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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46 “My... my name?” Estella stared at her non the property ownership certificate in a daze, and her tears instantly rolled down her cheeks. Seeing that, Willow who ridiculed Estella just now-felt a burning pain on her face. Actually, her son in-law only bought a small house of 80 square meters located in the cheapest zone -D Zone. On the contrary, Estella’s son-in-law bought a 130 square meters big house located in the best zone-A Zone. Besides, he directly gave it to Estella! As there was a world of difference between her and Estella, Willow was too ashamed to stay. Before Estella cto her senses, Willow quickly fled with her head down. “Mom...” “Estella!” As soon as Willow left, Yahir and Serena ran over breathlessly. Since Yahir had lived with Estella for many years, he knew very well that every tthey fought, she would chere to ease her mood. And just as expected, he and Serena found her here. However, Estella was too immersed in her non the property ownership certificate, so she did not respond to Yahir and Serena. “Joseph?” Seeing Joseph and Chloe beside Estella, Serena got more confused. After that, she hurried to Estella with Yahir. Although Yahir also saw Joseph and Chloe, he was not in the mood to talk to -who was still bewildered—and apologized, “Estella, you did nothing wrong. It’s all my fault. I'm so sorry. If you're still mad, just hit me. Sorry for my impulsiveness. Sorry...” In fact, the moment Estella ran out of the house, crying, Yahir had regretted his actions and went after her. She was right. Although she didn’t contribute much these years, she still deserved credit for her efforts. After all, she accompanied him through the tough times and raised two beautiful daughters for him. Therefore, once he overchis anger, he quickly cover to apologize to her. Even so, she still ignored him, while tears still flowing down from her eyes. After a long time, she looked up at Joseph, feeling complicated. “Joseph, you... you...” (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)At the moment, she still hadn't overcthe surprise. Never could she imagine that Joseph actually bought her a house. Before this, she would give him a long face every tthey met. Even this morning, she scolded him and took away the car he bought for Paige. Despite all of that, he still treated her nicely. Hence, she couldn’t get her mind straight for a while... With a smile, Joseph nodded to Estella. “Mom, you don’t have to say anything.

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Instead, | would like to thank you for the toys you bought for Chloe last night. She likes them. This house is my gift for you. You can move in tonight if you want. Now, all that’s left for you to do is to visit the real estate office with your ID card to amend all the related information. | have spoken to them about this...” “Hm? House? What house?” Confused, Yahir looked at Joseph and then at Estella, only to find that Estella had a property ownership certificate in her hand. Just now he was so panic that he did not notice it. The next moment, Yahir opened his mouth wide and pointed at the property ownership certificate. In disbelief, he stared at Estella and asked, “This house is... is Looking at him, Estella nodded affirmatively. “Yes, it's a 130 square meters house located in A Zone with three rooms and two halls. Joseph bought it, and he, he put in under my name...” “What? This...” Yahir instantly turned to look at Joseph, and his eyes were out on stalks. For a while, he was unable to utter a word. Smilingly, Joseph nodded at Yahir. “You heard it right, Dad. All that’s left is for you to complete the procedures with Mom...” “No, no, no... I... You, this house, this... this...” Yahir stuttered. For his whole life, he had worked hard to fulfill Estella’s wish, but it was impossible. Nevertheless, Joseph bought the house without any hesitation! Moreover, it was a 130 square meters house with three bedrooms and two halls located in the best spot in Paragon Villa! At this moment, even after double confirming with Estella and Joseph, Yahir still found it hard to believe. Seeing Yahir's reaction, Joseph had no choice but to continue nodding and explained, “It’s true. | have cleared the payment, so there is no house loan. You and Mom can also move in at any time...” “This... This must've cost you a fortune...” Yahir was still perplexed. He wouldn't even dare to imagine the price for a large house in A Zone. It could be at least a few million or more! Upon hearing Yahir’'s words, Joseph chuckled without saying anything. On the other hand, Serena looked at Joseph with great gratitude as tears welled up in her eyes. She remembered when she called him this afternoon, she mentioned that Estella liked the house in Paragon Villa and often quarreled(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) with Yahir because of this. Then, the next thing she knew was that Joseph had bought the house... The more she thought, the more thankful she felt... Suddenly, Paige's anxious cry cfrom a distance. “Dad! Mom! Are you all right?” An hour ago, Serena called Paige. Therefore, Paige quickly left the company to find Estella. After all, to her, work was far less important than her family. Upon spotting Yahir and Estella in a daze, she felt that something was off. Besides, Joseph and Chloe were also here. Thinking about that, she becmore worried. “Dad! Mom! Are you all right? What is with your expression? What happened?” she nervously ran to Yahir and Estella and asked while catching her breath.

Feeling awkward, Estella dared not look at Paige. Following that, Yahir looked at Paige with a complicated expression and stuttered, “Paige, Joseph... he... he...” But just before he could finish his words, Paige interrupted him anxiously and questioned Joseph. “Joseph, did you quarrel with them because of the car again? (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)If you're unwilling to give them, then take it back!” Due to anxiousness, Paige got mad at Joseph. “Uh...” Stunned, Joseph was at a loss for words for a while. When Yahir saw that Paige was about to scold Joseph again, he quickly explained, “House! It's about the house! The house in Paragon Villa! Don’t get him wrong. He bought a house for your Mom. So, don’t scold him. Don’t...” “W... What? Joseph bought a house in Paragon Villa for Mom?” Paige was surprised like Yahir from moments ago. Although she didn’t know much about cars, she had sunderstanding about housing. The house in Paragon Villa? It must've costed a fortune. As her jaw dropped, she looked at Estella—who was holding the property ownership certificate-in confusion. Feeling ashamed, Estella could feel a burning pain on her face. Nonetheless, facing Paige’s inquiry, she forced herself to nod and clarified, “Well, Joseph just bought it. As for what happened this morning, | was wrong. I'm sorry, Paige...” Upon finishing, she quickly added, “You can take back the car later.

Joseph bought it for you, after all... Sorry for what | did this morning. | becimpulsive after hearing Lily's words...” This time, she kept mentioning Joseph by his nusing a polite tone. In fact, it was merely because she was astounded by his generosity. When Joseph heard Estella talking about the car, he smiled, “Mom, | told you it’s because | didn’t think it through. Also, Chloe and I just bought another scar this morning. So, you can have the one you drove away. When you have time, you may go to the motor vehicle administration agency and change the owner's information...” “Oh...” Everyone was stunned except the innocent Chloe and Serena—who knew part of Joseph's status. At that moment, Chloe thought that her father looked dashing, while Serena thought that her brother-in- law was awesome. While everyone was shocked or stupefied, Joseph smiled faintly. Since he and Paige had solved their grudges last night and got together, he thought he could push forward his plans, including next month’s grand wedding. In addition, after today, he felt that Estella would no longer oppose him and Paige, so there was no need to delay the wedding... The following atmosphere was strange. Estella was too embarrassed to take a look at the house. However, Yahir proposed to go in and have a look. Thus, the whole family went in.

All the way, Estella only stole a few glances while keeping her head low. She didn’t dare to look at Joseph. After viewing the house, everyone followed Estella to the real estate office to transfer utilities to her name. Once all the official documents, receipts, and house keys were in Estella’s hands, she finally believed that she owned a house in Paragon Villa. At night, they had their dinner at a restaurant next to Paragon Villa. During the meal, Estella was very awkward. Not only did her eyes averted Joseph, but she also dared not speak in front of him.

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Only when everyone was about to disperse after dinner, she nervously stopped Joseph. (This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)Bowing her head, she said apologetically, “Joseph... I... | am sorry. | was mean to you before. Please... Please don’t take it to heart. You are a nice man, and | am relieved that you will be Paige's husband. Please forgivefor what I did last time...” smiled at her while holding Chloe in his arms. “Mom, don’t be. Since | am an orphan, you will be my mother from now on. Chloe likes you very much too. Besides, what happened in the past was also because of my mistake, so | should be the one apologizing. From today onward, let's live happily as a family...” Actually, there was a hurtful reason why he referred to himself as an orphan. Ever since his family drove him out six years ago, he swore he would never have any relation with them again. Upon hearing what Joseph said, Estella vibrated and nodded in agreement. Then, she took Chloe from Joseph's arms and left happily. “Chloe, do you wantto drive you home? | can drive, and my driving skills are great... Estella suggested to Chloe. After nodding cutely, Chloe responded, “Okay, Grandma. Let's go home!” Meanwhile, Yahir looked at Joseph with a complex expression and nodded apologetically, to which Joseph responded politely. Following that, Yahir got in the car while Serena shot Joseph a look of admiration. Knowing that Paige wanted to talk to Joseph, Serena also got in Estella’s car. When there was only Paige and Joseph left, Paige uttered with a mixed feeling, “Umm... About this afternoon, I'm sorry.

| have no idea you...” Joseph interrupted her, “It’s okay. As long as you don’t blme, | will be fine. I've bought a house for Mom, but | haven't bought ours...” Inmediately, Paige shook her head. “Don’t worry about that. I...

I'm already grateful for what you did for me...” After she finished, a trace of doubt arose in her eyes. Facing Joseph, she opened her mouth, but when the words were on the tip of her tongue, she didn’t know what to say.

Naturally, Joseph understood what she wanted to ask, so he smiled, threw the new car key to her, and said, “I know what you want to ask. You want to know where | got all this money and how | got to know Lara and Brian last night, am | right?” To that, Paige nodded but quickly explained, “It... It's okay. You don’t have to tell me. | won't ask anymore. As long as you are good to me, | will be glad enough. | know you have your secrets, but you don’t have to tellabout it.” At this moment, she was a bundle of nerves. Hearing that, Joseph shook his head and chuckled, “There is no such thing as secrets. Five years ago, when you met me, didn’t | tell you that | was betrayed, and my company closed down? Well, the company did close down, but there was a piece of land left. | believe you know how expensive the lands in Usmait have becin five years. Mine was in the suburbs, but | managed to sell it for more than 10 million dollars. So don’t worry, when you are free, we will choose a better house with Chloe. I still have enough to afford one. Trust me. If you stay with me, | promise | won't let you and Chloe suffer again in this life...” With glimmering eyes, Paige gazed at Joseph. At this moment, her heart was once again moved by him, and a rich sense of happiness rose in her heart. After a period of silence, she felt that the atmosphere was getting more and more awkward. She could even feel his breath getting closer to her.

Instantly, her heart raced, and she quickly uttered, “I'11... I'll drive the car here.(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” Then, she blushed, lowered her head, and ran away. However, she immediately regretted her actions, so her face becredder... While looking at Paige, who was walking to the parking space, he picked up his phone and called Alpha I. “Inform Dennis and Ernie to hold the grand wedding in advance. Instead of waiting till next month, we will hold it in three days... After finishing speaking, Joseph hung up the phone. As he stared at Paige's back, the love in his eyes intensified, and he muttered inwardly, “Paige, since you have promised me, how can | let you wait for any longer?” In fact, there was another reason, which was Lily and the others. Although he and Paige were only back for a few days, those brainless and snobbish people kept looking for trouble with them. His patience had reached the limit, so he decided to hold the wedding in three days. After giving Paige a sensational wedding, he believed that no one would dare to compete with her in the future.