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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1264
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Chapter 1264 Kai said, “This bracelet is for Zach, that ungrateful man. If it weren't to make him wake up sooner, | wouldn't have to make up this lie and have her take risks just to send this bracelet to Ventropolis.” Lana did not know what happened, and she did not dare to ask further for fear of causing any trouble for Kai. She responded, “Go take a shower and sleep soon. Also, don't disturb the children; they've just fallen asleep.” When she saw the child who had been drinking milk had already fallen asleep, Lana pulled up her shirt and handed the child to Kai. Kai then carried the baby and placed the baby in the twin crib nearby.

Kai said, “I'll go take a shower now. You should sleep soon.” Lana responded, “It's okay, I'll wait for you.” Kai stretched his hand to rub her head. “I still need to look at some documents later. You don’t have to wait for me, get some rest.” He suppressed his emotions, turned around, and walked out of the room.

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There was a separate room for visitors in the ward and he had been sleeping there for the past several days.

He left in a hurry without giving Lana a chance to make him stay.

As she watched the door close, disappointment slowly filled Lana's eyes.

After Kai entered the adjacent room, he lay on the bed without even taking his shoes off. With his hand on his eyes, it did not take long before he fell asleep.

Chapter 1264 In the middle of the night, Lana quietly entered the room. She felt for the switch on the wall and soon the room lit up. Her wound had healed somewhat, but it still hurt. She walked slowly, supporting herself against the wall as she approached Kai. She then carefully helped him take off his shoes before taking off his shirt.

Perhaps Kai had been too exhausted lately; no matter how much movement there was, he did not wake up.

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After doing all of that, Lana sat at the edge of the bed to take off her slippers. She then lifted the blanket and slipped under it, lying beside Kai.

The next morning, Kai was awakened by his phone vibrating under the pillow. With his eyes closed, he felt for the phone and grabbed it to answer. “Hi, what's the matter?” “Kail The person you sent over has already woken up. But there's been some bad news. If you have time, come and take a look.” Upon hearing this news, Kai felt his left arm was a little numb. He moved his hand and looked inside the blanket, realizing that someone was actually sleeping beside him. When he lifted the blanket and saw Lana, he was stunned for a moment. He uncovered the blanket and responded to his mentor, “I got it. I'll come over soon.” “I heard that your wife is pregnant. When did you get married? Why didn’t | know? Why didn’t you invite me to the wedding?” Kai lowered his voice and said, “It's complicated. I'll explain to you when | see you later.” “Sure, be careful on the way here.” Chapter 1264 3/4 “Okay.” After hanging up the phone, Kai set it aside. He then carefully withdrew his hand without disturbing Lana. However, she seemed to be awake. She moved closer to Kai and rested her head on his chest. ” Andrew, someone is watching over the babies. Let's sleep a little longer.” Kai kept his eyes open, staring at the ceiling above. Fifteen minutes later, it was already ten o'clock. When he saw Lana had fallen asleep again, he slowly got up. After he walked out of the room, he happened to see the nanny holding one of the kids walking out. She said to Kai,” The meal is ready and there’s tomato soup in the pot. Should | bring it over to ma'am?” Kai had already put on his shirt. He felt significantly more refreshed after a good night's rest. “No. Let her sleep a little longer. When I'm not around, no matter who it is, don't let her leave the ward. If she wants to, call the nurse. As long as she stays here, no one will dare to hurt her.” Vanguard Hospital was an important place. If something happened in here, it would not go unnoticed, and the consequences would be severe.

The nanny replied, “I understand.” After Kai left with his things, he drove away from Vanguard Hospital.

Blake was sitting in Liam’s car when she received a call from Kai for the first time. She hurriedly picked it up. “Dr. Stewart, do you need something?” Chapter 1264 Kai asked, “Where are you now?” 4/4