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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 Half an hour later, Joseph took a deep breath and said to Leng Yijun, who had almost recovered, “Let's go.” Leng Yijun asked subconsciously, “Go... to where?” . Joseph smiled. Then, he looked at the slightly wrinkled skirt of Leng Yijun and said, “Are you sure you don’t want to buy a set of clothes first?” “Ah..” Leng Yijun followed Joseph's gaze and looked down. She immediately screamed. Her pretty face was extremely red and she was extremely shy. She had been frightened that she did something before. It was really embarrassing. Just as she was about to raise her head and tell Joseph not to look, she found that Joseph had already arrived at the bottom of the slope. A dozen meters away, he walked to a car abandoned by those killers from the Outer Region. “Stop yelling. I'm not interested in you. Cand get in the car. There are still many things to do.” Joseph's cold voice cfrom afar. Leng Yijun felt that she was in a mess. She looked at Joseph in a daze. She wanted to get angry, but she didn’t know what to say. At this moment, all of her ego was broken on the surface and in her heart. In front of this incredible man, everything she had looked like a joke. Standing on the slope and staring blankly for a while, Leng Yijun suddenly pulled off the human skin on her face and showed her original appearance. However, when Leng Y ijun took off her ego, she looked so beautiful. She was smiling. At this moment, her smile was no longer the professional fake smile. Instead, it was the real one. At the moment when she was smiling from the bottom of her heart, she knew that a shackle that had been locked in the bottom of her heart had been unlocked. From this tonwards, she would have to go back to her own life and no longer pretend to be anyone. Joseph, who was far away in the car, could not help but be stunned when he saw Leng Yijun on the slope. Then he shook his head and said to himself with a smile, “It seems that | accidentally let this silly woman figure out a lot of things. In the future, she will do what she wants to do and no longer need to pretend until she is so tired. It's a good thing. Alas, | am really a good person. | always help others and don’t ask for repay. Right.” The next moment, Leng Yijun who had let go of the shackles in her heart and got into the car with a smile. She didn’t care about her skirt at all and said to Joseph with ease, “Thank you.” “But, you don’t have to do that. | don’t deserve it. Yin Chaoge is already troublesenough. | don’t want to add you. Let's go and buy clothes for you. Really, | didn’t even get a salary from you. | still have to pay to buy you clothes,” Joseph said gloomily. Then he stepped on the accelerator and drove back with Leng Yijun. “But, there's no other way. I'm Paige's best friend.

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| used to help you take care of your wife. This tyou're helpingto buy clothes, isn’t that natural? Handsguy? God of War? Brother-in-law?” Leng Yijun who had opened the spiritual shackles actually joked with Joseph “CallJoseph!” Joseph's face darkened. “Ha ha ha ha ha!” Leng Yijun laughed happily. She didn’t care at all. In her laughter, Joseph drove the car very fast. He just wanted to buy clothes for this woman immediately, and then when Slaughter and the others were here, he would throw this crazy woman to them. He didn’t want to be with Leng Yijun anymore. He had seen a very strong woman like her in the Outer Region battlefield. She had been rejected by all kinds of people in the past, and she had also been shackled by herself.

Later, the woman somehow opened up, and then her combat power soared wildly all the way. Five years ago, in the Outer Region battlefield, she had risen to the Titan level. Then, every tJoseph saw that woman, he had to run away... After laughing for a while, Leng Yijun turned her head and looked out of the window. Looking at the flying scenery outside the window, she murmured in her heart, “Hello, my new life.” Ten minutes later, Joseph took Leng Yijun to a high-end mall. Leng Yijun quickly picked out the clothes and changed them. However, he was surprised to find that she had changed into a new style of new clothes. He looked at her in amazement and said, “Is this your favorite At this moment, Leng Yijun put on a long black dress that exposed her shoulders. Her white calves were exposed, her long black wavy hair fluttered in the wind, and she was wearing a pair of eight-centimeter high heels. Her style was completely different from her usual reserved style. Leng Yijun smiled and said, “Well, this is my favorite style. The corners of Joseph’s mouth twitched and he said, “Well, | feel that if you go to the Outer Region battlefield, you will definitely find a good sister, and you will definitely becthe best friend of that woman...” “Huh? Who is that woman? Is she very similar to me?” Leng Yijun asked Joseph doubtfully. Joseph shook his head and said, “Yes, you two have a similar feeling. Of course, she is much better than you. Well, don’t ask about it, talk about it later. You can’t go to places like the Outer Region battlefield. Leng Yijun smiled and shook her head, saying, “I'm not sure. That place... I, | have long wanted to go there.” Although Leng Yijun said half-jokingly with a smile, after experiencing that terrifying witch in the Outer Region battlefield, Joseph knew that this was definitely not a joke. That was what she really decided in her heart. Joseph couldn’t help shivering. He thought to himself, “In the future, it is very likely that there will be another horrible woman in the Outer Region battlefield.” “Joseph, where are we going now? Are we going to kill our way back to the Yin family? Oh, by the way, do you think those assassins from Outer Region will go to the Yin family after we leave? Will Yin Chaoge and the others be in danger?” After getting in the car again, Leng Yijun asked Joseph as if he suddenly thought of something. Joseph looked at her speechlessly and asked, “What do you think? Don’t talk nonsense. Do you really think that only a group of God of War killers cthis time? Don’t worry, it's fine there. When you bought clothes, | contacted Wang Tianhai. Dozens of Semi God of War killers attacked the Yin family, but they were all fine this tand had defended those. After all, they also had three God of War on their side. We're not going back this time. I'll take you to a place. Leng Yijun nodded and looked a little embarrassed. She was so embarrassed that she really forgot her good sister Yin Chaoge, that she bought clothes for herself and go shopping. Well, so when a woman becbeautiful for herself, sso-called sisterhood was fake. When Joseph heard this, he smiled and said, “Didn’t you tell my wife that | should introduce you to a powerful, handsome, and cold man who looks like a killer? As for me, I'll be a good person to the end. I'll introduce you to another Joseph now.” “Are you serious?” Leng Yijun looked at Joseph with a look of disbelief and did not take it seriously at all. “Nonsense! I'm so bored to lie to a woman like you? Do you really think I'm still with you? I'll throw you away.” “When we're done. And that Yin Chaoge, when you go back later, let her stay in the basement for a few days. Don’t cout again. As soon as you cback to Usmait, you will be in constant trouble. You are simply a troublemaker!” Joseph said angrily. Then he stepped on the accelerator and drove to the airport in Usmait. Joseph was surprised that Vanish was about to reach. This guy actually cmuch earlier than Slaughter. It would take more than three hours for Slaughter to get there. Was this the fate that God had arranged for Leng Yijun? At this moment, Joseph thought in an extremely strange way.

Because according to the fake style of Leng Yijun in the past, Vanish would not like it at all. And this time, it just so happened that Leng Yijun had released her nature and completely removed the shackles in her heart.

Because of Bai Ye’s arrival, he had to go back and stay by Paige's side. Then, he could only toss Leng Yijun who had just opened her shackles to Vanish.. What's more, Leng Yijun’s last nwas Leng, and his last nwas Vanish. Both names were well-matched. “Is he handsome? What's his name? Is he the God of War on the Outer Region battlefield like you? What does he look like?” “Ah?” Leng Yijun was already 29 years old and she was still a bachelor. She didn’t want to hide it anymore after she let it go.” I In her heart, Joseph was one of her own.

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What was she hiding? As a young girl, she had to grasp the happiness. Otherwise, after she broke through to becthe female God of War, would she be Madam Kill-All? To go to Mount Emei? Don’t make trouble. “He is handsome, Vanish, stronger than me. 27 years old, at the Divine King level!” Joseph words. No matter how hard Leng Yijun tried to talk to him, he no longer cared about Leng Yijun. Soon, they arrived at the Usmait Airport. The grim-faced Vanish carried a long sword that was scooped up with black cloth on his back and got into Joseph's car. However, as soon as he got in, Joseph threw the car key to him and said, “Listen, I'll only say it once! The woman next to you is called Leng Yijun. She is 29 years old. You can see her appearance by yourself. She has never been in a relationship. She is Yin Chaoge’s best friend and partner. You shall protect her to the Yin family, and then protect Yin Chaoge! Bai Ye may come. Now I'm done. Don’t ask me.

I'm leaving, and don’t follow me. You go by yourself.” After that, Joseph really turned around and left. Without any hesitation, he got into a taxi and ran away in an instant. It was not until Joseph disappeared completely that Vanish’s mouth opened wide. He pointed in the direction of Joseph’s disappearance and said, “My god, isn’t this guy going too far? | regarded him as my boss. What does he think | am? A tool man? He calledback from Outer Region and then ran away by himself? Ran away? Ran away?” Leng Yijun smiled as he looked at the dumbstruck and confused expression on Vanish’s face. She was very satisfied, but the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became. The man she was looking forward to was just like Vanish. “Er...” It’s a little awkward to be looked at by Leng Yijun, so he smiled awkwardly at Leng Yijun and said, “Er, my boss just talked nonsense. Don’t take it seriously.” “No, he didn’t talk nonsense. | was the one who asked him to introduceto a boyfriend. Hello, Vanish, my nis Leng Yijun. I'm a Semi God of War level. I've never been in a relationship before. My body is pure and I'm glad to meet you.” Leng Yijun said with a smile on her face and when Vanish heard her, cold sweat instantly flowed down his face. He just remembered that that day, his boss told him that he wanted to introduce a girlfriend to him. F*ck, this was true. It was too horrible. “Me? Can | run? | want to go back. | want to go back and kill Dark Night's Divine King, okay?” Vanish said to Leng Yijun with tears in his eyes. .

“What do you think, Vanish? Hmm? Am | not good-looking?” Leng Yijun said to Vanish while leaning forward.

Vanish cried in his heart, truly crying. He regretted it. He thought that he could fight with Bai Ye this time, but if he knew that he would have met this witch-like Leng Yijun, he wouldn’t have cso early. At the very least, he would have ca bit later than Slaughter. It was already noon when Vanish brought Leng Yijun back to the Yin family’s main gate. At the stime, a man dressed in white, with white leather shoes on his feet and a fierce look in his eyes appeared under the soil slope in the abandoned construction site a dozen kilometers away from the villa area of the Yin family in Usmait. He was Bai Ye, who finally sneaked into Usmait. At this moment, Bai Ye looked at the busy scene in front of him. Hundreds of people of the Police Department were busy, and the evil in his eyes slowly disappeared. Instead, they were filled with extremely violent and cold killing intent. - “Who is it! Who killed all of my brothers in Team 2! Who is it! I'm going to kill you! You're doomed! You're doomed!