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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2045: sneak into
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And Bailinger didn't know about it, because they were all discussing how to sneak into the Yuntian faction and get what they wanted.

Of course, this matter isolated Du Qing, Yuan Clover still had nothingness.

To put it bluntly, it was a separate discussion between Du Yu and Bai Linger.

"Senior, what should I do next? Now the reputation of the Yuntian faction has been broken, and it is estimated that it will not last long, but if we don't get the Hundred Toxic Fruit, when the matter spreads, we will not have our share. already."

Of course Bai Linger knew what Du Yu meant, but she lowered her head slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing Bailinger Du Yu, who doesn't speak like this, just felt a little anxious, after all, Bailinger used to have the most ghost ideas.

Bai Linger didn't care about how flustered Du Yu was, she just wanted to think about how to reorganize the whole group of Yuntian faction.

If she were to give up just like that and simply get the poisonous fruit, Bai Linger would not be willing.

"Tonight, we will sneak into Yuntianpai to get the hundred poisonous fruits, but at the same time, I want to give them a big gift. I believe they will like this gift very much."

Bai Ling'er said with a strange smile, this strange smile, in Du Yu's eyes, knew that Yun Tian Pai was going to be unlucky.

When Lark has such a smile, the subject is usually being teased.

Here, Du Yu could only silently light wax for Yuntian to send them.

"Okay, okay, let's hurry up and prepare now, but we want to keep all of them here, you can do what you want."

After Bai Linger finished speaking, she waved her hand, left the room, and returned to her room.

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Of course Du Yu knew what Bailinger meant, but he was just afraid that they would ruin Bailinger's good deeds.

"Understood, senior, I must make good arrangements."

Du Yu first found Yuanmu and wanted Yuanmu to help him deal with Du Qing for a while.

After listening to all Du Yu's plans, Yuan Clover just fell into contemplation and did not answer Du Yu.

Du Yu also waited patiently for the other party's answer.

"I promised to help you, but I don't think I can control him for too long. You know the nature of that kid."

Du Yu nodded to show that he understood Yuan Su's statement, after all, Du Qing was really too sticky to herself.

"I'll ask you, just say that we have something important to do tonight, and if she really doesn't listen, you'll say something cruel."

Hearing Du Yu's words, Yuan Hao was a little surprised. After all, in Yuan Hao's eyes, Du Yu usually doted on Du Qing very much, but now he doesn't care about the other party's feelings at all.

Of course, Du Yu noticed Yuan Su's emotions.

"Don't worry, I'm not so confused that I pet her for no reason, and we will eventually be separated in the future."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he left and went to his room.

At first, Du Qing only thought that she could stay by Du Yu's side, but now she became dissatisfied.

She stayed by Du Yu's side all the time and was with Du Yu all the time.

But Du Qing knew that she couldn't be too anxious now, otherwise it would backfire.

When Du Qing saw Du Yu, she thought that Du Yu was coming to accompany her, but she didn't expect to hear the last thing she didn't want to hear.

"Xiaoqing, you have to stay in the room by yourself tonight. Yuan Clover will come to accompany you. Senior and I have something to go out."

Although Du Yu used a gentle tone and kept touching Du Qing's head, this did not make Du Qing feel warm.

Du Qing only felt that she had fallen into the cold ice cellar.

"Brother Du Yu, we just met, are you so busy? Can't you even accompany me for a while?"

Du Qing grabbed the corner of Du Yu's clothes tightly and opened her watery eyes, trying to confuse Du Yu with her appearance.

At this time, Du Qing also deliberately used the ability of charm.

But obviously, now Du Yu already knew Du Qing's routine and avoided it deliberately.

"Xiaoqing, I hope you can listen to me carefully, instead of making me relapse over and over again."

After Du Yu finished speaking, he withdrew the hand that stroked Du Qing's head.

Seeing Du Yu leave Du Qing without the slightest nostalgia, I just feel very sad.

"Why? Why does each of you treat me so heartlessly!"

Bai Linger cursed resentfully, but at this time Du Yu could no longer hear it, but Bai Linger next door could hear it clearly.

The next thing Du Yu is looking for is, of course, nothingness.

Du Yu told everything to nothingness, nothingness just nodded indifferently.

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When Du Yu patted what he wanted to say at the beginning, nothingness interrupted him.

"I know what you want to say, but now I have nothing to do with my sect, what you do has nothing to do with me, you don't need to tell me about these things in the future, and those elders are very cunning, it is estimated that Please come out, I advise you to be more careful."

In fact, nothingness thinks that Du Yu and the others may not say it, because nothingness can't see Bai Linger's true ability.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Du Yu finally opened his mouth slightly and left.

At night, almost everyone slept, the lights went out, there were few stars in the sky, and even the moon was hidden behind the clouds.

The whole Peach Blossom Town was very quiet, which also allowed Du Yu and Bai Linger to come to Yuntian School very smoothly.

For Bai Linger, the seven-step killing formation is simply a pediatrician, and it can be solved with the touch of a finger.

And the person who set up this formation is not as powerful as Bailinger, so Bailinger solved this formation more easily.

"Have you found out the location of Baiduguo?"

"I found out that they are sitting in the room of their great elder. It seems that there is a secret room."

After listening to Du Yu's words, Bai Ling'er fell into contemplation. It seemed that they had to face the great elder next, and a fight was inevitable.

Du Yu also thought of this and fell into contemplation.

"Don't worry, they don't dare to do anything to us, and they don't dare to show it. As soon as they show it, all their hidden things will be revealed."

After listening to Bai Linger's words, Du Yu knew what it meant. I'm afraid that in the end, Yuntian faction could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, not daring to complain.

After all, one is just a hundred poisonous fruits, and the other is a treasure of the whole sect. It is obvious which one is important.Follow current s on ɴo(v)elꜰɪre.ɴet

Du Yu nodded to show that he understood, and Bai Linger also nodded.

In this game tonight, they are bound to win! And it's a must! *