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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 67
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The plan.
Laying here in the grass with Thomas climbing over me I can feel Winter’s eyes on us. I want to call her over to have this
moment with us but I can feel the depression rolling off her Lately I’ve had my walls up pretty tight but I’ve lowered them enough
to be able to get a rend on how Anna is feeling I know without even asking that Faye has finally played her hand and issued the
I will have two weeks to get this challenge done or else the Elders will have to become involved. This whole situation is messy
enough situation is messy enough without having them involved. Thomas is starting to get tired so Leo stands up and lets me
take back over Shilling back into myself’ I pick him up and head for Eliza and patrick’s house. With the challenge issued it’s safer
for him to be here for now.
Just as I cross the threshold I get the feeling that we are no longer alone. turning around with Thomas in my arms I see Patrick
and James heading towards me, sighing I spin around and carry Thomas into the house I make quick work of putting Thomas
down for his nap and then throw some jeans on. By the time I get back downstairs James and Patrick are sat at the kitchen table
sitting in a very tense silence.
“So I guess you heard?” I ask them both while heading to the sink and grabbing a glass of water. I watch Winter come from
between the bushes, a beautiful white wolf slinking along the grass and then suddenly she’s Anna again.
“Oh yeah I’m all caught up.” Patrick snaps at me as I head over the back door and grab one of Eliza’s shirts of Anna. I open it
and throw the shirt over the railing of the porch for her.
“What’s bitten your tail?” I ask him as I take a seat at the table.
“Well it’s been a day of revelations for me. I’ve learnt that you have a second mate, that you and the second mate f ucked and
my mate knew and kept it from me. That you told my mate to keep it from me.” Patrick slams his hand on the table, “and that I’ve
been training my Luna for a challenge I had no idea was even coming. If I’d known I would have...” He shakes his head, I don’t
even think he knows what he was going to say.
“Could have what? Changed my designation so I was more able to fight?” I turn and hold out my hand for Anna but she skirts
around the table and sits next to James instead.
“I’m sorry Anna, I failed you.” Patrick says with his head hung.

“You did exactly what I asked you to. “I try to catch Anna’s eye but she’s avoiding all eye contact with me. “So she issued the
challenge?” Anna nods her head, “we will have two weeks to prepare or the Elders. will have to be involved and I want to avoid

“What will happen exactly?” Anna asks in a small voice, I sometimes. forget Anna grew up in a pack but knows very little of how
they work.
“It will be at night, in a place of the Alphas choosing.” James tells her in a sombre voice.
“And the outcome, is there a way to take death off the table? I’d very much like to not die.” Anna asks us all, I flinch at this. The
idea of Anna dead makes Leo howl in pain and I can feel my veins turn to ice.
“Only Faye can decide that. I can try and sway her into banishment but..” I sigh heavily. “I’ll talk to her.” I really don’t want to be
around. Faye but if it’s to beg for Anna’s life then I will do it.
“No.” Anna says loudly “as long as I am still Luna and your mate, you will not be alone with her. Promise me!” She says looking
me in the
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eye for the first time in days. I simply nod at her, I don’t want to be around Faye anyway but I definitely won’t deny Anna her one
“Where will I go? You know...After?” I know she means if Faye agrees to a banishment.
“I could put feelers out to see if another Pack can take you in.” James says quietly, I slam my hands on the table and stand up.
“I don’t want you in another pack.” I say to Anna.
“What other choice do I have? I don’t want to be part of another pack either but if I stay out in the woods, Winter will go rogue.” I
don’t think she knows that isn’t an option.

“You won’t go rogue, Omegas don’t go rogue. The loneliness will kill you before you go rogue.” James tells her, someone has
been doing his research.
“Who have you been speaking to?” I ask him, he just shakes his head at
“I’m sick of hearing what Omegas aren’t meant to do!” Anna shouts, shocking all three of us. “none of this should be happening
to me. Fraction was meant to be mine, my Alpha, my mate and yet in comes. this second mate. I think it’s time we all stop
pretending we understand anything about what it means to be an Omega!”
“Anna...” I want to try and make her calm down but I don’t have the words.

“Don’t ‘Anna’ me! I’m losing everything, I’m losing my son or are you. going to tell me I can take him with me? Out there alone in
the world. with your Alpha Heir?” The hairs on the back of my neck go on end at this. She can’t take Thomas and we both know
it, not only will Leo not allow her to take our son but alone in the world with no one to protect.

them...they wouldn’t last for more than a day.
“No he can’t go.” I tell her sadly, “I will keep him safe here. I will find a way for you to see him.”
“Oh I’m sure your new mate will love that.” Patrick says sarcastically.
“Can you two just give us some time alone?” James instantly stands up and leaves the kitchen but Patrick doesn’t move. “Rick?”
“This is my house.” He’s pis sed at me for keeping him out of the loop, I get it but I don’t have time to stroke his ego.
“Anna?” I say flicking my head towards the door.
I’m not used to people questioning me so when it takes Anna a few minutes to follow me out of the house I have to calm my
inner Alpha. I walk out of the house and head for the woods. I can feel Anna following behind me, once I think we are far enough
away to not be overheard I stop and turn to her.
“Are you ok?” I ask her.
“Physically, yes.” I hear what she’s not saying, she’s emotionally done. I walk over to her and try to pull her into my arms, after a.

bit of reluctance from her she finally settles and lays her head against my chest. I try to pour as much of my support as I can into
this one hug.
“I can’t do this Fraction.” She whispers tearfully into my chest. I pull her face up by placing a finger under her chin, I look into her
eyes and let her see my seriousness.
“I don’t know why this is happening little wolf but we will fight this. together.” I watch as a single tear rolls down her face. I don’t
know if it’s her puffy eyes and sad face or the fact that we haven’t been close in a long time but I bring my lips to hers. For about
a minute I think she’s going to reject me before she sla nts her lips and k*sses me back.
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The k*ss goes from sad and comforting to hungry and needy within split second. Before I even realise what’s happened our
tongues are battling for dominance and I have her pinned against a tree with my hands holding her delicious a ss as her legs
wrap around my waist and pull me closer to her centre. Anna breaks the k*ss for some much needed air. She tilts her head back
offering me her throat and I don’t hesitate for a second as I attach my lips to that pulsing vein and leave a trail of k*sses from her
jaw. The shirt I gave her is in the way so I use my hips to hold her in place and make quick work of the shirt. I pause for a second
to marvel at her n*kedness. I’m so busy admiring her beauty that I don’t see her move until I’m flat on my as s looking up at her.
“Anna?” I’m not sure if I should be apologising or begging her to let me
take her