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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 705 The Future Head Of House Peterlor
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(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(Eron City- Private Estate)

Sophie sat down patiently while two maids carefully adjusted her hair into a neat single braid that fell down her left shoulder.

One of the maids made a humming noise under her breath as she reached into her pocket for a make-up kit.

Sophie closed her eyes as the brush lightly touched her skin and applied a thin layer of makeup.

Nothing too excessive… just enough to accentuate her beauty.

"Thank you ladies," Sophie warmly spoke.

"It is our pleasure young miss," the older of the two maids replied with a small smile.

Sophie truly looked beautiful.

She wore a long black evening gown that fell down to her ankles. Golden threads were interwoven into the dark fabric creating a brilliant contrast of colours.

Four large holes had been cut out of the back of the dress to allow her blade-like appendages to be on full display.

Sophie did not intend to hide her hybrid nature with cloaking devices or illusions.

She did not wear any jewellery except for the star-shaped pendant that hung around her neck.

Somehow the lack of expensive items adorning her body only seemed to bring out her natural beauty.

Sharp angular facial features, hypnotic golden eyes and a nose that slightly tilted to the left.

Sophie glanced at her reflection in the mirror and almost didn't recognise herself. She looked like a total knockout!

The hybrid girl bared her fangs and had to stifle her laughter as her reflection suddenly appeared far more menacing.

Today was the day.

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The banquet had already begun and according to the constant updates being sent to her communicator by Butler Gerald…

It was all proceeding according to plan.

If anything, more nobles had arrived than Sophie had initially anticipated.

Not all would be friendly of course but the fact that they even showed up only helped to improve her image.

She was the rightful heir to House Peterlor.

The only offspring of her father… her father who was now… stop it… STOP IT!

Sophie took in a deep breath and pushed back the rising tide of sadness in her heart that threatened to dampen her mood.

Not tonight… she could not break down tonight…

Sophie gently exhaled and then a cold expression flashed across her face. This was the mask that she needed to wear at the banquet.

Cold, powerful, and authoritarian.

She glanced at her wrist communicator and saw a message appear in her inbox. It was time for her to make a grand entrance.

Butler Gerald: [Two hours have passed… are you ready?]

Sophie: [Be there soon. Inform the servants to make preparations for my arrival]

The hybrid girl slowly got up from her chair and nodded at the two maidservants before walking out of the room.

The banquet hall was a ten-minute walk away from her dressing room so it gave Sophie some time to review her plan.

First, she would speak to her father's allies then certain neutral noble houses to get a feel for their positions and finally…

She would speak to the troublemakers.

To ignore them would be a sign of disrespect and weakness.

Sophie was not thrilled to be forced to invite people who did not want a hybrid to be a high noble but…

There was nothing she could do.

The unwritten rules of high society were not something that she could break. At least not until she amassed more power.

Tap… tap… tap…

Sophie footsteps echoed through the corridor as she passed paintings of her ancestors whose eyes seemed to follow her as she walked by.

This estate belonged to her grandfather. It had not been used since her father took over as head of House Peterlor.

It was an ancient mansion.

Still in good shape thanks to the repair crews that Sophie had employed to tidy up the estate but even then one could feel the history of this building.

The corridor widened slightly to reveal a set of large wooden doors. Pictures of birds had been carved into their wooden surface.

A elderly servant wearing a luxurious white uniform stood at attention next to the doors and immediately bowed his head as Sophie approached.

"Welcome young miss," the servant politely whispered.

Sophie nodded at him and then waited. The servant approached the doors and slowly pulled them open.

Despite his frail physique, he was surprisingly strong and the doors easily slid open even though they weighed over three hundred pounds.

Beyond the door was a large hall where black obsidian pillars rose up from the ground and the floor was made from a silvery grey material that shone with a magnificent luster.

Over two hundred nobles were milling around inside the hall and Sophie could hear laughter, small conversations, and hushed whispers.

This was it. Showtime.

Sophie stepped through the gap and her eyes narrowed as a burst of light fell on her body. She stood with confidence and grace.

Every movement of her body displayed dignity and poise.

"Introducing the future duchess of House Peterlor… Lady Sophie!" a loud shout came from Butler Gerald who announced Sophie's entrance.

Immediately every single person in the room focused on her. If Sophie was bothered by their gazes, then she did not show it.

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She slowly walked down a set of stairs towards the floor of the banquet hall with one hand on the railing.

Her golden eyes narrowed and a pressure formed around her body. The cold expression on her face did not crack for a second.

She was a forbidden rose.

Beautiful but with thorns that would make one bleed if they got too close.

Sophie's feet touched the hard ground with a light thump. She straightened up her back and towered over most people in the room.

She was over seven feet tall so her imposing figure made several nobles subconsciously take a few steps back.

Butler Gerald approached his mistress and handed over a small glass of wine. The liquid inside the glass bubbled ever so slightly.

Sophie raised up the beverage to her lips and took a small sip. A sweet taste flooded her mouth and the cold liquid helped to calm down her nerves.

Now it was time to set the mood for the rest of the evening.

Despite not using a microphone, her voice was able to be heard throughout the hall as Sophie circulated qi into the meridians in her throat.

"On the behalf of House Peterlor," Sophie confidently spoke.

"I welcome you all to the feast tonight. I know that many of you have traveled a long way to reach the Alpha Star System and for that I am grateful."

"This a night for celebration and mourning. My father is missing so it is with a heavy heart that I as his successor will be temporarily taking up his position."

"I would like to propose a toast…"

Sophie raised up her wine glass and many nobles in the room followed her lead.

She didn't say anything about those who didn't, but her eyes swept in their direction with casual indifference.

"To the future of House Peterlor," Sophie declared with a firm conviction in her tone.

Leona's father took the lead in replying to her declaration and soon a resounding set of roars filled the banquet hall.

"To House Peterlor!"

"To House Peterlor!"

"To House Peterlor!"