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The Steward Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1116 - 1116, Century
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Chapter 1116, Century

Translator: StarReader

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks


It was a black night, the darkness all-consuming. The only glimmer of life came from the moon above, offering its gentle and cool glow upon the land. However, it didn’t last, as black clouds hid it behind a curtain of obscurity.

A group of bare-chested men holding spiritual weapons in a cave struck the walls in a precise manner, enlarging it so that a person could pass.

“Friends, past tomorrow, we’ll be free of this nerve-wrecking life. Harder, brothers!”

A big man with whiskers for a mustache, sneaked his way in front and whisper-shouted.

The others lit up in hope.

“Ugh, damn, we’re finally done with this. Boss, you have no idea, but the envoy that put us here had me soil my pants in fear. Everyone knows this place is beyond dangerous and getting caught means death of the worst kind. I thought this was my end, but three months came and went while actually finishing our mission so we get to go home. He-he-he, I’m curious if we’ll ever get the fortune to see Palace Lord!”

“Keep dreaming.”

The big man rolled his eyes, “I’ve been a member for a hundred years now, an elder you could say, but I still have yet to catch a glimpse of his face. And you hope to see him after a few years? You’re delusional.”

The rest were chuckling, looking with simple yet mocking expressions.

The guy scratched his head, the hope still strong, “How is the Palace Lord? Did you find anything? They say he is an elusive and mystical person of divine skill. Yet none have seen his face or know how strong he is. I somehow got inside the palace as well but I don’t know when I’ll ever get the honor to meet.”

“That’s hard to say. All I heard was that none can bar the Palace Lord in his travels throughout the land. My palace brothers once found themselves surrounded by fifty Genesis Stage experts. When they blinked, the fifty enemies were reduced to smears of blood on the ground. They then heard, but did not see, the Palace Lord, telling them to go. The Palace Lord’s fame then echoed throughout!”

“Damn! Fifty Genesis Stage experts killed in an instant? Is he a central area Sword King or something?” Squinting, the men gasped in disbelief.

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The big man dismissed, “What does a Sword King have on him? I heard that the Palace Lord has five kings of his own at their level, but he is still the strongest!”


Impressed, the men said, “Sure it isn’t just an inflated rumor? Stronger than a Sword King? Isn’t that straight up the legendary Invincible Sword?”

“The Invincible Sword hasn’t shown his face in a century. He might be dead already. In the war back then, he was hanging by a thread. The empire is just not saying anything, is all. Let’s leave the gossip for later and get to work!”

The big man waved impatiently and the others began to chip away at the walls with their spiritual weapons, despite the deep curiosity obvious on their faces.

[Just who could the mystery and magical Palace Lord be? Can he be that strong?]

A short guy panicked as he ran around shouting. “Run! The Flying Cloud manor’s dogs are coming!”

“The Flying Cloud manor?”

The guys started, flustering, “I told you this place was dangerous. Now that we’re so close to finishing the job, the Flying Cloud manor has found us out. Shangguan Feiyun is one of the Ten Sword Kings, known for his cruelty and violence. What now, what now…”


The big man slapped him hard, barking, “That’s enough! Run, but don’t forget to seal the cave so it’s not discovered and make all this work go to waste!”

The men gave urgent nods and scrambled. They made signs to seal the cave from view and flew away at once.


A dozen elderly just flashed in their path as they went, unleashing their mighty Genesis Stage power.

The men panicked and shivered at what was to come.

“Ha-ha-ha, you got some nerve trying anything in the Flying Cloud manor’s domain. You must have a death wish!” One elder laughed, walking forward and flaring his aura at the 7th layer of Genesis Stage.

The big man stepped ahead, using his own power while shouting, “Brothers, I’ll make a path and you run!”

The man charged then and there.

“6th layer of Genesis Stage?” The old man chuckled, “A mere layer’s difference, but it might as well be worlds apart. You got another thing coming if you think you can escape me, ha-ha-ha…”

The old man shot for the big man.


The two clashed palms, with the elder staggering back five steps and the big man just one, straining to stop as blood trickled down his mouth. He chose to charge again, to strike while the elder was off-guard. He landed a palm on the elder’s chest.

“Brother Lei!”

The men cheered, but then gasped as they saw the big man spurting blood.

The elder blown away gnashed his teeth and wiped the blood. He glared with hatred, “Humph, you got guts to take the brunt of my palm to strike back at me. But all that did for you is increase the damage you have, more than mine, fool!”

“He-he, we’ll see who’s the real fool.”

The big man showed a bloody smile, shouting, “Brothers, go! I’ll clear a path!”

The men jerked awake from their shock. The big man was hurt but he did get the elder to back off and present a chance at escape.

The men rushed at once, “Brother Lei, we won’t let your effort be in vain!”

“Stop them!” The elder roared and the old men behind him surrounded them.

The big man flashed before them once again, shouting, “To get to my brothers, you first have to go through me!”

“Our thoughts exactly!” The dozen elders grinned. The big man chuckled and released a powerful wave.

The elder cried, “He’s detonating, scatter!”

The old men scrambled away at once.

“Brother Lei!” The fugitives shouted back, but the big man gave a cackle, “I am an elder of the palace. No one can look down on me!”

His heroic valor had the fugitives amazed and reverent.

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“What palace are you talking about?” A man flashed by, a middle-aged man, staring at him hard, “You can detonate for all I care, since it won’t change a thing. It can’t even scratch me. But let me tell you this, not even blowing up will help them escape from me!”

The big man widened and his denotation was halted from shock, “S-Sword King Feiyun?”

“No more popping?”

Shangguan Feiyun grinned, raising his hand as it released powerful energy, mocking, “In that case, I’ll send you off. With so many targets to choose from, there’s no harm in removing a couple defiant elements, ha-ha-ha…”

The dreaded palm aimed for his skull.

The big man shook, his heart running wild, while his men were by themselves with worry, “Brother Lei!”


A flash of read streaked by just then, meeting with the attack.


The thunderous clash spread in every direction, shaking the far off fugitives and the Genesis experts away. Even Shangguan Feiyun got blown a hundred meters from his spot.

He cried out in amazement, “Who did that? State your name!”

“Ha-ha-ha, Sword King Feiyun, have you forgotten me already?”

A youth of about seventeen showed up. He had sharp eyes and an evil smile. On his waist was the token of a scarlet beast head.

The big man cried out, “Y-you’re one of the palace’s Five Arts Kings, Beast King?”

“I am, elder, he-he-he…” The youth winked.

The men looked dumbstruck. It came as a complete shock to find the Beast King from their palace to be so young and so promising.

He actually kicked Shangguan Feiyun away!

[Is that Sword King level? Does that mean Palace Lord is even better?]

[Are the rumors actually true? Is Palace Lord as strong as Invincible Sword?]

The men were filled with hope…