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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51 “Hey? I'm talking to you! Who the hell are you? Where is Miss Paige? Tell me, or | will screw you!” the exhausted vice president continued to shout at Lily. At that moment, he was already going nuts, and he almost resorted to violence. Before that, he heard srumors in the company—the legendary terrifying man in Oplen seemed to be related to Paige Mooney of the Aceshine Group. Therefore, when Rory asked him for help to collaborate with Aceshine Group last night, he immediately agreed and signed the contract with a woman from the Mooneys in the early morning. However, he didn’t expect that he signed with the wrong person. That woman from the Mooneys was not Paige! In fact, he was too busy that he had not rested since last night. Hence, after signing the contract with Lily, he didn’t double-check it before rushing back to the company to prepare for the grand wedding. Later, around an hour ago, Dennis—who was in the headquarters-cto find him with Ernie and asked him to show them the contract. Only then, he realized that he had signed with the wrong person!!! With that, Dennis and Ernie gave him a death stare. Even now, Dennis’s words from then kept flashing in his mind.

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“Aiden Marsh, do you know who the female lead of this grand wedding is?” At that time, Dennis was scowling at him coldly. Once he cto a realization, he rushed to Aceshine Group as fast as he could. When he arrived, he found that Leonard was away. After inquiring about his whereabouts with the employees, he knew that Leonard and Paige were having lunch in this restaurant. Thus, he hurried over. Sure enough, Leonard was in this restaurant, as well as the woman who cheated him to sign the contract! As soon as he saw Lily, he could no longer suppress his fury. Currently, Lily was so frightened that her face went ashen, and she quickly responded, “Mr. Marsh... why must you sign the contract with Paige? | am also a part of Aceshine Group...” “F*ck you! Who do you think you are?! Are you even on the slevel as her? Scram!” as he fumed, he tore the contract and smacked it on Lily's face. At once, Lily screamed, stepped back, and shut her mouth. She didn’t know what was wrong with Aiden, but at the moment, she could only look at Rory with pleading eyes. Frowning with displeasure, Rory stood up and reprimanded in a low voice, “Mr. Marsh, you've gone too far. Besides, didn’t you signed the contract for the sake of my father? He told you last night. Have you forgotten? That's enough. Showsrespect!” After Rory finished, Aiden was bewildered by his idiotic words and was stunned for a while. Then, with a bang, he furiously kicked Rory in his stomach, and Rory flew out, Following that, he went to Rory and continued to beat him up. As he punched, he cursed, “Show srespect? Who the f*ck are you? Do you think your family is that great? Even Harrison Shelton doesn’t speak tothis way! How dare you teacha lesson? You little b*st*rd!” Seeing that, Leonard was rooted to the spot. Once he regained his composure, he went and tried to stop the fight. “Calm down, Mr. Marsh. Calm down. Lily is in the wrong this time. | will ask her to apologize to you...” he persuaded. “Who the hell are you? Get out of my way!” Aiden—who was already enraged, waved his hand and pushed Leonard aside. After all, Leonard was old. So, with that push, he knocked over several plates on the table and fell to the ground. Then, he groaned in pain. “How dare you and your family trample me?! Do you think | am easy to bully? Huh? You...” Bang! Just as Aiden was about to continue cursing, Joseph-who was drinking tea slammed the teacup on the table. The next moment, his cold words echoed in Aiden’s ears, “Are you done?” Boom! When Aiden heard Joseph's voice, a chill crept up his spine. At once, his blood ran cold, and cold sweat dampened his body. For a split second, he felt as if a grim reaper was staring at his back. Fearfully, he turned around. The moment he saw Joseph, his heart almost stopped beating, and his body was sweating like rain. He was so scared that his face turned pale, and his legs went weak as he had seen Joseph before! Just this morning, he saw Dennis, Ernie, and the horrifying Alpha 1 following Joseph respectfully. “S... S... Sir.” Aiden stammered while he was trying to apologize to Joseph, but Paige suddenly interrupted him. After she recollected her senses, she hurriedly stood up with a frightened look and apologized, “Mr. Marsh, I'm sorry. I... I'm Paige. Please calm down. I'm sorry. Please calm down...” When Aiden saw Paige got up and apologized to him personally, he was almost scared to death. Right away, he slapped himself hard while apologizing to Paige, “No, no, no, Miss Paige. Don't... Don’t be. It's my fault. | was exhausted from working overtyesterday, so | mistook other women for you. I'm sorry...” His posture was really humble... Boom! Watching that, Leonard, Rory, and Lily were extremely stupified with their mouths and eyes wide open. After all, Aiden was different from all those small business partners who had signed with Paige a few days ago. In fact, he was one of the eight vice presidents of Gempoint Group, which also meant his status was much higher than Rory’s father-Harrison! And yet, such a high-rank person was slapping his face and apologizing for fear that Paige would be offended. As Paige was also shocked, she quickly waved to Aiden. “Mr. Marsh, it... it's okay. Please don’t hit yourself. I'm fine...” Even so, Aiden didn’t stop because the legendary big shot hadn't said anything. Not having the guts to stop, he continued slapping himself. Looking at this scene, Paige felt familiar. Just then, she recalled that Brian did the sthing in Mirage Hotel the night before. As long as Joseph didn’t say anything, they dared not stop. So, she looked at Joseph-who was still quietly sitting. At the stime, Leonard and others also returned to their senses. Wait a minute! From the beginning till the end, Joseph was the only one who was still sitting! Only him!!!! Upon realizing that, Leonard and the others turned to Joseph. After that, Joseph looked up to Aiden aloofly and uttered, “Didn't you cto sign the contract with my wife? What are you doing?” When Aiden heard this, he immediately understood that Joseph probably had yet to tell Paige his identity, and his fear intensified. Therefore, he quickly nodded and said to Paige anxiously, “Miss Paige, shall we sign the contract now? | have to go back quickly as the company is too busy right now. I'm sorry. I've been working for the whole night these days, so | was completely out of my mind. Just now, you must've been scared. I'm sorry. Very, very sorry...” Once he finished, he took out two new contracts with his signature and his company’s stamp on them. After Paige signed them, he left quickly. Only when he went far away from the room, he lay on the ground and gasped, terribly frightened. Just as Aiden left and everyone was still in a trance, another man pushed open the door. It was the vice president of Mysticorps Group.

After coming in, he spoke to Paige politely and signed the contract with her. With that signature, the problem that had troubled Aceshine Group for years was completely solved. However, it was not over yet. Later, the vice president of Pendulum Group—the third-ranked company in Oplen-came. The vice president of Seawares Company—the fourth rank company in Oplen came... The representative of the Municipal Administration Department came... The vice president of the Business Association of Oplen came...

One after another big shot that Aceshine Group had always tried hard to approach signed with Paige. With that, the problems that hindered Aceshine Group’s development were solved, and all of this happened in less than half an hour!! Finally, an hour later, when Paige’s hand got tired, no one else cin.

And at this moment, facing Paige—who signed the contract with so many big bosses in Oplen -Leonard dared not sit anymore. Instead, he stood in front of her with srestraint. Looking at those high-value contracts, he swallowed hard, and he was shocked to the extreme. Once again, he subverted his conjecture. The identity of this grandson-in-law—who suddenly appeared from nowhere—was not ordinary for sure. “Haha...” Joseph smiled at Leonard and said, “Grandpa, you only requested Paige to help Aceshine Group solve a problem.

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But now, she has solved more than one. So, isn't it tfor you to fulfill your promise and appoint her as the vice president?” With a pale face, Leonard nodded. “Well... Of course. I'll keep my word. From now on, Paige will be the vice president of Aceshine Group! A position which is second only to mine! Also, she will be in charge of our cooperation with these large companies! When | return to the company, I'll announce it!” Leonard was still perplexed because Joseph was still smiling. Besides, Joseph was calm from the beginning. Way too calm! What was his identity then? While Leonard was pondering, huge storms surged within him... “Joseph, do... Do you know all those... people?” Leonard stammered. Although a huge part of him knew the answer, he couldn't help but ask. Looking at Leonard with a grin, Joseph asked in return, “What do you think?” Hearing that, Leonard trembled and stopped talking. Finally, he understood how Paige handled Reuben’s debt, found hundreds of business partners, and solved tons of the company’s problems despite returning for only a few days. It turned out that Joseph secretly helped her! On the other hand, Paige lowered her head, feeling down. Knowing that Joseph was behind everything, she felt useless. Of course, Joseph knew Paige's thoughts, so he held her hand tightly and comforted, “Haha, don’t overthink. Actually, | didn’t help you that much. The biggest reason why they are willing to sign with Aceshine Group is because of your efforts and Aceshine Group's ability, which has nothing much to do with me. All | did was introducing you to them. And don’t forget, they are just sbusinessmen | met when | was doing business in Usmait six years ago. Even if they are doinga favor, they won't risk their company and their projects...” Hearing Joseph’s words, Paige felt much better. However, she still did not fully believe what he said. “Are you telling the truth? Do they really think | have the ability?” With a nod, Joseph smiled, “Yes, of course, but don’t overstrain yourself. You haven't rest much these days, and that kinda breaks my heart...” At once, Paige's face turned crimson, and she lowered her head even lower. After seeing that Paige was fine, Joseph looked up at Leonard and suggested, “Grandpa, it seems like we can’t eat together today. Why don’t we meet sother day? I'll book a better restaurant and invite you over.” “Sure, sure. You may go ahead with your own business. Don’t worry about us.

We'll have our lunch somewhere else after this...” Leonard replied nervously to Joseph. At that moment, his attitude was totally different from the first the met Joseph. To that, Joseph nodded, informed Paige, and walked out. However, when he walked to the door and passed by Rory, he stopped and looked at Rory. “Why are you still here?” “Hmm? What... what are you going to do? You...” when Rory looked at Joseph this time, his heart was uneasy, and he stuttered. That was because he was frightened by the scene just now. “Haha.” Joseph laughed and insinuated, “Nothing, but | think you should leave. Who knows? Maybe your father is looking for you... Of course, | am just saying because | know sphysiognomy. And somehow, | feel that your family will be in trouble if you marry your fiancee. Haha...” Upon finishing his words, he left without turning back. After Joseph left, Rory cto his senses and quickly took out his phone. To his surprise, his mobile phone had dozens of missed calls and text messages. Right away, he opened them and found that they were all sent by his father.

D “You unfilial rascal! What the f*ck did you do out there? Who did you offend? Something serious happened at home, and we might go bankrupt. So, cback now! Now!!!” This was a Whatmessage from his father, Harrison. After Rory read Harrison's text message, his face changed tically. Instantaneously, he grabbed his phone and quickly dashed hwithout bothering to say goodbye to Lily...