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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 148: Synthetic Flesh
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Chapter 148: Synthetic Flesh

Edward and his legion of Blackguard subordinates would not be the only danger found within the city and Q’s information also contained a warning that undiscovered threats could be present.

Numerous smaller gangs of cutthroats and murderers roamed the streets. There were also bigger organizations that ran the Dreadwater Auction House and the slave markets. 

In the eyes of their clientele, life was considered nothing more than a cheap commodity that could be bought and sold to the highest bidder. 

Slavery had long been banned by the Federation for thousands of years but that rule only applied to citizens. 

It did not extend to the various exotic alien races that were captured and sold to collectors as exhibitions.

And this so-called ban could always be bypassed by nobles with powerful enough backing so there was also a growing market for humans.

This was why humanity was sometimes known as the ‘scourge of the galaxy.’ A nickname that they had earned from years of plunder and slaughter.

It was true that the competition to control the stars was bloody and fierce, but humans were exceptionally dangerous.

No other race could easily stoop to the depths required to fulfill their greedy ambitions. 

No other race would be cruel enough to sell out their kind if it helped them achieve their goals.

And perhaps the most unpredictable element that Sophie and Cleo would face were the people who visited planet Calypso with hidden intentions.

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This planet was not part of the Federation, so no background checks or identity verifications were done. 

Who knew what crouching tigers and hidden dragons would be present in this wretched hive of scum and villainy. 

Q’s information also contained the list of noble houses who held interests and investments in Planet Calypso.

Cleo had been truly startled to discover that several of the nobles involved in these dark markets were part of the different factions supporting her siblings in the war for succession. 

That was the truly sad reality of why these pirates continued to exist. 

Edward was indeed a void stage cultivator but in front of the Imperial Army, he would be nothing more than an ant.

The location of Planet Calypso was not a closely guarded secret and the noble circles had known about its existence for years.

But despite how many commoners that had been harmed or the merchants who had been robbed, nothing was done.

All the cries and pleads had fallen onto deaf ears.

Nobles with investments in the various pirate organizations would receive a cut of all goods robbed from the various merchant vessels.

It was a symbiotic relationship with many benefits for both sides. Pirates could even be used to wage proxy wars with rival noble factions without outright declaring hostilities. 

“What should we do for disguises?” Sophie finished scanning through the files and leaned back with a sigh.

“We could use hologram projectors, get an enchantment from a mage or use synthetic flesh,” Cleo replied as she gave the matter some thought.

“It would be too risky to use hologram projectors. They can only show an image and we’ll be discovered if anyone touches us by accident.”

“And an enchantment is only temporary, plus we don’t know how long this trip will take.”

“So…. we should use synthetic flesh then.”

Disguises with synthetic flesh would be the most effective choice but they were also the most expensive. 

Firstly, an exoskeleton would need to be attached to the outer area of a person so that the body figure and physical features could be adjusted accordingly.

Then the synthetic flesh would be applied by a special machine that used an AI program to make realistic skin and muscle tissue.

The machine was available on campus, but students would need to pay for every usage and the synthetic skin was an additional cost as was the metallic exoskeleton.

“Hmm do you think I need to hide my spider appendages?” Sophie asked curiously.

“Nah it should be fine. Plenty of hybrids are mixed into pirate crews so you won’t stand out. In fact, it could even make the disguise better,” Cleo excitedly spoke as new inspiration struck her.

“I’m going to design our new bodies!”

Cleo hurriedly ran upstairs to get her notebook and begin drawing the early drafts of what Sophie and she should look like once the synthetic flesh was applied.

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She drew a sketch for a hulking monstrosity with four blade-like appendages jutting from its back. 

The creature had bloodshot red eyes and distorted muscles that bulged outward. Cleo added some additional details to get the sketch to look more frightening until she was finally satisfied. 

Sophie’s impressive seven-foot height was an advantage that could be used to create an intimidating disguise.

Cleo also sketched a much smaller figure of a pale skinned youth with rotten teeth and shaggy long hair. 

Both of the early drafts of the disguises were based on Cleo’s image of unattractive men as the risk of assault or unwanted attention would be much lower wearing those faces.

Sophie stretched out lazily as her girlfriend escaped to the study room and walked towards Moon’s room to play with her little bat. 

Squeak! Squeak!

Moon happily shook his head and flew around Sophie’s body in excitement as he was glad to spend some time with his mommy.

Moon was still too young to go on any missions and Sophie was not willing to take the risk.

He would be staying with Astrid and her siblings during their time on planet Calypso as the triplets were very fond of the frostwing bat. 

“I’ll miss you baby,” Sophie cooed softly as she stroked Moon’s head.

“Make sure to behave yourself at Astrid’s place and be on your best behaviour with her younger siblings,” she warned fiercely. 

Moon’s large eyes blinked twice as he pouted cutely with an expression of innocence. He seemed to be saying that he was a well-behaved child, but Sophie knew better.

Just in case of trouble, she had told Astrid the sure-fire method of calming down Moon if he threw a temper tantrum.

It was stuffing him with food.