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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111 At this moment, a lot of people gathered in the main hall of Yin Zheng’s house. The atmosphere in the hall was extremely solemn, Cold sweat kept flowing down from Yin Zheng’s face. Yin Kun and his looked very pale. And there was a strong and deep sense of fear in their eyes. Usmait’s God of War, Wang Tianhai, and Eason, the God of War who rushed down from Vowhye the late previous night! Yes, he was Eason, Sebastian’s grandson! There were also Felix, the central region’s God of War, as well as Yin Chaoge and Leng Yijun, who were sitting inside there. Not only that, several other descendants of the Yin family were present too. Wang Tianhai also got the news the previous afternoon, and then he quickly mobilized his men to cover. He also asked for help from the Vowhye's side, but only Eason came. They really couldn't shift any manpower from their side. Therefore, Wang Tianhai had no choice but to request his close friend, Felix, to chere. On one hand, Felix was at the God of War peak level, which was a level higher than him. On the other hand, the most important thing was Felix could get in touch with that Lord, If the Lord was willing to reach out and help this time, then everything would be fine. But since Wang Tianhai told Felix the previous night that he wanted to ask for Mr. Dawson's help, Felix lost courage. Because Mr. Dawson still had to protect Madam Mooney, To ask him to protect Yin Chaoge?for more visit :- www.jarNot to mention anything else, did he honestly think that Yin Chaoge deserved Dragon Temple's Lord from Outer Region protection? What kind of joke was that! Therefore, the atmosphere in Yin Zheng’s main hall felt extremely strange at this moment, Yin Zheng'’s lips trembled and his eyes were full of fear as he spoke to Wang Tianhai, “Mr. Wang, do we need to flee away from Usmait?” Wang Tianhai also nodded with a very serious look, “Well, have you packed up everything? After that, let's go to the central region's military base. There are several assassins from the Outer Region who are at the God of War peak level. They are very strong, and can’t stay any longer in Usmait anymore. But don’t worry, we are the three God of War around here too, Thus, we could safely escort you guys back to the central region's military base, Moreover, the central region’s military strength is indeed much stronger than that of the Usmait’s military, and their weapons are also more advanced. Even if there are seven or eight God of War here, they dare not attack the central region's military directly!” Indeed, Wang Tianhai received snews. Even the message from the Frogua’s military that he received the previous day did not mention that Bai Ye, the Divine King level has entered the border. He was even more unsure that the people who entered the border this tto kill Yin Chaoge includes two Semi titan level and Semi Divine King, eight God of War, and more than hundreds of Semi God of War.

“Nonsense! What escort! Just stay put.” At this moment, they heard an angry roar coming from outside the door in the distance. In the next moment, everyone saw Mr. Dawson, who was dressed in black. He looked angry as he slowly entered from outside. “Boom!” Yin Zheng, Yin Kun, Wang Tianhai, Felix, and the others immediately stood up the moment they saw Mr. Dawson. Yin Zheng and Yin Kun were extremely shocked. Their mouths and eyes were wide open. They didn’t expect that the master who was in charge of Usmait would really come. The next moment, Yin Xizhou, a junior of the Yin family, Yin Kun’s grandson, stood up and shouted at Mr. Dawson, “Who are you? How dare you talk to Mr. Wang like that? Get out of here now!” “Con! Someone cand chase him out now!” At this moment, Yin Xizhou also wanted to show off in front of Wang Tianhai and the other three God of Wars. He foolishly rushed forward to Mr. Dawson and was about to chase him out with his men. Yin Zheng and Yin Kun, who were still in shock, had no tto react. When they were about to speak, Yin Xizhou had already rushed to the front of Mr. Dawson. “Get lost!” The next moment, Mr.

Dawson roared and slapped Yin Xizhou hard. He not only flew away, but his body also moved back to the house at a faster speed. He hit the glass door and a big hole emerged. Then, he continued to fly backward until he fell after hitting the wall. He vomited blood and passed out. Mr. Dawson did not hit him hard. He only wanted this fool to lay on the bed for half a year. At the moment when Mr. Dawson slapped Yin Xizhou away, more than a hundred guards around the Yin family suddenly rushed toward Mr. Dawson. At this moment, they were also very afraid of him, because Yin Xizhou was not a good-for-nothing. He was a five-star level, but he still got slapped away by the man in front of them. It could be seen that the man in front of them was really strong. Yin Chaoge was shocked when she saw this. She hurriedly shouted to the people outside, “Stop! Go back!” Following that, Yin Chaoge stopped the guards and hurriedly turned around. She gritted her teeth and said to Yin Zheng, who was in the hall, “Grandpa, granduncle, I'm sorry. He is Chaoge Technology's new security head. He might have acted in a hurry just now. Please don’t blhim. I'm so sorry.” Mr. Dawson’s expression instantly becextremely gloomy when he heard Yin Chaoge’s words. He said, “Do | need someone like you to plead for me? Do you want your grandfather and granduncle to have a try of my skills?” “Get lost, you troubleswoman. Move aside and stay still..” Mr. Dawson, who was extremely unhappy, pulled Yin Chaoge, who was in front of him, aside and made her return to her seat Yin Chaoge felt absurd when she saw Mr. Dawson’s movements, and her expression face changed wildly. The next moment, she got up again and reached out to point at Mr. Dawson.

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When she was about to scold him, Leng Yijun, who was next to her too, also looked different. She was about to scold him too. Mr. Dawson had gone too far. Even if he was Paige's husband, all the people present on that day were top big shots in Usmait. Mr. Dawson would be finished in the event if something went wrong However, just as Yin Chaoge and Leng Yijun were about to scold Mr. Dawson, they suddenly saw a scene that completely shocked them. Because Yin Zheng, Yin Chaoge’s grandfather, and Yin Kun, her granduncle, knelt in front of Mr.

Dawson and looked extremely frightened. When Yin Zheng he granddaughter had said to Mr. Dawson earlier, he was extremely frightened. “D*mn it! She must be joking with me. for more visit :- www.jar| can’t stand a joke like this. How could you ask the Giant level of the Outer Region to be your security guard? F*ck.” | Yin Zheng was so scared that his whole body was shivering and his face looked extremely pale. Yin Kun had the slook. Earlier on, his grandson attacked him? He was in a bad mood at this moment. “Lord, I'm sorry. | really don’t know that silly girl, Chaoge, dared to recruit you to Chaoge Group. I'm really sorry. Lord, it’s all my fault.

It’s Yin family’s fault,” Yin Zheng said to Mr. Dawson with great fear. Mr. Dawson snorted, lowered his head, and said with a sneer, “Old man, don’t pretend to be innocent in front of me. Haven't you been scheming this for a long talready? Do you think I'm st*pid? Well, haven't you got my wife's best friend to get involved with your granddaughter to tieup? Haha, old man, you really are such a scheming person. But how dare you plot against me? You're finished. I'll get even with you after this matter is over!” Yin Zheng's face becpaler, and his heart was filled with bitterness after hearing this.

Indeed, he never thought that his plan could deceive Mr. Dawson. However, he had no choice but to do so when Wang Tianhai, the God of War from Usmait promised to protect the Yin family already. However, Yin Zheng, who had been adventuring his whole life, did not think so. He knew very well that Wang Tianhai could not protect the Yin family. For example, when the Outer Region's assassins attacked again this time, Wang Tianhai could only take them flee. But could they really flee successfully? If they could safely reach the central region’s military base, then it would be very safe. But who knew what would happen during their journey there? Could they really reach the central region’s military base alive? Yin Zheng did not believe that, and he had no sense of security at all.

Therefore, he could only put his hopes on Mr. Dawson. Even if he would anger him because of this, he would not hesitate to do so. Anyway, he was about to die. His granddaughter was the one he loved most. She had grown up in his arms and becthe true phoenix of the Yin family. That was why he dared to plot against him. It didn’t matter even if he had to die for this. At this moment, Yin Chaoge and Leng Yijun, who were standing beside them, were completely scared out of their wits when they saw this scene. That was her grandfather, the master of the Yin family, the second top family in Usmait! At this moment, he was kneeling in front of Mr.

Dawson and apologizing to him? At this moment, Yin Chaoge felt that her life was in a mess, and she was no better than Leng Yijun. Her mind went completely blank as she looked at the scene in front of her eyes.

“Grandpa, grandpa. You, you... he, he, he... Who is he? Grandpa, don’t scare me!” Yin Chaoge stammered to Yin Zheng. Yin Zheng lowered his head and turned around. He continued to kneel to Mr. Dawson and said, “Sigh, Chaoge, stop asking. You just need to know that you are fine. This time, our Yin family will be fine too. Hurry up and thank Lord!” “Me...?” After hearing Yin Zheng’s words, Yin Chaoge looked at him again. At this moment, Mr.

Dawson immediately sat at the host's seat. For a moment, she felt extremely strange and didn’t know what to do. She thought to herself, “Should | kneel down and thank him?” She refused to accept this in her heart. “Forget it! Old man, let’s settle our affairs. We'll talk about your problems later. Now, be quiet and listen to my arrangements!” Mr. Dawson, who was sitting on the host's seat, waved his hand and said angrily. As soon as Mr.

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Dawson finished speaking, everyone was extremely quiet. He remained seated while Yin Zheng and Yin Kun, both knelt respectfully in front of him. Wang Tianhai and Felix bowed their heads respectfully and stood up.

Eason stood up too. Yin Chaoge and Leng Yijun looked at the scene in front of them in a daze and ordered Mr.

Dawson, “Wang Tianhai and Felix, take the people of the Yir fortress later. Don’t you all ever cout before | cback!” O “Yes!” Wang Tianhai and Felix accepted the order respectfully. Mr. Dawson looked at Eason again and frowned. Then, he asked him a question. “And, who are you?” At this moment, Eason’s heart was not much better than that of Leng Yijun and Yin Chaoge. He was extremely shocked. Who was this person in front of him? It seemed that he was about the sage as him, but his aura made him feel terrified. When did such a scary person exist in Frogua? This person’s aura seemed to be no worse than his grandfather, Sebastian. Eason was extremely shocked and said subconsciously, “I... | am Eason, from Vowhye. Mr. Dawson frowned and said unhappily, “Are you Sebastian’s grandson? The grandson who just broke through to the early stage of God of War? Why are you roaming around like this? Go back to Vowhye this afternoon. Don’t make trouble here!” “Uh...” Eason was stunned. When he heard what Mr. Dawson said, he didn’t feel good at all. The people of the Yin family in the hall also felt extremely strange. He was Sebastian’s grandson, the grandson of the highest commander of the Frogua’s military, who had the strength of a God of War. Did he just get taught a lesson by the person in front of him? In an instant, everyone couldn't help but look at Wang Tianhai and Felix, the two senior God of War.

Then, they were surprised to find that these two people were actually nodding slightly. Obviously, they agreed with what Mr. Dawson said. Eason was extremely depressed, but under the pressure of Mr. Dawson’s monstrous aura, he couldn’t even raise his head. He could only stand there like a fool and looked like a mess... Indeed, at this moment, he looked like a mess in front of Mr. Dawson. He was once the strongest and outstanding genius in Vowhye. And when had he been criticized like this by someone? Eason was stunned, but Mr. Dawson ignored him. In Mr. Dawson's heart, he felt that Eason was here to make trouble. Sebastian had fought and dedicated his whole life to Frogua. It was not easy for him to have a grandson who had broken through and becGod of War. The Parks family finally had a successor. If Eason died here, the blow to Sebastian would be unimaginable.

Moreover, the whole Frogua would be in chaos if Sebastian lost his grandson. There was no need for Eason to be here! He was unnecessary and only going to cause trouble! The next moment, Joseph looked at Leng Yijun again and said, “And you, Leng Yijun, haven't you been beating around the bush while trying to test my strength all this time? Well, then you can pretend to be Yin Chaoge and go out with me. Now you two should quickly take off your clothes and put on this fake human skin mask. Hurry up, | will give you five minutes at most!” After saying that, Joseph threw a simulated mask at Leng Yijun. The mask was made according to Yin Chaoge’s face. Leng Yijun and Yin Chaoge have similar figures. However, sbody parts were bigger. It should be fine by tightening them. “Um, me,” Leng Yijun was also stunned. “And what about you? for more visit :- www.jarThen, go ahead...” Joseph could not help but shout at Leng Yijun when he saw that she was still standing there in a daze. Then, Yin Chaoge dragged her to the bedroom beside them to exchange clothes.

In the quiet hall, only Joseph leaned forward and sat on the chair. And, his expression becangrier. Two big troubles! He knew it! He knew it all along!