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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 He was conferred the title of God of War? In the empty hall, Qin Xuegiao was stunned for a long time. When she chere, she was still happy about the upcoming marriage with Song Yi. But at the moment, she couldn't be happy no matter how hard she tried. Because a God of War could establish a big family by himself. Five-star masters and even Semi God of War were common, but God of War wasn’t. Every God of War of the Frogua was an existence that suppressed the fate of a land. They were all the most important things in the country! For example, since the country was established, there would only be dozens of Gods of War. Of course, although this was on the surface, it can be seen how difficult it was to becGod of War. Once upon a time, there was a God of War who stood in front of her and liked her so much. He said that he would take care of her for a lifetime. He would almost give her whatever she wanted. But he was gone. She abandoned him, and she even abandoned him when he most needed help. And Joseph was the God of War. He was even more powerful and had a promising future. If she could marry Joseph, how much glory would it be for her and even the Qin family? Was it a hundred times better for her to marry the current Joseph than to marry Song Yi? It was just that Joseph was sincere to her at that time, and she only valued Joseph's identity and background. She never took him seriously.

At that time, she only wanted the power and status of the Dawson Family.

The countless memories of her being with Joseph a few years ago cto her mind. Years after years, she and Joseph had been together for three years. And Joseph respected her very much from beginning to end. She said that she wanted to sleep with him on the wedding night, but Joseph never forced her. He was really naive to wait until the day of marriage. Of course, it was just that their marriage hadn't started yet. In the past five years, Qin Xuegiao had been very glad for the promise she had made. But at the stime, how lucky she was at the beginning, how painful she was at the moment.

The more Qin Xuegiao thought about it, the more regretful she became. She finally understood why her grandfather, her father, and the people of the Qin family were all so depressed. Because her mood was the same, and even more regretful. The scenes of her being with Joseph involuntarily cto her mind. At that time, the two were still in college, separated by two places. Joseph was in Usmait, and she was in Vowhye. But at that time, Joseph would call her almost every night. On almost every Saturday, Joseph would go back to Vowhye to accompany her. “Fernando... Fernando... Fernando...” Qin Xuegiao murmured the old nof Joseph, and the bitterness in her heart becmore and more intense. She had been in a daze in the hall for a long tand then went back. Did she love Joseph? It was not, what she, Qin Xueqiao, wanted to marry was power, such as Joseph back then and the current Song Yi. But Joseph really liked her. He really loved her. He was just deceived by her from beginning to end. But what about Song Yi? Was he really in love with her? Qin Xuegiao shook her head, and the bitterness in her heart becstronger. Because Song Yi was different from Joseph. Song Yi was very scheming. He had been in Vowhye for many years, as a top rich second generation, he had played with many women. Even if she was Qin Xuegiao, the apple of the Qin family’s eye, Song Yi did not spoil her like Joseph. A year ago, she was drunk. Qin Xuegiao thought that all the men in the world were as stupid as Joseph? And they would spoil her? Song Yi was not like that. In Song Yi’'s eyes, he valued Qin Xucgiao as much as the Qin family behind Qin Xucgiao! If she abandoned the status of the Qin family, what could she be? Not to mention those female stars in society, she even could not compare with ssocial celebrities. Qin Xucgqiao felt extremely bitter in her heart. The next moment, she took out her mobile phone. She directly dialed Song Yi’s number. After he was answering the phone, Qin Xuegiao sadly asked, “Song Yi, can | ask you a question? Do you really have feelings for me?” After a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he sneered and said, “Oh, Qin Xuegiao, you calledbecause you heard the news today, right? Your ex-boyfriend, ex fiance, Fernando, who was driven out of the Dawson Family's family is now the God of War! Why do you want to reconcile with him? Ha, don’t dream about it! Firstly, he has been married for a long time. Who do you think you are! Second, in front of me, put away your ridiculous scheming! Our marriage is the combination of the Qin Family and the Song Family. If you want to break the engagement now, then wait for my revenge! Wait for the revenge of the Song Family! If you think you can bear it, then come.” “Huh, what kind of romantic love story are you talking about in front of me? Do you think I'm a fool?” Song Yi hung up the phone after saying that.

The moment Song Yi hung up the phone, the phone in Qin Xuegiao’s hand suddenly fell to the ground. The bitterness in her heart was even stronger. Yes, in fact, before she called Song Yi, she had already known the answer in her heart. Would a playboy like Song Yi love her? Don’t make a fuss. If he did, he would have to have a woman he loved. The bitterness in Qin Xuegiao’s heart grew more and more. There used to be a man who loved her sincerely and was willing to give everything to her. She didn’t want him. But she was going to take the initiative to marry a man who didn’t take her seriously.She didn’t know how she went back to her villa. As soon as she entered the door, her maid, Xiaofei, greeted her very happily. “Miss, how was your talk with Master Qin? Have you decided on the date of the wedding with Mr. Song?” Bam! As soon as Xiao Fei finished speaking, Qin Xuegiao suddenly turned around and slapped her in the face. The maid named Xiao Fei was shocked. She never thought that Qin Xueqiao would slap her. But before Xiao Fei could react, Qin Xuegiao slapped her on the other side of her face. She shouted hysterically, “Get lost! Get out of the way! If you dare to mention Song Yi in front ofagain, | will kill you! Get away!” Because Qin Xuegiao was used to keeping long nails, Xiao Fei left several scratches on her face. Qin Xuegiao was very strong, and her face was disfigured in an instant “Oh!” Xiao Fei covered her face and ran away, howling miserably. But before she could run far, Qin Xuegiao signalled to a bodyguard at the door with a cold look in her eyes. The bodyguard who protected her and had the title of a semi God of War disappeared in an instant. The next moment, he appeared behind the maid and twisted her neck! The bodyguard called for the other two. After taking the maid's body away, he returned to Qin Xuegiao’s side again. The whole process took less than half a minute. “Miss, it has been done,” the bodyguard said respectfully to Qin Xuegiao, without any emotion in his voice. He was originally a mindless obedient servant trained by the Qin family, and there were many people like him. They only needed to obey the orders of the Qin family and did not need to think about anything. Qin Xueqiao’s eyes were cold, and there was a touch of ferociousness in her heart. Looking at the body of the maid who had been sent out, she ordered, “Throw away all her things, so as not to makefeel sick” “Yes, Miss!” The bodyguard nodded respectfully, and then went to arrange it. Only then did Qin Xuegiao feel a lot of anger in her heart. Yes, she was never a good person. She was deep-minded and ruthless. As Song Yi said, did she really think that she was a pure little girl? Only that fool,Joseph, was deceived by her. Qin Xuegiao returned to her room and closed the door. Although she had just killed the maid and released a lot of anger in her heart, she still felt that she could not bear it. “Ahhh!” Qin Xuegiao screamed crazily in the room. She was so angry that she went crazy. Her life and fate had taken a wrong step back then.

She couldn’t imagine how important an opportunity she had lost. Until the moment, when no one was around, the regret in her heart rose to the extreme.