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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2022: disappear
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After Du Qing, who was thrown by the woman, fell to the ground, Du Yu hurried up to pick up Du Qing, and dealt with the wound in time.

"Senior, what is she doing?"

Du Yu held Du Qing in one hand and looked at Bai Linger to ask.

"This is a kind of spiritualism, which is to use one's own body to sacrifice."

"Evil ghosts are often willing to help when they receive benefits."

After listening to Bai Linger's description, Du Yu only felt very amazing.

It seems that this woman is completely trying to fight with Bai Linger.

"So she is willing to sacrifice herself in order to destroy you?"

Du Yu felt a little incredible. He didn't expect some people to be so ruthless for revenge. If it was himself, he would definitely wait until he became stronger and have 100% certainty before taking revenge.

Bai Linger seemed to understand Du Yu's mind.

"Du Yu, although this is a simple matter for you, of course, it is a very difficult matter for others."

"Sometimes the enemy is not something you can defeat when you become stronger, and whether you can catch up with him is not necessarily because you are growing, and he is growing too."

"If he is an arrogant man, then you don't need to beat him, he has already been beaten."

Although Bai Linger kept talking to Du Yu about the big truth, her eyes never left the black fog.

Now all of them are waiting for the black fog to break open, after all, they have nothing to do now.

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It didn't take long for the black fog to gradually dissipate, revealing a woman with long hair scattered.

But the woman's face was so dark that she couldn't see her original posture, her hair was floating in the wind, and her black clothes were blowing in the wind.

"Bai Linger today I will let you pay for your life!"

After the woman finished speaking, she let out a loud roar, and many ghosts and ghosts began to gather around.

These wicked ghosts kept making some unpleasant sounds.

Gradually, they began to gather around the woman and began to eat the woman's body and the black mist around her.

"Hey, don't worry, the pain I'm suffering right now won't take long for you to suffer too."

Bai Linger's current situation is very bleak, the whole person is like a broken kite with a broken string, and there are gaps that have been bitten off everywhere.

There was also a pool of Du Qing's blood on the ground, exuding an unusual aroma.

After some evil spirits who didn't eat the body of the child noticed the aroma, they flew to the aroma and began to lick the blood on the ground.

It all seemed to happen so suddenly, Du Yu and Bai Linger could only watch it all for a while.

"Senior, what should we do? Could it be that we just let them go?"

"Of course you can't just leave them alone."

After Bai Ling'er finished speaking, she flew directly to the woman's side. Before the woman was eaten, she immediately drove away all the evil spirits with a wave of her hand.

The evil ghost who didn't eat to the fullest, of course, was not satisfied with this, frowned tightly, and let out bursts of roars.

But for some unknown reason, the evil spirits still didn't dare to go forward and do anything to Bailinger.

At this time, half of the woman's face was broken, and she couldn't believe it when she saw this scene.

"Why, these are the evil ghosts I brought in with my flesh and blood, why don't they dare to touch you in the slightest!"

For so many years, I have been looking for Bai Linger's whereabouts everywhere, in order to one day be able to kill the other party, but the current scene, the woman is really unacceptable.

You must know that ghosts eaten by evil ghosts cannot enter reincarnation at all.

She paid such a huge price, but in the end she couldn't hurt even a single hair of Bai Linger.

"Do you really think I'm just an ordinary vixen?"The most update n0vels are published on Noᴠelꜰire

Bai Linger looked at the woman's broken half face, curled the corners of her mouth, and laughed mockingly.

The woman now has no strength to move because half of her body is broken.

The woman's eyes widened sharply after hearing this.

"Originally, I wasn't a nine-tailed fox, but after Yulang died, I concentrated on my cultivation, and now I am a nine-tailed fox."

What is the concept of nine-tailed fox? Ordinary evil spirits dare not approach at all.

Even with this kind of spiritism, the evil spirits that are summoned do not dare to approach, after all, they are divine beasts.

"Why am I not satisfied, why can you still live so peacefully after you killed Yulang?"

The woman's voice was very hoarse because her throat was bitten, and now she was screaming with all her strength.

It can be said that now women are more like evil spirits than evil spirits.

"You have no choice if you accept it or not. This is the reality. Besides, what is Yulang who was killed by me, obviously you hired a black-hearted Taoist priest!"

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Bai Linger said angrily.

The first Taoist priest hired by the woman was an eminent legal monk. The Taoist priest was kind in his heart, could see the situation clearly, and let it go when she knew that she had no intention of harming others.

But the other one was completely a black-hearted Taoist priest, who didn't care about right or wrong, and tricked this woman into circles.

In the end, Yuro was killed.

After the woman heard this, her eyes widened in disbelief.

In fact, the woman knew that half of Yu Lang's death was her own fault, but the woman was unwilling to accept this reality, so she kept hinting in her heart that Bai Linger killed her.

"What? Are you just starting to remember that you killed it? But it's too late!"

"At the beginning, you ignored our obstruction and still went to the Taoist priest, but you found such a black-hearted Taoist priest!"

Now Bai Linger can't hold back her inner emotions anymore, and roared loudly to express all her resentment over the years.

Over the years, she has been living in great pain day and night, because she really can't understand why the shemales have different paths, and the once arrogant him has gradually changed because of these.

That's why after that, Bai Linger closed herself in a cave.

"It turns out... it turns out that..."

The woman closed her eyes, muttered softly, and finally disappeared as little fragments.

Although the evil spirits around have nothing to eat, there is still Du Qing's blood. Du Qing's blood can arouse the deepest desire in people's hearts, not to mention the evil spirits.

Those evil ghosts who ate Du Qing's blood, their eyes became scarlet, their faces became hideous, and they all started to roar.

But even if they lost their minds, they still knew who they could hit and who they couldn't, so instead of hitting Bailinger for a while, they rushed to Du Yu who was on the side.

Du Yu's state was tense from the beginning, so he quickly reacted, controlling a dozen black gold to protect himself and attacking. *