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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2051: fox demon
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After Bailinger's breath covered the entire Tomorrow faction, Du Yu only felt that the breath was very depressed.

This oppression comes from the oppression of the superior, so Du Yu feels that if he becomes stronger, can he do the same?

Not far away, there was a place that gradually revealed the figure of a graceful woman.

The woman was wearing a red dress and looked very thin, but she was wearing a cloak.

"I didn't expect that Lord Nine-Tailed Fox is different from us. The aura is so strong that I can't hide myself."

Seeing that she had appeared in front of everyone, the graceful woman did not panic at all, but walked towards everyone with cat steps.

The woman's figure is very good, and this step further highlights her temperament.

Bai Linger's eyes narrowed, "Just a **** like you, speaking to me in this tone?"

Hearing Bai Ling'er's words with doubts, she was also very angry. The woman who was calm at first was unsteady at the pace of this sentence.

Du Yu, who was on the side, looked at Bai Linger seriously. He didn't expect the other party to speak so ruthlessly, but Du Yu soon got used to it. After all, when did Bai Linger speak softly?

"What do you mean? Are you nine-tailed foxes allowed in this world, but not our ordinary foxes?"

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"Just like you can be a nine-tailed fox, why can't we be! After all, it is the unfairness of the heavenly way. Since it is unfair, why can't I resist the heavenly way!"

Seeing the ferocious face of the graceful woman, Bai Linger seemed to think of her previous self, and her original self also thought the same way.

Du Yu watched Bai Linger fall into contemplation and knew that Bai Linger was recalling the past again.

In order to prevent the woman in front of her from hurting Bailinger, Du Yu quietly walked in front of Bailinger and blocked Bailinger.

This protective gesture angered the woman in front of him.

Because Du Yu is the favored son of heaven, and Bai Linger is a nine-tailed fox, the combination of the two is simply the perfect son of heaven.

"Looking at your appearance, it's really ridiculous. Does she need your protection? She's a nine-tailed fox who can crush us to death with one finger."

The woman roared loudly, but Du Yu didn't take the woman's words to heart at all.

She used all her strength to roar, and the woman's neck started to turn red.

Du Dan began to panic when he saw the scene in front of him. He didn't expect Bai Linger to be so powerful. If he knew that the other party was this kind of identity, he shouldn't be so stupid.

This made Du Dan feel that the main messenger of all this was the woman, so Du Dan looked at the woman with resentment.

After the woman noticed Du Dan's eyes, she began to laugh sarcastically, raised her slender hand, and pointed at everyone with Dan Kou's fingers.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Could it be that you are blaming me? When I appeared in front of you, I also asked you. You were the one who insisted on me to help you. Now you are blaming me, and you guys. The elders, it was all the result of your doting that made him look like this!"

The woman used a harsh voice to expose the hypocrisy of this group of people, making Du Dan's face, which was originally blue, turn a little red.

I don't know if I'm ashamed or what.

When the head heard that these things were all being manipulated by the woman, he felt that it was the woman's fault, and all his resentment towards Bailinger and Du Yu was spread on the woman.

"You little vixen, your words are so arrogant, that this deity's apprentice has become like this, and I will keep you from being born forever!"

After the sect master finished speaking, he slapped the woman directly, but the woman did not respond.

But before that, Bai Linger suddenly flashed in front of the woman and caught the palm for the woman.The source of thɪs content is ɴovel(ꜰ)ɪre.nᴇt

Under the surprised eyes of the headmaster, Bai Linger stared at the other party coldly.

"Isn't what she said not clear enough? All this is what your apprentice wants to become like this. Could it be that you treat her like this because she is a fox demon?"

The woman behind her watched this scene in shock. The man told her that the nine-tailed fox had always been arrogant and did not regard the lives of these ordinary foxes as their lives.

But now it seems to have deviated from her cognition.

Du Yu dodged to Du Dan's side and locked Du Dan's throat.

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"The head of the Yuntian faction, I advise you not to act rashly. I, Du, are not a soft-hearted person. If you continue to do this kind of thing to my people, then don't blame me for being ruthless. already."

Du Yu tightened the hand locked on Du Shan's throat as he spoke.

Du Dan only felt that his breathing had gradually diminished, his face had gradually turned purple, and his lips had begun to turn purple.

"Stop it for me, isn't it just a fox demon, you still help him like this, it's obviously he who harmed you like this!"

Seeing that his apprentice was threatened, the head hurriedly withdrew his hand, stood aside and said with his sleeves thrown.

There is a hint of incitement in the language, wanting to break up Du Yu Bailinger and the fox demon, so that he can deal with the fox demon himself.

He has heard that there are many treasures on the fox demon. Isn't it beautiful to put all those treasures into his pocket?

The greed in the head's eyes never escaped the eyes of Du Yu and Bai Linger, and the two looked at each other.

"Then what do you think you should do now? I advise you to give me the hundred poisonous fruits quickly, and I will let your apprentice go!"

While talking, Du Yu grabbed Du Dan's neck and moved forward, indicating that he was someone who had a handle on it.

The elders were all embarrassed in their hearts, and naturally they all looked at the Sect Master with pleading eyes.

The elders thought of Du Dan wholeheartedly, but the sect master was not the sect master. Although he still valued Du Dan, in fact, he still attached great importance to his own interests.

Now that Du Dan has been demonized, and he has been tossed into this appearance, if he saves the other party with the poisonous fruit, can he still benefit from it?

At this critical moment, the head of Du Dan, who has always loved Du Dan, actually began to compare the importance of Du Dan and Bai Du Guo.

Now it's a person, and you can see what the master thinks of Du Dan, looking at the master with unbelievable eyes, I didn't expect the master who always loved him to look like this.

Not to mention those elders, who usually feel that the head loves Du Dan as much as they do, but now at such a critical moment, the other party starts to hesitate and begins to measure. *