise you to stop hitting on him. Do you know who his apprentice is? I'm afraid that after you know, you can't wait to kneel down and beg for mercy."

The old woman became very annoyed after hearing this. Now Bai Linger is just something in her hands in her eyes, and she dares to speak to herself in such a tone.

But at the same time, the old woman is not the kind of person who easily loses her senses, so she naturally began to think deeply about Bai Linger's words.

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Du Yu was a little confused, but he always felt that what they were discussing had something to do with something in his body.

Du Qing, who was behind Du Yu, watched all this through gritted teeth.

Why didn't this old woman who appeared out of nowhere just kill this woman?

The viciousness in Du Qing's eyes almost overflowed, and at the same time, the old woman noticed it.

"It seems that your popularity is not very good. The killing intent in this little sister can't wait for me to kill you now."

As soon as this remark came out, it exploded to Du Qing, she did not expect that the old woman in front of her would actually say it directly.

But Du Qing didn't have the time to think about it anymore, so she quickly put on a pitiful and lovable look, and gently grabbed the corner of Du Yu's clothes.

"I didn't, brother Du Yu, how could I be like this?"

Yuan Hao was indifferent to Du Qing, and at the same time believed that Bai Linger and Du Yu could get them out of the predicament, so he didn't speak up.

Du Yu knew Du Qing's true face a long time ago, and now he is willing to take the other party, just to prevent the other party from falling into the wrong hands.

Not to mention the lark.

"Don't talk about these things anymore. If you have something to say, just say it."

Du Yu didn't want to continue the stalemate like this. Any more time spent would be a waste.

Looking at Du Yu's eager appearance, he made the old woman laugh again.

"Why are young people so panicked? It's not that I won't let you pass, it's easy to let you pass, but you have to pass me."

"I was originally ordered to kill you all, but now I think you are quite interesting, and now I will let you go, but I don't know if you can seize this opportunity."

The old woman said in a low voice mysteriously, and laughed coldly twice, and finally disappeared into a cloud of black mist.

There seemed to be no change after that, but Du Yu always took what the old woman said in his heart. *