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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 It was 1 a.m. in the middle of the night. After the first explosion cfrom a factory under the Junlin Group in the eastern suburbs of Usmait, it seemed that the prelude had been unleashed. Then, shocking explosions cfrom various places in Usmait City. The factories were destroyed one by one. The equipment and documents were all destroyed. Half an hour later, the contract room in the headquarters of Junlin Group was directly destroyed...

This was the end. Everyone witnessed it. There were also smore deadly attacks that could not be seen by the public, but they were tearing through the Junlin Group's defense line. The plan was that when the first factory under the Junlin Group was blown up, tens of thousands of top hackers from other countries attacked the various websites of the Junlin Group at the stime. Hundreds of millions of foreign resources were gathered and madly poured into the website of the Junlin Group. All the websites under the Junlin Group were instantly paralyzed. Then, the secret archives were broken one by one, and then a large amount of information was transferred out... In less than an hour since Alpha 1 and the others launched their attack, the entire Junlin Group had been in chaos. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)All the executives of the Junlin Group were stunned because they could not figure out who dared to attack the biggest company in Usmait. But they did not have tto think about it at all. The executives quickly organized security forces to put out the fires everywhere. But it was futile because all businesses of the Junlin Group in Usmait City had been destroyed... At two o'clock in the middle of the night, inside a luxuriously decorated hotel in the eastern district of Usmait a man in pajamas was awakened from his sleep. His room was filled with thick smoke, and there was a fire outside the window. It was on fire! The man picked up his phone and ran out, followed by around eight women in sexy lingerie. Those women screamed and ran out. They didn’t even bother to put on their clothes. The man’s face instantly becgloomy. Even in the face of the burning fire downstairs, he was very calm. In a flash, he had already reached the outside of the building. The man was the ultimate goal of Alpha 1 and the others’ operation, Fu Junlin! The person who betrayed Joseph almost seven years ago! He was regarded as a brother by Joseph! “Guards... Guards! What are you doing? Why is there a fire? Why?!” Fu Junlin shouted at the people around him as soon as he cout. He was in a detached villa, and the area within a radius of five miles was his territory. In addition to him, he had hundreds of fighters stationed there, all of whom were outlaws and had good skills. Usually, with those fighters around, without his permission, no one could enter his place! Even if they wanted to attack him by force, it was impossible in a short time. Maybe they couldn't reach the gate of his villa because those fighters had proper weapons! But when Fu Junlin yelled, no one appeared beside him. The next moment, Fu Junlin looked back and felt his hair stand on end... Because at this moment, on the lawn in the distance in front of his villa, all his fighters were lying there silently. Sof them were covered with blood.

Obviously, they were all dead... When Fu Junlin saw this scene, his senses suddenly becalert, and a chill instantly rose from the soles of his feet to his head. The next moment, he rushed to the big door at the fastest speed. “Who are you? Who wants to get rid of me, Fu Junlin? Hmm?” Fu Junlin himself had the strength of a Semi God of War. He was only one step away from becoming a God of War. He had absolute confidence in himself.

However, outside the villa, no one responded to him in the dark night. Fu Junlin shouted a few more times, but no one responded. Then he gritted his teeth in anger, took out his hand, and dialed a number. “Gather all the elite men and forces, and ctoimmediately!” Fu Junlin hung up the phone. Then, Fu Junlin went back. When he went back, he saw that the women he had been looking for had already run out. They ran past him one by one, crying and shouting, without stopping. When he looked at the completely burned villa, he saw a few blood-red words in front of the door. “Fu Junlin, you've been living well these years, haven't you...” When Fu Junlin saw these words, he was shocked. Cold sweat dripped down from his back. The next moment, a figure appeared in his mind. It was a figure that had disappeared for five years. That figure was his former good friend, also his buddy who had promoted him, Fernando! Fernando was Joseph's former nwhen he was chased out by the Dawson family. But then Fu Junlin quickly shook his head and said, “No, no, it can’t be Fernando. Fernando died five years ago. | poisoned him with my own hands. Moreover, when he jumped into the river, he was shot. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)He had died a long tago. With such a serious injury, it was impossible for him to survive. Besides, the Dawson family is chasing him in Vowhye. It's impossible for him to survive!” Fu Junlin couldn’t believe that the person who targeted him tonight was his former buddy. Because only he knew in his heart that Joseph's real strength made him the real business genius. In less than two years, he had made a newly established company into a listed company and even promoted Fu Junlin up. Fu Junlin was naturally afraid of Joseph.

Although he had been doing well in Usmait these years, Fu Junlin had been following in Joseph's footsteps. He had learned Joseph's way of doing things, his words, and all kinds of things. In other words, Fu Junlin was not a business genius at all. He was just a shadow, a shadow left by Joseph. Similarly, it was not because of Fu Junlin that all the members of the Junlin Group could develop so quickly these years, but because of the dozens of core senior executives led by Joseph when he established the company. After Joseph disappeared, Fu Junlin told those people that Joseph was chased by the Dawson family in Vowhye and his survival was unknown. But one day, Joseph would cback. That day, in order to convince the senior executives under Joseph’s command, Fu Junlin even stabbed himself a few times. Therefore, those senior executives of Junlin Group all believed Fu Junlin’s words. Then, they worked hard to make the company bigger, so that one day, when Joseph cback, they could provide shelp to Joseph. Later, the company becbigger and bigger, and it was supported by the high-level officials of Usmait City. In an instant, it becthe No. 1 company in Usmait City! Therefore, Fu Junlin was most afraid that Joseph would cback one day. Therefore, a year ago, or the previous year, Fu Junlin had expelled all the senior executives who were loyal to Joseph. This exodus had sobered up the whole Junlin Group, and it was more than once. In total, hundreds of employees had been fired by him. After the older employees in the group who were loyal to Joseph were cleared out, Fu Junlin was more or less relieved. Now the entire Junlin Group was his. He believed that even if Joseph cback, he would not be able to shake his status! (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)But obviously, he was thinking too much, because in the next moment, he suddenly received hundreds and thousands of text messages and all kinds of reports on his mobile phone. O “Mr. Fu, bad news. The company’s building is on fire, and all the construction materials have been destroyed...” “Mr. Fu, something big has happened. The company had an explosion in all the factories in Usmait.

Now the fire has burned all the equipment...” “Mr. Fu, bad news. The company’s network is paralyzed. Even the hidden service equipment at the East Sea has been compromised. The general server has disappeared, so all the information, all contracts, and electronic backup are gone...” “Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu, I'm in charge of the overseas business. The Junlin shipping force was hijacked by a strange force. At present, we have lost contact with the 48 cargo ships...” Boom... After Fu Junlin finished reading the information, he felt his head explode and his heart freeze. After a while, when his men arrived, Fu Junlin rushed to Junlin’s headquarters by car... “Who is it! Who is attacking me!!!” Fu Junlin roared desperately while the car zoomed away.