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The Rise of Dragon Temple By Wu Xia

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 “Dragon Temple? What's that?” Paige asked Yin Chaoge in confusion. Leng Yijun was the same, she had never heard of it either. However, she felt that Yin Chaoge was very worshipful of that. Yin Chaoge nodded and said, “Before this, I'd never heard of the Dragon Temple as well. | was told by the God of War of Frogua, Charles. In the Outer Region battlefield, there are countless warriors, and there’s also the most central stage in the whole world.

In contrast, it feels like God of War is the top warrior, right? In Dragon Temple, where although the God of War level warrior is also a party of warriors. It is far from being a party overlord, and they don’t even have the qualification of hegemony.” Yin Chaoge continued after a pause, “That's because beyond the God of War rank, there’s the Divine King level warriors, which is much more powerful. The Slaughter, who saved my life, is one of the Divine King level warriors. It was a piece of cake for him to deal with someone of the God of War level.” On top of the Divine King level, there was the most terrifying Titan level. It was also the true Overload of the Outer Region battlefield! Yin Chaoge squinted his eyes and said seriously, “I guess it’s hard for you girls to comprehend. Or to put it another way, and this is also how it's commonly said in the Outer Region. That is, for example, if God of War level is considered as God of War, then Divine King level, would be the king level!” “Moreover, the Titan level was a more powerful rank of the Royal level. | don’t know how many Royal level warriors there were on the Outer Region battlefield. However, the Dragon Temple's Lord, who was about the sage as me, was at the Royal level! He was promoted by killing an old Royal level warrior and seriously injuring another!” “What? How is this possible? How could there be a person who had such a powerful individual force in this world?” Leng Yijun was shocked instantly after hearing this. It was not that she did not know that there might be stronger existences above the God of War level. However, she had no idea there would be so many. In that moment, Leng Yijun’s heart was shocked to its core. It was so dangerous, and there were so many existences stronger than Joseph. Alas, if Joseph was here, he would probably sigh again in his heart and have no way to deal with Paige. Yin Chaoge nodded incomparably seriously and said: “Well, that’s why the third person | really want to meet on my return to Frogua this tis the Dragon Temple's Lord! See if | can still compete with the legend of Junlin Group.” But for the man who founded the Dragon Temple within a few years, | was nowhere near good enough. Leng Yijun asked Yin Chaoge again, “Do you mean to say that the Lord of Dragon Temple is also from Frogua? Is he a Frogua citizen?” Yin Chaoge nodded, but soon after, he shook his head and said, “Well, that God-like man is from Frogua. This was what Mr. Charles told me. But | don’t know if he is now in Frogua, maybe that kind of man’s goal is the stars and the sea. | heard that the God-like man used five years to build that Dragon Temple. | really want to see such an existence. It's good enough even if we are able to meet once only. It's very desirable. | didn’t expect that there was such a powerful person in the world... | think highly of myself, but when compared with that man, | am far from being able to compete.” Leng Yijun nodded in agreement. She had been working with Yin Chaoge for nearly two months and she already knew very well what kind of woman Yin Chaoge was. Yin Chaoge was incredibly confident and even conceited. In Usmait, the only person who could be considered an equal in her eyes was the founder of the Junlin Group. However, she did not expect that in Yin Chaoge’s heart, there was actually a person who would make her marvel and admire. The silly heroine, Paige, was also stunned and dumbfounded at the moment. Since ancient times, beautiful women have loved heroes. Despite having someone in her heart and never e with another man, she also wanted to meet the Lord of Dragon Temple, who has been described as a god-like man! This had nothing to do with love, but just wanted to meet him.

Yin Chaoge nodded and continued, “Well, such a person is really admirable. He didn’t join the Frogua Military, but from what Mr. Charles said, the Dragon Temple which was led by him had helped Frogua to block many calamities on the Outer Region battlefield. For example, half a year ago, the Dragon Temple Lord killed a hostile Frogua emperor. Just thinking about it had madeexcited, even if I'm just a weak woman. After listening to the story of that being, | also want to fight on the Outer Region battlefield.” Yin Chaoge’s narration enhanced their admiration for that Dragon Temple Lord. The thought of meeting each other was getting heavier. Paige is also secretly banging in her heart that she would definitely ask her husband whether he had heard of the Dragon Temple Lord on the Outer Region battlefield. Well, the silly heroine, Paige, at the moment, was more eager to know more about the background of that Lord... Meanwhile, Joseph was sitting in the Junlin Group Headquarters Tower, the top floor of the president's office. He sneezed hard and had a very strange feeling in his heart. “Mr.

Dawson, what's wrong with you? Do you feel unwell? Should | ask the doctor on the 15th floor to cup now?” At the moment, Ren Pingsheng, who was standing behind Joseph and was the vice president of junlin Group, said to Joseph with great concern. In addition, he now knew that Joseph left Usmait and fought in the Outer Region years earlier. He was afraid that Joseph had shidden injuries. Hearing that, Joseph waved his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter, it's just a sneeze. According to Frogua, someone must be thinking about me, right? Oh, by the way, how was the thing | asked you to do before | came? Have you released the news that the Junlin Group is going to hold a conference at the end of next month to announce my return?” Ren Pingsheng, vice president of Junlin Group, nodded and said, “Well, Mr. Dawson. Don’t worry, it was posted ten minutes ago. Now there are hundreds of thousands of comments on the post. Almost all of them congratulate you on your return! Besides, the news of Fu Junlin’s betrayal of you is spreading in Usmait these days. So | think your conference a month later will definitely be very sensational.” “Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s sensational or not, I'm just a little depressed. Do you believe that my wife helpedfind a job with an annual salary of several million dollars while she thinks | don’t have a job now?” Joseph nodded his head, then asked Ren Pingsheng in a somewhat odd manner. Ren Pingsheng was stunned on the spot and the muscles on his face twitched viciously a few times.

After a long while, he said bitterly to Joseph, “Mr. Dawson, you knew that | had a heart attack. You should not make fun of me. Letting the president of Junlin Group, who was with a fortune of at least a few hundred billions, to get a job that pays millions a year?” Ren Pingsheng did not believe it. Joseph raised his hand helplessly and patted his head, saying, “It’s true. Because | haven't told her my real identity yet. Alas, forget it. I'm going back.

You can continue to manage the affairs of Junlin Group. By the way, train a few more women to be managers, supervisors or any other position.” Ren Pingsheng nodded and asked in confusion, “Well, Mr. Dawson, we have a lot of female managers and supervisors, so why do we still train them?” Joseph said even more helplessly, “Of course it's for my wife. Do you really think that | will be in charge of Junlin Group by myself in a few months?” Joseph looked at him seriously.

The poor vice president of Junlin Group, who held a similar position as Yin Zheng and Shangguan Bo in Usmait He was stunned at the moment and thus said, “What do you mean, Mr. Dawson? Don’t tease me. Junlin Group belongs to you and not me, okay? Who will take over if you don’t?” At that time, Mr. Ren was in a mess, but Joseph still looked at him seriously... Well, do you mean that you don’t want to take over the Junlin Group?” Ren Pingsheng opened his mouth wide and asked Joseph. Joseph nodded rightfully and said, “You're right. Why would | take over the group? Am | not tired of managing such a big company? Do you think I'm stupid? After so many years of struggling outside, now it’s tto enjoy, but you still want to makebe so tired?” “D*mn it! You're serious!” Ren Pingsheng roared wildly in his heart and stared at Joseph. “Joseph, could you make sense when you're saying something? Why are you so tired? And is this really a big deal?” “This is Junlin Group, which ranks first in Usmait and has the largest business in the world!” Ren Pingsheng felt that he was about to have a heart attack because of the words from Joseph. He felt that he could not go on like this, so he did not beat around the bush. He simply said to Joseph, “Mr. Dawson, do you know what you are saying? This was the Junlin Group! It was ranked first in Usmait and valued at trillions! Joseph was speechless and nodded, saying, “Yes, | know. But what's wrong with that? Have you really thought that | was playing in Outer Region these years? I've got several companies like Junlin, and there are sother things as well. Do you expectto manage all of them? Am | crazy or what? Don’t | want to live? Don’t | want to accompany my daughter? Don’t | want to accompany my wife? Huh? Is it possible that | have to be a tool?” The more Joseph said, the more furious he was. He continued to lecture Ren Pingsheng, “Why do you think in this way? How cyou don’t know how to live at such an old age? My father-in-law, Yahir, is only about the sage as you, and still goes out to have fun behind his wife's back. According to his words, after struggling for more than half a lifetime, can’t you enjoy it? Anyway, | don’t care. I've brought the message to you. Before my wife takes over the Junlin Group, you can play around with it.” Well, the mighty Lord, Joseph left after finishing his words. After a long time, Ren Pingsheng who was in a daze, cto his senses. When he wanted to talk to Joseph again, he found that Joseph had already left. After he finished digesting Joseph’s words, he beceven more frantic. “D*mn, play around? What else can | play? It's the group that ranked the top in Usmait. I'm in a f*cking state of mind!” An hour later, Mr. Ren was talking to himself for a long tin the president’s office of the Junlin Group. Then, a doctor who rushed up from downstairs attached him to the infusion bottle.