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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 The next day at 8:30 a.m., Paige was about to leave for work. That was when Yahir called and told her to go to the Mooney family’s old house instead of the company. She agreed. “What's wrong? Are you not going to work today?” holding Chloe in his arms, Joseph asked Paige with a smile.

To that, Paige nodded. “Yes. Dad called and said that my cousin, Maxton, cback last night. It seems like he was promoted too. So, our family won't be working today to hold a welcfeast for him at home. Dad didn’t ask you to go. I'm sorry, but | am sure that Grandpa has begun to accept you, and | promise it won't be long before the whole family accepts you...” Actually, Joseph didn’t care if the Mooneys accepted him or not. If it wasn't for fear that Paige would be sad, a mere family like them wouldn't even qualify to talk to him. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Besides, he wasn’t interested in those snobbish people. Thus, he nodded and replied, “It’s okay. | didn’t want to go either. I'll see you off...” With Chloe in his arms, Joseph accompanied Paige downstairs. After that, he said to Chloe, “Chloe, Mommy is tired these days. Shall we cheer for her?” Blinking her big beautiful eyes, Chloe waved her small fists and cheered in a childish voice, “Go for it, Mommy! You are the best and the most beautiful! Hee, hee! We will be waiting for you at home...” Realizing how sensible and lovely her daughter was, Paige couldn’t help kissing Chloe's face. Then, she saw Joseph looking at her with burning and expectant eyes, and a blush immediately crept up her face. “You shouldn't be biased, you know?” Joseph jested. With that, Paige's face beceven redder. In silence, she bit her lip and lowered her head. Looking at her reaction, Joseph was about to crack another joke when she suddenly tiptoed and kissed his face. It was a quick kiss, and before he could respond, she jumped into the car and drove away... On the spot, Joseph was stupefied. He was only joking with her just now, but unexpectedly, she kissed him. Although her kiss was more to a peck, it still filled his heart with happiness and joy. “Aw! Daddy’s shy! No, no, no. | am too young for this. | can’t look...” Chloe quickly covered her eyes with her tender, fair hands. Nevertheless, she still peeped at Joseph's face through her fingers. “Paige, you're makingmore and more reluctant to let you go to work.” Joseph couldn’t help but touch the spot where Paige had just kissed, and his heart fluttered.

Perhaps, this was how happiness and sweetness felt.

Not to mention Joseph, Paige's heart was also racing. When she was in the car, she could feel her face burning.

She couldn't believe she had taken the initiative to kiss him. The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt, and her heart beat faster. With that, she buried her head on the steering wheel until the car behind honked her. Startled, she realized that the traffic light had turned green and quickly drove away... At 10 a.m., she arrived at the Mooney family’s old house. Yahir and Estella arrived earlier. Other than them, many people also came. A part of them were Aceshine Group's partners, swere friends, and swere relatives.

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This morning, Leonard publicly announced that he would hold a banquet to celebrate Maxton’s posting as the Eagle Troop’s commander. So, sreporters even ctoo. After all, this wasn’t a small matter. Besides, the Mooneys were also happy to see those reporters. In a long white dress, Lily was happily greeting the guests at the entrance. Leonard, Dominic, Yahir, and the others were also chatting and laughing among the crowd in their new suits. Everyone was in a good mood, especially the Mooneys. “Pooh, what's so great about being a commander? Is this even necessary? How boastful.” Estella muttered in annoyance. Since Paige's family came, Lily had been ignoring them. By the way, Serena ctoo. “Cut it out, honey. They'll hear us. Since no one greets us, let's just head in...” Yahir nudged Estella with his elbow. Only then, she headed inside. However, she still whined in a low voice, “Why are you scolding me? If the military didn’t expel Joseph...” “Stop it, Mom!” Serena bit her lip and rasped before she carefully glanced at Paige. Even though there was sdisappointment in Paige's eyes, she still looked up and smiled at everyone. At once, Estella’s face changed, and she quickly explained, “Well, Paige, | didn’t mean anything. Please don’t take it to heart. Joseph is a pretty decent man, you know? If he is still in the military, he won't be able to accompany you and Chloe, am I right? So, yeah, he is a nice man indeed...” At 11 a.m., all the guests took their seats in the courtyard. As there were up to three hundred people, the atmosphere was lively. After all, the Mooneys’ grandson achieved great success, so everyone around the Mooneys would naturally take this chance to butter them up, which made them felt proud.

During the banquet, Maxton-dressed in black military uniform-sat in the seat of honor. With an unrivaled aura, he was sitting up straight with a sharp gaze. On the other hand, Leonard, Dominic, and Tommy were all sitting at the main table with him. As for Paige's family, the Mooneys definitely wouldn't arrange for them to sit at the main table. Therefore, they were sitting at another table behind. Following that, Leonard raised his glass and greeted all the guests, “Thank you for coming to our banquet. Cheers!” Although he was nearly 70 years old, and his hair was white, his face was glowing. When Leonard finished his words, all the guests raised their glasses with a smile. Instantaneously, the atmosphere becenthusiastic. After toasting with Maxton, Leonard, Dominic, and Tommy went to other tables to toast with the guests while Maxton stayed in his seat. Halfway through the banquet, Maxton coughed and signaled Leonard with his eyes. As Leonard understood, he responded with a nod. A hint of complexity appeared in his eyes, but soon it was gone. Then, he went up the stage and gestured the guests to quiet down. After that, he smiled, “Well, | have another good news for everyone. In recent years, our business has been flourishing. Of course, this isn’t my hard work, but the younger generation's. So, since everyone is here today, | am happy to announce that our family has decided to nominate a vice president to assistwith the company. Hopefully, all of you will support our decision. Haha...” Once he finished, all the guests applauded. Sof them even asked anxiously, “Con, Mr. Mooney! Please don’t leave us hanging.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) We can’t wait to know who is this new female vice president! Hahaha..” The guests knew there were only four people in the third generation of the Mooney family- Maxton, Lily, Paige, and Serena. As Maxton was still in the military while Serena was still studying, both of them were out of the question. So, that left with two gorgeous women-Lily and Paige, and the guests were busy guessing who Leonard would promote. Since the second generation was more lacking, it was very likely that the new vice president would be the future leader of the family. Meanwhile, after hearing Leonard's words, Yahir and his family were excited. With a satisfied smile, Yahir looked at Paige. So was Estella. She was proud of Paige. On the other hand, Serena was thrilled as well. However, the next moment, their expressions froze when Leonard declared with a smile, “Our new vice president is... Lily Mooney! Everyone, please give her a big clap!” Smilingly, Lily-who sat beside Maxton-stood up and bowed to the guests. “Thank you. | am looking forward to your continuous support, and | will work harder for the betterment of all of us!” Boom! To Paige’s family, this announcement was like a bolt from the blue. Overwhelmed with disappointment, Paige clenched her fists tightly.

Estella’s face also changed tically. Right away, she got up and shouted at Leonard, “What do you mean? Didn't you say that the vice president is Paige? Why do you change to Lily?” As Yahir was also enraged, he got up and fumed, “Dad! You've gone too far! Isn't Paige the one who secured Gempoint Group and Mysticorps Group? | demand an explanation!!!” Boom! When Estella and Yahir stood up, all the guests were shocked. At that moment, sguests who knew the Mooney family’s affairs at the tip of their fingers sat back to enjoy this . In fact, quite a number of them signed with Paige a few days ago, and they were currently frowning with confusion. Facing Estella and Yahir's questions, Leonard was somewhat awkward.

Nevertheless, he quickly responded to the two, “Well, this matter is a little complicated. I'll explain to you after the banquet!” “Haha! After the banquet? | want it now! You set the rules, so how can you break your promise? Don’t you know how hard Paige worked to win these projects? How could you give everything to Lily?! Tell me! How could you!?” Estella went ballistic. When she stepped into this house, she was already pissed off, but now she was even angrier. Instantaneously, Leonard's face turned gloomy. No matter what, he was the head of the Mooney family and a senior! So, he would naturally feel embarrassed being questioned by Estella in front of so many guests. Just then, Dominic yelled at Estella, “Shut up! Who gives you the right to speak here? And how can you talk to Dad this way? Sit down!” Hearing this, Estella ignored his words and was about to continue questioning Leonard. However, Yahir stopped her and glared at Dominic. “Mind your own business! She's my wife!” After that, he stared at Leonard and asked, “Dad, since she is not allowed to ask, I'll ask you again. Why do you humiliate my daughter like this?” “Why don’t | give you an explanation then?” before Leonard could answer, Maxton —who was remaining silent-opened his mouth. As he spoke, he targeted his majestic aura onto Yahir and pressured him. With that, Yahir went ashen, and he was at a loss for word. At the stime, Estella’s face also becslightly pale, and a sense of fear rose within her. Staying in his seat, Maxton continued, “I am the one who made the decision. If you are dissatisfied, you can ctoafter the banquet...” With a pale face, Yahir glowered at Maxton—who was now the Eagle Troop’s commander. Deep down, he could feel nothing but infinite grievance. He slowly nodded and said, “Great... What an Eagle Troop commander! What a family! Since you “Enough, Dad! It's okay! Let's forget it! | don’t want the position anymore! Please stop it!” Paige quickly stood up, grabbed Yahir’s arm, and persuaded him with red eyes. Then, Lily walked to Paige's side, looked at her condescendingly, and gloated, “Haha! In the end, you still lost! Be prepared to be my underdog for the rest of your life...” Upon hearing that, Paige pulled Yahir and Estella to sit down. Following that, she looked up at Lily with teary eyes and raged, “That's so great of you! Since you want to be the vice president so badly, then take it! Ill resign! You heard that! I'll leave the company!” After that, she pulled Yahir and Estella and was about to leave. At this moment, she finally realized that the Mooneys didn’t welcher. In that case, why would she stay? Yahir, Estella, and Serena had no intention to stay here either, so they got up and followed Paige.

Nonetheless, Lily refused to let Paige go by standing in front of her.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) “Do you think you can cand go as you please? But, fret not, there's a way for you to leave. | have informed Mr. Marsh of Gempoint Group and Mr. Lane of Mysticorps Group. Make it clear to them before you go. Otherwise, don’t even think of taking a step out here!” Gritting her teeth with anger, Paige looked at Lily with red eyes and snapped, “Dream on! If you are capable, talk to them by yourself. Apart from knowing how to scheme, what else can you do? Others might not know how you becthe vice president, but you know it yourself! You know what dirty means you used to steal this position from me!” “How dare you.. Don’t you slander me! Grandpa is the one who...” “Slap!” When Lily was about to defend herself, she heard a loud slap.

Then, she was shocked to find out that Maxton had chere and slapped Paige in the face. With a grim expression, Maxton glared at Paige and derided, “You insolent women! How dare you address your older cousin by her name? Besides, have you greetedsince you entered the house? Don’t forget you are the disgraceful one! If you didn’t have that b*st*rd’s child out of wedlock five and a half years ago, our family wouldn't be the town’s laughing stock! | can’t believe you still have the face to compete with Lily for the position!” “Argh!!! How dare you slap my daughter?! Ill fight you to death...” Upon seeing Maxton slapped Paige, Estella was bent out of shape and scratched him. “Scram!” bursting with rage, Maxton turned around and roared. In an instant, Estella was stunned and involuntarily took a few steps back before she fell to the ground. Yahir was no better either. He was also frightened by Maxton’s imposing manner and was at a loss.

After being slapped by Maxton, Paige cried. The next moment, she glared at him and sobbed, “Fine! It’s all my fault! | humiliated the family! So, from now on, | am no longer a part of the Mooneys! Since the media is also here, all of you shall be the witness. From today onward, | will sever ties with this family and have nothing to do with them!” Upon finishing her words, she walked out, but Lily yelled behind her, “Don’t forget Gempoint Group and Mysticorps Group's contract!” Grievances overtook Paige, and her body was trembling violently. When she heard Lily’s words, she paused, gnashed her teeth, and rasped, “Fine! Take it! | will personally amend the contract later!” After that, she immediately walked out. Serena went after her with a pale face, so as Yahir and Estella. Right now, they couldn’t be bothered to care about anything else other than Paige's feelings. As soon as Paige and the others reached the gate, a cacophony of laughter filled the courtyard again. At that moment, the four of them were down in the dumps.

At noon, when Joseph was having lunch with Chloe, he kept having an ominous feeling which ruined his appetite.

Unfortunately, his feeling was accurate. When he was about to call Alpha 1 and ask what had happened, Alpha 1 called him. “Mr. Dawson, something is wrong. Those business partners that Ernie arranged told him that Leonard gave the vice president position to Lily instead of Mrs. Dawson...” As Joseph was about to go deeper into this matter, another call cin. It was Serena's. Right away, he hung up Alpha I's call and answered her call. The moment he heard the first sentence, he stood up, and the murderous intent within him surged to the sky! “Joseph, cto Paragon Villa right now. Maxton slapped Paige, and they forced her to leave the family...” What! Joseph was stunned. Instantaneously, he carried Chloe, took ssnacks, and drove toward Paragon Villa. Along the way, Chloe could sense the anger on him and was a little worried. However, she didn’t know anything while Joseph didn’t have the tto explain to her. In just a dozen minutes, Joseph arrived at the house in Paragon Villa that he bought for Estella a few days ago. As soon as he got off the car, he saw Serena waiting anxiously downstairs. The whole incident in the banquet happened way too fast and sudden, so Serena didn’t manage to contact him just now. At the sight of Joseph, Serena quickly said to him with red eyes, “Joseph, they bullied Paige.

She is now upstairs, and she doesn’t even utter a word. You should quickly go up...” “Okay. Helpto take care of Chloe and take her to the park...” Joseph handed Chloe to Serena before he rushed upstairs. On the other hand, Chloe was sensible enough to follow Serena without asking anything. When Joseph entered the house, Estella was pointing at Yahir and chiding him with watery eyes, “You piece of trash! He slapped your daughter, and yet you didn’t even dare to say anything! Are you even a man?!” “Calm down, Mom. Where is Paige?” Joseph forcefully suppressed the surging anger in his heart and asked Estella. Immediately, Estella’s tears rolled down her cheeks. With trembling fingers, she pointed at the bedroom and sobbed, “In the room. Please console her. You...” “Don’t worry. Leave it to me...” Joseph nodded and walked to the bedroom door. Although Paige locked the door from the inside, he managed to push it open with only a little force. Following that, he saw Paige curled up on the bed with her head deeply buried in her knees. Feeling heartbroken, Joseph uttered, “Paige, it's me...” Paige ignored Joseph, and her body was still twitching. Yes, she was crying, but she suppressed her voice to prevent herself from crying out loud. Then, Joseph pulled up her arm and saw the faint red palm print on her face. Boom! The moment he saw the palm print, the killing intent inside him burst out, and the temperature in the room dropped sharply. As Paige could feel a sudden chill, her body trembled. Only then, she cto notice Joseph's presence. While tears were covering her face, she wept, “Am... am | useless?” Upon listening to what she said, Joseph felt more distressed. With that, he wiped the tears from her face, took a deep breath, and uttered, “Let's go to the Mooney family’s house!” Stunned, Paige asked, “What are we going there for?” Joseph took a deep breath, and his eyes were cold to the extreme. Gritting his teeth, he rasped, “I'll avenge you! Let's go!” Without waiting for Paige’s response, he pulled her arm and walked out of the room. Although Estella and Yahir were shocked by his movement, he ignored them, pulled Paige down the stairs, and got in the car with her.

Then, he stepped on the accelerator and sped toward the Mooney family’s house. Ten minutes later, the banquet in the Mooneys’ house courtyard was still ongoing. All the guests were drinking while a few Eagle Soldiers were standing guard outside the door. Even though they had also seen what happened to Paige's family, they could only obey orders and stay silent. Suddenly, they saw a black Mercedes sped toward them from a distance.

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Because the car was so rapid, they instantly got vigilant. In the blink of an eye, it arrived before their eyes and spun 360-degree with a piercing braking sound and thick smoke that billowed around the tires. Frightened, two of the soldiers quickly pulled out their rifles and charged toward the car while the other two of them rushed in to protect Maxton.

The next moment, Joseph pulled Paige out of the car and walked past the thick smoke.

“Maxton Mooney! You're courting death!” as he fumed, he stormed towards the courtyard with Paige. “Stop! If you cany further, we won't be easy on you!” with fear, the two soldiers shouted at Joseph while pointing at him with their rifles. As they said so, they joined hands and rushed toward him. As Joseph was holding Paige's hand, his eyes turned cold, and he blasted the two soldiers with two palm strikes. With that, a monstrous sound resonated throughout the house. The two fully armed soldiers flew out, vomited blood, and . fell into the courtyard. Instantly, they fainted and died.

“Joseph Dawson! It's you who are courting death! How dare you wreak havoc in my house?! If you wish to die, I'll grant it! Argh!!!” Once Maxton saw Joseph injured his men, he flew off the handle and charged toward Joseph.

Since Maxton could becthe Eagle Troop’s commander, that meant he had a high level of combat power.

Sas Brandon, Bradley, and Lewis, he was a five-star combat master. Besides, he had been in the military all year round, so he had great hostility However, before he could attack Joseph, (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)joseph grabbed his wrist, lifted his body, and slammed him to the ground. “Boom!” After Maxton fell to the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood and was taken aback by Joseph's strength. Even so, before he had tto react, Joseph-who already let go of Paige appeared before his eyes in an instant and directly kicked him in the chest.. Once again, Maxton’s expression changed, but he managed to place his arms on his chest at the last moment. Otherwise, Joseph's kick would have taken his life! Nevertheless, followed by another monstrous sound, Maxton’s body flew and hit the Mooney family’s door sign. With a loud crack, Maxton’s body smashed the wall into pieces before falling on the courtyard... Just like before, Joseph appeared before Maxton’s eyes as soon as he landed. “You can’t kill me! You can’t! I'm the commander of the Eagle Troop... You can’t kill me...” with a pale face, Maxton yelled at Joseph. At that moment, he was completely unhinged. “Kill you? That would be easy on you!” Joseph shouted angrily. Killing Maxton was an easy task for him, but Maxton was a part of the Mooneys and a relative of Paige, after all. If it weren't because he was afraid that Paige would feel bad in the future, he would have killed Maxton! Nevertheless, he didn’t plan to let Maxton off that easily! Therefore, he directly snapped Maxton’s right arm with his palm. At once, Maxton shrieked in pain. “Joseph! Calm down! Don’t!” Finally, Paige reacted. When she saw Maxton vomit blood and his broken right arm bled profusely, she quickly screamed at Joseph. She was afraid that he would end up killing Maxton. When Joseph heard Paige's voice, a trace of clarity appeared in his murderous gaze. Then, he looked back at her and said, “Paige, chere and return his slap!” Paige cried, shook her head, and begged Joseph, “No... please stop. Please...” “| apologize, Joseph. Please calm down. | am sorry...” Maxton hurriedly apologized. But the next moment, Joseph slapped him.

With that slap, Maxton flew off, and a row of his teeth fell out. “Argh!! How dare you slap me! You're so dead!!! Where are the Eagle Soldiers?! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Arghhh!!!” Maxton was completely blinded by anger.

He didn’t mind Joseph hit him, but a proud and egoistic person like him couldn’t withstand being slapped in front of so many people! Just then, a large group of Eagle Soldiers rushed over with weapons in their hands. There were several dozens of them, all of whom were Maxton’s guards with the highest combat skills! “No, don’t!” Upon seeing the soldiers charging toward Joseph, Paige quickly blocked them. After that, she turned her head and yelled at Joseph anxiously, “Run!!!” However, Joseph didn’t budge. Just when the soldiers were getting closer to Paige, a dozen tanks with weapons emerged and surrounded the soldiers! “Take another step if you dare!” on the leading tank, Alpha [—who was full of dangerous aura-roared at the Eagle Soldiers. At once, all of them didn’t dare to move. D But in the next moment, another hundred or so Eagle Soldiers rushed over and confronted Alpha I's army. At the sight of this scene, the guests were bewildered. On the other hand, Joseph didn’t care what was happening outside. Instead, he looked at Maxton and bellowed, “Are you planning to start a war?” With hatred in his eyes, Maxton wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth and glared at Joseph. As fury quickened his blood, his chest was heaving vigorously. Due to his injury, he was no match for Joseph. He wanted to kill Joseph badly, but he didn’t dare to. After all, he cback with a task to guard the god of war and the grand wedding! Thus, no matter how unwilling Maxton was, he suppressed his anger and glared at Joseph. “Joseph, you're dead! Don’t you know that I'm the Eagle Troop’s commander of the central region’s military? You're lucky that | have a military order now. Stay here and wait for three days if you dare!” After letting out a scoff, Joseph looked at Maxton insultingly, “Sure. See you in three days!” “Deal!” Maxton replied, scowling at Joseph. “Paige, let's go...” Joseph turned around and walked away with Paige. After they left, Alpha 1 also left with his soldiers while sneering. What a joke? Did a mere commander just threaten Joseph? If Joseph weren't waiting for the wedding the day after tomorrow, he would have snapped Maxton into pieces by now. Exactly. This was the reason why Joseph didn’t fully expose his power. In another one and a half days, it would be his wedding with Paige. Besides, for women, a wedding was a once-in-a-lifetevent. So, he didn’t want her to have any regrets. However, not long after Alpha 1 and Joseph left, vice presidents from big companies in Oplen cwith their contracts.

Gempoint Group's vice president, Aiden Marsh, and Mysticorp Group's vice president, Ivan Lane, were among them. Then, in front of Leonard, Lily, and Maxton, those vice presidents tore all the contracts they signed with Aceshine Group. “Aiden Marsh! Ivan Lane! Are you sure you want to end this cooperation just because of Paige? Is it worth it to offend the Mooneys andbecause of this?” Maxton asked Aiden and Ivan with a gloomy face.

He knew these two people. Upon hearing that, Aiden and Ivan smirked, “Hah, do you think you're a general? What gives a mere commander a right to talk to us this way?” Maxton was so furious that he spat out another mouthful of blood.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) With a more malicious stare, he fumed, “Okay! Fine! Go and tell Dennis Drake and Ernie Green that | will keep today’s humiliation in my mind! When | becthe Eagle Troop’s general in the future, | will make them pay dearly for today’s humiliation!” “Well, anyone can brag. We shall see when you are officially in charge of the nine Eagle Troops!” Aiden didn’t show respect to Maxton at all. After saying that, Aiden looked at Leonard and sneered meaningfully, “Leonard, remember what happened today. You and your family made this choice!” Then, Ivan also looked at Harrison mockingly. “As for you, Harrison. Go ahead and take their side if you want, but don’t regret it in the future...” With that, Aiden, Ivan, and more than a dozen vice-presidents left with disdain while the Mooneys and the Sheltons fell silent. For sreason, Aiden’s and Ivan’s words made Leonard and Harrison worry...