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The Rise of the Black Plain-Novel

Chapter 2497 In Search of Allies
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Chapter 2497  In Search of Allies 

After learning the essentials about Segiel from Sender, the group entered an upscale downtown mansion that housed the store of the level 113 water spirit.

Seeing Sender enter her study, Segiel turned her eyes to the three newcomers and quickly recognized the two humans next to her old acquaintance.

"Looks like the rumors are true," she muttered, finishing a formation and inscribing the last runes on the device she was preparing.

Minos and Ruth looked at the 1.4-meter-tall, proportionally built, exquisite, blue-haired woman. The woman's skin had a bluish glow to it, making her appear almost ethereal. In her current state, it would be impossible for anyone to tell that she wasn't human but a Morgen.

"It's good to see you again, Segiel," Sender said as he greeted her warmly.

"Hmm, I say the same. After the recent news, I thought I wouldn't have the chance to have tea with you again. But I see you've found an alternative to a deadly situation." Segiel's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Sender smiled at her and gestured to Minos and Ruth. "I imagine you already know them from the rumors circulating in the guild. These are Minos and Ruth, my new faction mates."

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She looked the two humans in the eyes, somewhat interested, since the rumors about Minos were especially impressive.

"Please, sit down. Companions of Sender are always welcin my studio." She waved her hands and water chairs formed in front of a table.

Minos and Ruth greeted Segiel before sitting down to discuss the matters that had brought them to this place.

"Officer Segiel, Sender toldabout you, so I don't want to mislead you. I'm looking for allies to join my group. In exchange for joining, I'll give you this." Minos placed a navy-blue crystal artifact on the desk, its glow hinting at great power, particularly valuable to those with water affinity powers.

Segiel's eyes widened at the sight of the crystal, recognizing its worth instantly.

"I see you're very direct in your approach." She smiled and pushed the artifact back. "I would love to accept your gift, but I can't join any faction. It's not about your offer or the risks; I just can't."

"Can you tellwhy?" Minos' brow furrowed, a mix of frustration and curiosity in his voice.

From her aura and the artifact, Minos sensed she stood to gain immensely from it. Why refuse?

"Minos Stuart, I know your nwell. There's an Elder watching your progress since you joined the guild. Did you know that?"

Minos, Ruth, and Sender, who had long been allies, narrowed their eyes, caught off guard by Segiel's revelation.

"It was the swith me," Segiel continued, her smile fading slightly. "But the Elder watchinghas been in contact since I joined the guild. I know what she expects of me, unlike you.

So I know I shouldn't join any factions. That's what she expects of me. It may be the sor different for the Elder who is watching you. That's my motivation. Otherwise, I would have joined other factions since I joined the guild millennia ago."

"An elder has their eye on Minos? What do you mean, Segiel?" Sender asked.

"I don't know their motives or intentions. But I heard the nMinos from my master's mouth over 200 years ago. So I'm sure someone is watching you, Minos." She replied, looking him in the eyes and causing him another worry.

"Is that good or bad?" Ruth looked at Minos worriedly.

"I don't know. The Elder is so old and powerful. Maybe they want Minos to be the next Chief Commander of the guild. Maybe they want you to train a generation of high-level warriors or die for the guild. All I know is that they are watching you from the shadows." She said, her voice filled with a mystery that was impossible not to think about.

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But she didn't do it to scare Minos and those two. She really had no evil intentions.

"I can't join you. My master doesn't like factions and thinks it wouldn't doany good. But I'm interested in you, Minos Stuart. I'll give you sadvice about where to find your allies." She said, being as direct as Minos had been moments before.

Minos clenched his fists as he put aside the worry of being watched by a Suprand asked. "I would appreciate any advice, Officer."

"Look for Wovar and Clexvog. They are two giants. They are powerful warriors on the battlefield, but in the day-to-day running of a faction, they are useless and extremely expensive to maintain.

Because of their flaws, which many in the guild feel outweigh their qualities, they have never stayed in factions for more than a few days. So if you approach them, you're likely to get their support.

The only problem is that they're expensive, and if you kick them off your team right after using them, you'll probably have to deal with their aggression." "Wovar and Clexvog?" Sender asked, surprised. He hadn't thought of those two names, considering others who could make more of a difference for Minos both on the battlefield and in guild politics.

"Yes, they're perfect for this group," Segiel affirmed before asking, "Have you thought of any other names?"

"Pirene and Lamedesa. Perhaps Niel, if he happens to be in a good mood today."

She shook her head, her expression firm. "They're not good options. While Wovar and Clexvog are only level 112, their unwavering loyalty makes them helpful. Pirene, Lamedesa, and Niel might betray you or leave if the situation worsens. But once you have Wovar's and Clexvog's loyalty, they will serve you forever."

Sender felt a pang of uncertainty. Not having given much thought to Wovar and Clexvog, he now acknowledged that he may have underestimated their capabilities.

"Can you please let us know where we can find them?" Minos showed great interest as he asked.

"That's the only problem." Segiel's tone dropped as she replied, "They're in The Blue Field."