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The Runaway Groom

Chapter 1087
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Judging from the bottles left strewn around the floor, Zachary must have been drinking last night.

"Why is he drinking?" Lulu muttered—it was fine since he was an adult, but what if the smell made Luna uncomfortable? "Baby..." She becworried as she remembered her baby and hurried into her room.

There were toys everywhere and decorations such as wind chimes— Zachary had clearly made an effort decorating it! Still, Lulu frowned and plucked down the wind chimes that rattled occasionally, since it would bother Luna sleeping.

Seemingly sensing her from the cradle, Luna opened her eyes and started to sob.

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Lulu's heart felt like it could break at her cry! "It's alright, it's alright... Mommy-no, nanny's here!" She corrected herself and did not call herself mommy, since Zachary was prudent enough to set up cameras around the room.

She was not going to stay and babysit Luna if he realized that.

She gently picked up Luna, feeling exceedingly intimate as she pressed Luna's soft body against her chest! "Are you hungry?" she asked, holding the baby with one hand and picking up the baby bottle with the other. During her training, she had been offered great insight into baby products and knew what was top of the line. Everything there was exactly that, even the baby bottle! That was probably about the only way Zachary could care for Luna. "Baby formula..." Lulu murmured as she returned to the living room, and found the can of baby formula sat in the middle of everything. There were other cans, but those were used up and empty.

Lulu then handily made the formula while holding Luna with her other hand.

Her training proved useful after she did the sroutine countless times, and she could now do it with no issues.

"Good girl," she said when she was done and gently fed Luna.

She must be hungry, too—once the bottle nipple was close enough, she was already biting down on it! Lulu felt her heart turning soft as she looked at Luna's pinkish little cheeks.

"Sorry for being late. I won't be next time!" The baby simply blinked and stared at her as she kept drinking her formula milk, and there was no telling if she understood.

It was early, but Lulu gently rocked her to sleep. Babies need sleep the most, as they would grow and be healthier with sufficient sleep.

Lulu's movement was precise thanks to her training and in-depth knowledge of babies.

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It took no more than ten minutes for Luna to fall asleep.

Meanwhile at Zachary's office, there was a monitor on his desk displaying what was going on in his house.

Lulu's hunch was right-Zachary was not careless when it cto his baby, having instant cameras in the living room andan Lona's room. He was staring at the nanny's face just then, his gaze impassive. There were dark circles under his eyes-the baby had been crying a fit last night again and only fell asleep around 3 AM!

And since Zachary had a meeting in the morning and had to wake up for e it he basically slept just an hour.

At the moment, he was left wondering if the woman on the m Woman screen was just that good a nanny or ΕΠ was Luna's mother. It took him hours to coax Luna to sleep, while the woman put Luna to deep slumber in no tat all! He sighed emotionally, realizing that skill mattered as much as kinship! X