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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn)

Chapter 1262
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Chapter 1262 Cecilia glared at Kai furiously as all those unbearable memories flooded back. But she quickly suppressed her emotions and forced out a smile as she said, “With my current status, no one cares about how | used to be. What matters to people now is how | can benefit them. With the power | have now, | can change all of Ventropolis.” Kai suddenly laughed. He had a disdainful expression as he turned to look at Cecilia. “Do you really think you're all-powerful? Cecilia, whether it’s you or Zach, no single individual can control everything.

There is always a balance, and this balance can never be disrupted.” Cecilia did not take Kai's words seriously. She fiddled with the fallen leaf near her. “Enough. If Zach heard what you just said, he'd just ignore it. | won't listen either.

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“I'm here to tell you that if you want to hide, it's best to stay somewhere | can never hurt you. Of course, don’t give me the opportunity to harm you either. Besides Madelyn, you're the first person I'll go after.

“Oh, by the way, | think you wouldn't want Lana to know the truth, right? “Andrew died a long time ago. Do you think she'd go crazy if | told her the truth?” A hint of cruelty appeared in Kai's eyes. He then chuckled lightly, “Do you think you're the only one who can use others’ vulnerabilities to threaten people?” Chapter 1262 2/3 Cecilia looked at the phone in Kai's hand and her expression immediately changed. The phone screen displayed fluctuating voice waves, indicating their conversation was being recorded. Kai said, Our entire conversation since your arrival has been and is still being recorded.

“I've learned this from you-threaten people with their vulnerabilities.

If anything ever happens to Lana, I'll assume you're involved in it.

“If something happens to her or the children, if you hurt even a single hair on their head, I'll expose everything.

“Your past videos from the club, videos of your stripping performances, and your relationship with Blake will be displayed on the largest screens and billboards in the center of Ventropolis for everyone to see.

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“I'll let them witness what the dignified CEO of Jardin Corporation had to do in front of a group of men for a living.

“Now, if 'm not wrong, what you care about the most right now is probably Blake. From my sources, she’s your only family member now. If she were to be poisoned and died, | believe no one would trace it back to me.” Cecilia, no longer concealing her anger, glared at Kai. “What do yo want?” Kai replied, “For you to mind your own business. I've said it-Lana and the children are my bottom line.

“If you appear in front of me again, | don’t mind telling Blake about your arrival today. I'll let her thoroughly investigate how you managed “1 Chapter 1262 to get in here!” 3/3 Cecilia suffered a huge setback. She was extremely frustrated, a feeling that she had never felt before. She thought, ‘This bastard child actually dares to threaten me?! However, it was certain that none of them would act recklessly as they had leverage over each other.

After Cecilia left Vanguard Hospital, Lana had been waiting in the ward for Kai to return. She tried to call him many times, but she was notified that his phone was switched off.

Kai still had not returned after the sky got dark. Just when Lana, who was feeding her child in her arms, began to worry about him, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open. Kai had returned, and he was exhausted. When he saw Lana on the bed with her chest exposed, he — instinctively looked away. At that moment, Lana’s breast milk splashed out, staining the bed.

She looked at Kai with a strange expression. “Andrew, what's wrong? The milk splattered on the bed. Can you help me get the tissues and wipe it off?” “I'll call the nanny to help you.” As Kai turned around and reache door, he was stopped by Lana. “Andrew, I've already asked her to diapers. She won't be back so soon. The tissues are right there; j help me with it.” Kai then turned back, grabbed the box of tissues, and tossed it to Lana without looking at her.

Lana felt very sad. “Why are you so embarrassed? I'm feeding the child, and you're my husband. You don’t need to avoid looking at me.”