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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 574: Behold! The Shocking Display!
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Chapter 574: Behold! The Shocking Display!

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(N’rean City- National History Museum)

“Behold!” the guide yelled excitedly as the tourists immediately raised up their wrist communicators and began to snap photos of the display.

“An authentic recreation of the clothes that the ancient humans used to wear!”

Sophie glanced over at the display and the confusion on her face was obvious for anyone to see. 

However, the only person who noticed her expression was Cleo who softly giggled at her girlfriend’s face.

The hybrid girl was currently looking at the display and seeing a beautiful female model who was dressed in what could only be described as a large garbage bag.

The clothes if one could call them clothes was a plastic wrapping that covered the female model from her neck to her toes.

She posed in a variety of different positions as the tourists in the group began to take photos and record videos of her appearance.

The guide on the other hand puffed out his chest and stretched out his palm to point at the display. 

He opened up his mouth and continued to explain,

“Professor Victor Von Hoeff has proposed a radical new theory that the excess amounts of plastic found on Earth are because the ancient era humans used plastic to make their clothes!”

“Plastic is extremely flexible and would be a great material to create unisex clothing that could fit all body types.”

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Sophie furrowed her brows since the guide wasn’t technically wrong, but she could not resist the urge to speak up.

“But plastic clothing would not be able to protect them from temperatures changes right?” Sophie inadvertently said out loud.

“I mean you can’t go out in extremely cold weather wearing nothing but a plastic bag,” 

“Foolish… foolish…” the tour guide shook his head in disapproval.

“The ancient humans most likely only lived near the equator and in the tropical regions so they would not need winter clothes in their daily lives.”

The other people in the hall nodded and agreed with the guide’s logic. Sophie on the other hand decided not to argue further.

She turned away from the display and felt a small tug on the bottom of her shirt. She looked down and saw Cleo staring at her with a cheeky grin.

“So how wrong is Professor Victor’s guess?” Cleo whispered playfully as she stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against Sophie’s lower jaw.

“Completely wrong… plastic wasn’t some sort of precious material… I mean it was used everywhere don’t get me wrong but…” Sophie hesitantly replied.

“All that plastic in the ocean is probably from trash.”

Cleo nodded as she listened to her girlfriend talk about the uses of plastic back during the time of the ancient Earth era.

Honestly there was a small part of her that did not believe it at first when Sophie had confessed about the extra set of memories inside her head but… 

Would it really be that strange compared to her link with some eldritch entity who lived beyond the fourth dimension?

Rachel lingered at the edge of the crowd and looked at the model on the stage with a bit of envy in her heart.

She wanted to wear the clothes that ancient humans wore as well!

The saintess vowed to immediately go to the Virtual Net when she got back and custom design her own set.

Quafes were obsessed with human culture and their appearances. The reason why they chose to look like humanity was because humans were their ideal ascetic.

There was just something about relatively hairless bipedal organisms with a variety of skin tones and complexions that appealed to them.

Rachel was no exception, but she did prefer basing her avatar on humans who were descended from the south American and African continent.

Sophie and Cleo wandered off to the far corner of the hall and stopped in front of another display.

“So, is this one accurate?” Cleo asked curiously as she took a step forward to get a better look.

“Actually, it’s not far off,” Sophie replied as she took a closer look at the weapon that was mounted on the wall.

It was a recreation of the thermal weapons used on Earth. 

Those primitive humans did not rely on plasma energy cores but rather used powder in order for their weapons to work.

There was a small object next to the weapon and it resembled a triangular cone. Sophie eventually realised that it was supposed to be a bullet.

The shape of the bullet was obviously wrong but for a recreation it actually wasn’t that far off from what an assault rifle looked like.

“Well technology is usually easier to work backwards from unlike culture, society and the way of life,” Cleo said thoughtfully as she moved away from the display.

“Hey Sophie…”

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“Yeah? What’s wrong babe?” Sophie asked with concern.

“What were they like? Were they any different from us?” Cleo whispered softly as she gently squeezed Sophie’s palm.

The hybrid girl gave the matter some thought before answering her girlfriend’s question. She accessed Sui Meng’s memories and soon had an answer for Cleo.

“I think… they were not as united as we are but that’s probably because humanity has had to deal with external threats for hundreds of thousands of years,” Sophie explained calmly.

“But humans are still incredibly greedy, ambitious and ruthless as well as kind, intelligent and willing to work towards a common goal.”

“Honestly… we are pretty complex. I’m not sure how the ancient era humans behaved when they first explored the stars, but I’d like to imagine that they would be similar to us.”

Besides their talent for cultivation, humanity was unique among the different races that roamed the universe.

Humanity possessed a ruthlessness and edge that few races could match. They were capable of sacrificing two thousand soldiers to kill one thousand enemies.

That kind of self- destructive behaviour made the other species of the universe both fear and admire them.

“Oh wait… I forgot one thing… the royal families during that era were basically little more than symbolic figureheads,” Sophie teased lightly.

“Hmm… so I would have been an ordinary girl then?” Cleo mused with a strange glint in her eyes.

“You? No, you could never be ordinary,” Sophie giggled happily as she gently held Cleo in her arms and leaned forward to plant a soft kiss against her lips.

The pair made out for a few minutes until Sophie felt the urges inside her body gradually stir to life.

She slowly lowered Cleo to the ground and pressed one more kiss against her incredibly soft cheek.

“Cough… cough… so are you all done?” Rachel complained in mock anger as she rolled her eyes at her friends who could not go one minute without expressing affection.