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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1132
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Lulu made an awkward look-she had just moved all her belongings in there, and she did not have tto clean up again since she had to take care of Star. Still, she saw Vivian's enthusiastic glare and finally noticed that her room was closest to Zachary's.

However, Lulu only picked it because it was close to Star's room, so she could take better care of Star.

"Can I stick to this room?" "No way I like this room. What, are you fighting withover this?" How dare a babysitter refuse her! Vivian dragged her luggage case back to the living room to complain! "Mr. Slate, I want Ms. Jones' room. It's close to the living room so I can clean up better," she cried miserably, playing up her vulnerable maiden act.

Lulu stood behind her, exasperated-men would always go along with women when they did that.

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Youth and beauty were their greatest weapon.

She could not lecture Vivian either-she was just resorting to cheap moves to get what she wanted. Lulu just did not care about those things! Hence, she kept quiet and played along, going to her room to clean up.

In the end, she still had Star to worry about, and Vivian could hurt her if she and Vivian started a fight.

Naturally, Zachary could see Lulu heading back to her room from the video and frowned.

Judging from what Vivian had said earlier, Lulu had been unwilling to give up her room... but she changed her mind? Why? Zachary pursed his lips and scowled, but he decided that since Lulu was so generous and submissive, he did not mind playing along. "She's moving out, isn't she?" he said. "You can take the room." Vivian beamed at Zachary when she saw Lulu drag her suitcase outside, but Zachary ignored her and coolly said, "You'll be helping out with housework for a while. I'll pay you for it." "Glad to help, Mr. Slate." An hour soon passed, and Zachary knew that her twas up.

He watched Star for a while before turning away to look for Lulu by habit.

She never showed up, and he hung up, scowling.

On the other hand, Vivian was already outside Lulu's room, ready to bring her down a peg as she puffed herself up, as if she owned the place.

"Mr. Slate toldto help with housework, but we're different!" However, she was surprised to see that Lulu had already decorated her room, and a photo caught her attention.

Vivian strode in for a better look, but Lulu blocked her and started to push her outside.

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"Hey! Don't push me!" Vivian snapped, but Lulu had already pushed her outside and locked her door.

"Do not enter my room." Vivian stamped her feet and turned away. "Hmph! Quit acting like you have streasure in there!" Still, Lulu breathed a sigh of relief as Vivian stormed off.

She did not have tto clean up everything she moved over to her et new room, and Vivian almost тало noticed the photo of her rightafter giving birth to Star. Content belongs to Find

Picking up her phone, she saw that m the video call with Zachary earlier was already past an hour.

They were supposed to do this every day, but Zachary was alreadyo m exhausted earlier. It was clear that his project was very important.


She stared at the documents she kept nearby, hesitant. She was not supposed to read it, but she could not help being curious about what Zachary was doing at the moment.